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Pakistanis be ready, time of action is here and now.

Yes, I agree and now we have some of the most battle-hardened troops on earth. We just need proper generals and a strong economy and political leadership.

We need to match India in more innovative ways, like bringing in a second tier with a conscript army to support our professional army. This is what Israel did and all smaller countries, when facing a larger country, do.

We need to have an effective air force that cooperates with the Army and navy. And then we need to have the balls and a plan to take back Kashmir. Not as a limited war along the LOC, but, knowing that India will attack on all fronts, start a full scale war along the entire border. Attack places they don't expect (they always expect us to try to cut of Kashmir, and we always oblige).

Once we have attacked fast and hard, in an unexpected time and place(s), we can then trade territory for Kashmir, and if we press the attack and use the right tactics, we may be able to defeat India in a way reminiscent of German takeover of France. But we have to be persistent, be brave and see the war through. We have to have a top military command based on merit and not seniority or old boys club.
Sir jee India ki 8 lac fauj hai Kashmir me sirf. Aur apki total army 6 lac hai
Sir jee India ki 8 lac fauj hai Kashmir me sirf. Aur apki total army 6 lac hai

Issi liye hume conscription lani hei. Meaning, for instance, after matriculation, x percent of the students will have to serve 6 months in the military. This can help us raise 200,000 soldiers on the cheap, about 12 divisions worth. These divisions can be used for holding various positions, and as defensive and reserve formations.

Now, India has a huge number stuck in Kashmir. It leaves much of the other parts of their border with us exposed. If we launch a blitzkreig along the entire border, while holding them defensively in Kashmir, we can take over large parts of Indian Punjab, Hariana, Rajasthan and Gujrat.

With much of their army trapped in Kashmir, these flanks will be their weakness. Taking these vast territories will result in a complete change in the regional calculus.

@Signalian I remember we used to have this discussion before. You still around?
I personally believe the OBL thing was fake and he probably died before the incident. If you take a look at the helicopter wreckage, the scenery looked way too convenient. There were charred marks on the ground as signs of an explosion, but if you looked at the so-called "stealth helicopter" tail fragment, it looked like it was in excellent condition - not a single burn. Also, why is this helicopter still not out yet? Forget about that. How the hell do Chinook helicopters fly so deeply into Pakistan territory undetected?
I personally believe the OBL thing was fake and he probably died before the incident. If you take a look at the helicopter wreckage, the scenery looked way too convenient. There were charred marks on the ground as signs of an explosion, but if you looked at the so-called "stealth helicopter" tail fragment, it looked like it was in excellent condition - not a single burn. Also, why is this helicopter still not out yet? Forget about that. How the hell do Chinook helicopters fly so deeply into Pakistan territory undetected?
There was a reason US controlled 'terrorists' were attacking Pak Recon planes. US helos were detected by Pak & 1 shot down.

Because, Americans didn't have anything about OBL to present, hence, fake burial at seat. Most importantly, no DNA tests; this aaludes to the in certainty of Americans. They were concerned that OBL could appear somewhere else. That is why no DNA tests.
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