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Pakistanis be ready, time of action is here and now.

Nawaz claims he had no idea of it.
Same is the case with his money, no idea where it came from is his claim.

Ganja was the scapegoat.

The real culprit responsible for the disaster was Musharraf.
Our troops couldn't be resupplied, were pounded by LGBs and bofors and were left to their fate.
Musharraf did the right thing, maybe we wouldn’t be here today with a radical leading neighboring country and two nations on verge of nuclear conflict, If army would’ve pressed India further instead of pulling back during kargil. I’m sure Kashmir would’ve been solved. We all noticed change in Indian tone after kargil thrashing till Mumbai attacks. Indeed we missed a golden chance to give a knock out punch to enemy and sacrifices of our shaeeds went down the drain. Only a traitor can pull out such a stunt against his people.
We made a big mistake, basically paf made a big mistake but they were restricted by the army.
Modi wants destruction of pakistan and everyone knows about bjp background.he was elected again and now he will do what nobody can think about.india is going to attack pakistan soon.if not tomorrow,than may be in another skirmish but they will invade.what has changed? What are we missing now?

1)We used to be very aggressive,examples are Musharraf era.now look at our leadership! All scared and prime minister always begs for peace. You can't win against your enemy if you beg for peace.

2)We left abhinandan unharmed.we released him within 2 days.that is a shame!

3)We were sleeping when iaf intruded,next day we showed capability but it was useless.

4)Our enemy is transporting soldiers and here we are living with the same fake bravado that we will handle them.how can you handle 8 lakh soldiers?

5) when India was giving importance to air defense systems,we were making ballistic missiles.now everyone knows that you can't stop a ballistic missile if you don't have air defense.we messed up.i don't know who is responsible for this mess but right now,we can't even defend ourselves from indian ballistic missile attack.forget other types of attack like cruise missiles.the concept is we will destroy India but don't defend ourselves.pathetic strategy.look at India now.entire border is full of air defense systems.

All in all,our leadership and our wrong tactics are the primary reason of their aggressive behavior.i know lots of people who are still living in delusions but it's too late now.we are learning our lessons at the last moment.if they attack,we must defend.there is no way to grab indian kashmir.it is practically impossible.
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Anwar shamim was not the Chief in 90s. You must be mixing up time.
I must have mixed up. Proposal to convert c-130 into aw&e happened in late 80's when Pak was asking E2C Hawk eye from US vis a vis USSR invasion of Afg and US refused.
Yup... I used to be a full-blown Pak Mil supporter, until OBL Raid to open my eyes. There is no way that could have happened without collusion - whether you really believe that OBL was there or dead from before and the raid was just a hoax.

If you look back carefully, why is it that someone who is religious and conservative, NEVER makes it to the top?

Say what you want, but one thing I liked about Modi is that he sacked the IAF Western Command, after their failure on Feb. 27th. Can Pakistan do the same? Or will it continue to reward incompetence?

The abbotabad raid was not a collusion. The helo was shot down and all navy seals died there, although another fake incident was created in Afghanistan which signalled the demise of all navy seals. US was not able to show a single proof that they had OBL in their possession - dead or alive. That is why the whole drama of burial at sea was created. No DNA tests were made.

After that the relations between both militaries nose dived. Then, terrorists started attacking the reconnaissance planes in Karachi, then kamra and then peshawar. It was like those planes had detected something that was not supposed to be detected - that is the seal team 6. In retaliation, an attack was conducted at US base Camp Bastion in Afghanistan, destroying all fighter planes there. This was an indication that tit for tat was possible. Only then did the attacks on Pakistani air bases stopped.

This is my interpretation of the events. It strongly points out that there was no collusion.
Will Pakistan stand behind its PM and Kashmiris if PM declared war on India to fight the war of liberation of Kashmir.. too much is too much ????
Will Pakistan stand behind its PM and Kashmiris if PM declared war on India to fight the war of liberation of Kashmir.. too much is too much ????
Fight against 8 lakh indian soldiers? This could be suicide.
We made a big mistake, basically paf made a big mistake but they were restricted by the army.
Modi wants destruction of pakistan and everyone knows about bjp background.he was elected again and now he will do what nobody can think about.india is going to attack pakistan soon.if not tomorrow,than may be in another skirmish but they will invade.what has changed? What are we missing now?

1)We used to be very aggressive,examples are Musharraf era.now look at our leadership! All scared and prime minister always begs for peace. You can't win against your enemy if you beg for peace.

2)We left abhinandan unharmed.we released him within 2 days.that is a shame!

3)We were sleeping when iaf intruded,next day we showed capability but it was useless.

4)Our enemy is transporting soldiers and here we are living with the same fake bravado that we will handle them.how can you handle 8 lakh soldiers?

5) when India was giving importance to air defense systems,we were making ballistic missiles.now everyone knows that you can't stop a ballistic missile if you don't have air defense.we messed up.i don't know who is responsible for this mess but right now,we can't even defend ourselves from indian ballistic missile attack.forget other types of attack like cruise missiles.the concept is we will destroy India but don't defend ourselves.pathetic strategy.look at India now.entire border is full of air defense systems.

All in all,our leadership and our wrong tactics are the primary reason of their aggressive behavior.i know lots of people who are still living in delusions but it's too late now.we are learning our lessons at the last moment.if they attack,we must defend.there is no way to take indian kashmir.it is practically impossible.

1. The primary person responsible for defence is QJB, not IK.

2. We released abhinandan but we are still holding Kalbhoshan J. who is more valuable to India.

3. Psychologically, the Indians were defeated, evidenced by the sacking of their air chief.

4. Can't answer that, don't know the situation on the ground.

5. We have some air defence systems, but we also have MIRV capable ballistic missiles, we have Nasr which will hit before air defence systems act & I am hoping that our ballistic missiles can dispense decoys and change trajectory mid course to evade air defence systems.
Can anyone translate pls

If India makes any mistake this time (ie referring to what occurred in Late feb) than you will find out what Pakistan really is (another way of saying what Pakistan is really made of).

It is a clear message that you have no idea of Pakistan's strength and what it will do to you.

Just like in another thread---a young man is telling me the importance and usage of strike aircraft and the utility that I discussed over 12-15 years ago and for him it is something new---.

Similarly here---F16 should never been purchase by the Paf for pakistan---. The american sanction history had a long 'tail'---. The preferred aircraft was the M2K and the support aircraft were the Mirage F1---if needed.

Paf went for the F16 knowing very well that in due time it would be sanctioned---.

It is in a same manner that you pick a person to marry knowing they have bad habits and yet you think you will fix them---till the day you realize that you fckd up---.

French were dependant on Paf to buy the first batch of the M2k's to push the sale---.

If Paf had taken that route---the indians would never had had a capable aircraft---.

Then the 90's fiasco of too honest an air force buyer---.

Whose job it was to make the deal to get the F16's after 9/11---it was the Paf's job to get them right away---.

They started jumping around from one aircraft to another---from grippen to m2k to Rafale---.

And there was no reason to go that way---. F16 should have been the priority and shuld have been taken right away---.

All of pakistan's wel wishers were telling pakistans---don't go for the F16's---go for M2k's you will get sanctioned---but no---they paid for upfront and kept on paying---.

Why did they not sue the US govt in the court of law---. Because their kids were getting visas and they were getting jobs with lockmart gen dyn
We have successfully derailed the thread.........
On hind sight, vision is always 20/20, but Pak US history cannot be rewritten.
I shall accept your argument about Mirage 2K, I dont remember the talks, but I would say this - India bought M2K about same time in early 80's Pakistan got F-16 so I do t see advantage Pakistan buying same platform.
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