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Pakistanis be ready, time of action is here and now.

Will Pakistan stand behind its PM and Kashmiris if PM declared war on India to fight the war of liberation of Kashmir.. too much is too much ????

I believe that if they start ethnic cleansing, we will step in in'sha'Allah. Our PM is a lion. A lion doesn't bark like a dog on every little issue. But when the time comes, the lion roars.


It has become very easy to barter the defenses of the nation---because there are no consequences---.

There were no consequences for air base commanders and chief security officer of the bases where the Awacs were destroyed---.

I don't drink---I care less if anyone else drinks---but to sell the interests of the nation---that must be a death sentence---.

Hi, thanks for your input, much appreciated. It don't matter if you drink or not - but it matters to the vast majority of Pakistanis, who are conservative Muslims.

It matters to them that a tiny secular godless elite constantly sells out their country on a regular basis. It matters to them when they see their people sold to Americans without trial or jury. It matters to them when Kashmir is sold again and again for the benefit of that few, secular, godless, whiskey drinking elite, who will send their children to the West, and whose loyalty lies their.

As Macauley stated in parliament in 1835:
'Official funds should only be spent on English and Western Education in India to produce a class of persons who would be racially Indian, “But English in taste, in opinions, in morals, and in intellect.” Such people would also be loyal to the British out of recognition of their moral worth.'

And yet, this clear 5th column within us, so directly set up, so clear, is ignored by those that are either stupid or colluding with them for their own benefit.
In 1965 Bhutto and Ayub overestimated Kashmiri response... Or lack of response.. that was like The Bay of Pigs for Pakistan.. In 1999 Musharraf underestimated the Indian response..
But what is Crystal Clear now is the American desperation to seek Pakistan's help in Afghanistan.. actually Trump's personal desperation to be reelected.. and also clear that India is more failed in Kashmir than ever before since 1947...
Too many tyrants in history were very efficient and democratically elected... just weren't visionaries... Mr Modi perhaps joining the ranks...
We have successfully derailed the thread.........
On hind sight, vision is always 20/20, but Pak US history cannot be rewritten.
I shall accept your argument about Mirage 2K, I dont remember the talks, but I would say this - India bought M2K about same time in early 80's Pakistan got F-16 so I do t see advantage Pakistan buying same platform.


Being a Mirage 3/5 user---France anticipated that Paf would become the first buyer to project the product---.

Pakistan's welwishers had suggested to the Paf to get an alternate aircraft the Mirage 2000 as well so to be SANCTIONS PROOF---.

36 F16's---36 Mirage 2000's---. There would be no sanctions---. The Paf as usual never listened to anyone---. Pakistan would and should have been the first operator of the M2K's after the french---.

India would have never bought the M2k's after that---.

It is just like now---if ther Paf gets the J10's---the BLK52's / 70's would automatically fall in the lap---.
The abbotabad raid was not a collusion. The helo was shot down and all navy seals died there, although another fake incident was created in Afghanistan which signalled the demise of all navy seals. US was not able to show a single proof that they had OBL in their possession - dead or alive. That is why the whole drama of burial at sea was created. No DNA tests were made.

After that the relations between both militaries nose dived. Then, terrorists started attacking the reconnaissance planes in Karachi, then kamra and then peshawar. It was like those planes had detected something that was not supposed to be detected - that is the seal team 6. In retaliation, an attack was conducted at US base Camp Bastion in Afghanistan, destroying all fighter planes there. This was an indication that tit for tat was possible. Only then did the attacks on Pakistani air bases stopped.

This is my interpretation of the events. It strongly points out that there was no collusion.
I personally believe the OBL thing was fake and he probably died before the incident. If you take a look at the helicopter wreckage, the scenery looked way too convenient. There were charred marks on the ground as signs of an explosion, but if you looked at the so-called "stealth helicopter" tail fragment, it looked like it was in excellent condition - not a single burn. Also, why is this helicopter still not out yet? Forget about that. How the hell do Chinook helicopters fly so deeply into Pakistan territory undetected?
I personally believe the OBL thing was fake and he probably died before the incident. If you take a look at the helicopter wreckage, the scenery looked way too convenient. There were charred marks on the ground as signs of an explosion, but if you looked at the so-called "stealth helicopter" tail fragment, it looked like it was in excellent condition - not a single burn. Also, why is this helicopter still not out yet? Forget about that. How the hell do Chinook helicopters fly so deeply into Pakistan territory undetected?

Meanwhile, it is claimed PAF radars were conveniently shut down for the occasion. These b@stards sold us out. For visas, and houses abroad, and cushy jobs. Starting from Musharaf till IK. Civil and military both. And do we even remember our brave men in Salalah post? no help came for them, no action was taken. Nothing.

There are traitors in our middest. Those that will sell the country at a critical point. These traitors are born from the education they are given, and the trip to Sandhurst and elsewhere in the West. Where focused psychological warfare is played with them to mould their minds.

Honest military officers such as pshamim, and a few that I have known, smart enough to understand what is being done, openly admitted the same. We as a nation, if we are to successfully defend Pakistan, have to get rid of this colonial legacy and clean out our institutions.
In 1965 Bhutto and Ayub overestimated Kashmiri response... Or lack of response.. that was like The Bay of Pigs for Pakistan.. In 1999 Musharraf underestimated the Indian response..
But what is Crystal Clear now is the American desperation to seek Pakistan's help in Afghanistan.. actually Trump's personal desperation to be reelected.. and also clear that India is more failed in Kashmir than ever before since 1947...
Too many tyrants in history were very efficient and democratically elected... just weren't visionaries... Mr Modi perhaps joining the ranks...
Kashmir was in Pakistan's lap during 1962 indo-china war October-november. India had to send troop to Laddakh and McMohan line, tin plate field Marshall kept sleeping and Pakistan which could got Kasmir without firing a bullet lost it for 70 years now.
Kashmir was in Pakistan's lap during 1962 indo-china war October-november. India had to send troop to Laddakh and McMohan line, tin plate field Marshall kept sleeping and Pakistan which could got Kasmir without firing a bullet lost it for 70 years now.

Everything happens when its meant to happen. No a minute sooner or later. If it didn't happen, then we were not ready as a nation to have it. We also lost East Pakistan as a collective punishment for our own doings.
Are we better as a nation now to deserve more from the Almighty?
If and when we are, things will move and we will get what we deserve.
Until then, do not talk about who did what and what they could have done, but talk about whatever could've been done would have resulted in the same outcome because things don't happen as per the planning of humans.
I hope you would know that much being a Muslim?
Will Pakistan stand behind its PM and Kashmiris if PM declared war on India to fight the war of liberation of Kashmir.. too much is too much ????

I'd say let India play out their game. Apparently article 370 was red line for so called secular Kashmiri muslim leadership since 1948. I've been reading Sheikh Abdullah history on wiki, he was basically Kashmiri bacha khan and puppet of Nehru. He told UN how tribals killed his people and raped their women only to be saved by great Indian army.

Lets face it, Pakistanis just don't want to accept the fact that slogan of Pakistan never quite reached deep in to valley. Neither they want to become part of Pakistan even if India leave, this is why they stick with 3 options in plebiscite. This 3rd option was not given to anyone else. Its all propaganda by military establishment in Pakistan.

Last thing we need is another useless landlocked small country in neighbour to be controlled by foreign super power. This 3rd option should be unacceptable to both Pakistan and India and Pakistan should make it clear to everyone from AJK to Gilgit to IoK. There are many namak haram AJK who are anti-Pakistan, especially in UK.

Everything happens when its meant to happen. No a minute sooner or later. If it didn't happen, then we were not ready as a nation to have it. We also lost East Pakistan as a collective punishment for our own doings.
Are we better as a nation now to deserve more from the Almighty?
If and when we are, things will move and we will get what we deserve.
Until then, do not talk about who did what and what they could have done, but talk about whatever could've been done would have resulted in the same outcome because things don't happen as per the planning of humans.
I hope you would know that much being a Muslim?

Here is problem with Pakistanis, they are blind sided by propaganda and live in buble. Even Kashmiri separatists are not pro Pakistan, they ask for our help but just in the name of ummah. Proof? Even separatists want 3rd option in plebiscite, and that is to become independent country. Stop dreaming about conquering IoK. 1965 and 1999 should be lesson for all future generals.
I personally believe the OBL thing was fake and he probably died before the incident. If you take a look at the helicopter wreckage, the scenery looked way too convenient. There were charred marks on the ground as signs of an explosion, but if you looked at the so-called "stealth helicopter" tail fragment, it looked like it was in excellent condition - not a single burn. Also, why is this helicopter still not out yet? Forget about that. How the hell do Chinook helicopters fly so deeply into Pakistan territory undetected?


When the tail hit the top of the wall---it broke off and the front fell into the yard---so there was separation of tail from the cabin---.

The cabin was destroyed by using thermite type explosive---which just burnt the critical areas to almost like ashes---.

The important part on the tail was the disk on the rear rotor---. So---if someone has build a stealth chopper---it would mean that we won't see it unless it is shown---.

Kashmir was in Pakistan's lap during 1962 indo-china war October-november. India had to send troop to Laddakh and McMohan line, tin plate field Marshall kept sleeping and Pakistan which could got Kasmir without firing a bullet lost it for 70 years now.


His buddy at that time was Kennedy---. He stated that Kennedy promised him to resolve Kashmir---so he did not want to upset his 'buddy' Kennedy by capturing Kashmir in 1962 in a military action---.

Amazing pakistanis---and their even more amazing demented loyalties---.

Told you guys that this Air Chief is a COWARD---.

Paf is an extremely deceitful organization---. They knew that after 27th feb---indians would be retaliating---.

The Paf have intentionally kept their number of aircraft lower over the years even though there were multiple opportunities to buy aircraft---so that Pak Army does not start a war---.

Paf knows if their aircraft numbers were higher---they would have to fight a war for the Pak army---.
You have some brain issues.
Partly correct
Okay couple of things. I don't want to rain down on your parade, but I am seeing this thing happening again and again in this forum. That thing is :

People taking Trump's words seriously.

Please don't do that. This is the same guy who said Covfefe in the middle of the night. Who called for "extreme vetting" of Muslims. The same guy who sitting in his presidential chair has called people of his own team with all sorts of names AND didn't even leave his intelligence team from contempt.

Simply put, his words are NOT to be believed.

If he says "Pakistan is unreliable, bad or whatever". He doesn't know what he is talking about.
If he says "I love Pakistan, its PM". He doesn't know what he is talking about.
If he says "Kashmir belongs to Canada". He does not know what he is talking about.
If he says "India asked me to help them sort out their border problems." He does not know what he is talking about.

Another thing : When he speaks, he speaks by himself. IE there is no deep state that can control him or heck guide him. He is an independent freak.

The only thing which you should READ in any "dealing" with US right now is their actions. So thats what you have.

125 million dollars worth of F-16 goodies. Now take that and interpret as what you wish. Thats the sole truth in this "diplomacy" with trump or any of his underlings. Rest, is BS.

We should let em come inside and then PA should use guerilla warfare.
India did fund, train and support TTP after all.

Give em a taste of their own medicine.
Pakistanis are ready Sir,
we have already condemned Indian moves, we are begging Trump to mediate, we will talk to intl community.
Full scale colonization and genocide has started in Kashmir. India has shut down all communication there.
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