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Pakistani writers should not attend Jaipur Lit Festival, BJP warns

its weird congress oppose an Indian(Salman Rudshie) visiting Jaipur literary festival but have no problem with Pakistanis visiting it
Indian elections are near Congress exposing hindu terror and extremists, while Bjp and saffron parties doing anti-Pakistan politics for vote bank.
I personally feel congress will win this time because USA, business community and moderates Indians will vote for congress.
iam a christian i will never vote for those dick heads congress they have ruined our nation,in my family tradition always they have voted for congress this time bjp jai hoo.
For first time I support BJP please throw these liberal jerks out so they can have reality check about India Please BJP do it
That's a bit sad, but one shouldn't accept anything much after the beheading and mutilation meted out to the 2 Indian soldiers.

:blah: first proof then talk other wise get lost from our forum.

Yr denial n delusion is not appreciated here.

I think these individuals themselves should decide not to go there because of security risks if Gov is numb as always.
The Indian extremists are out to harm civilians ranging from sports to arts and now literature.

The Indian govt forced to bow down to Hindu extremists and also failed to give protection to guests

Yes...You are correct ...we cannot protect our guest...Please do not send your People to India.
Why Pakistani are so desperate to come to India for any drama, music show, comedy show,dance show...

Is such things are not hapenning there...
any Pakistani visiting India should be killed, I have no problem with it

You wish is granted…For Killing Chilling and all...TTP and others are there... Please hold those who want to come to India for any reason…
its weird congress oppose an Indian(Salman Rudshie) visiting Jaipur literary festival but have no problem with Pakistanis visiting it
Dude Congress opposing Rushdie because they want Muslim vote bank. BJP opposing Pakistanis because of LOC incident.
Hindu extremists ruining the future of the secular, democratic India.

Hindu extremists should back down their opposition to the nuclear armed Muslim neighbor or they will be reincarnated back again as a radioactive flower.

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