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Pakistani Umpire Asad Rauf accused of Sexual exploitation by indian model

Answer one question, if a person said any Indian women will get laid for $ 1...........and his post is just deleted and he is not banned......what will you say.....

Another one say, we took the revenge of Veena Malik as we rapped her.....what will you say....

Another one says, Indians are getting rapped here on this thread, and his post is still there...what will you say....

Of course I can handle it.....I expect much worse from certain people....but you really think I should let it go.....:disagree:
i am a female.. it just shows the mindset of most young desi males.. nothing to be proud of.. and its a stupid website where evreyone is powerful and brave and cool.. so let them have fun..
let go i would say. doesnt imact anyone.
just because they say so it doesnt become true. typically why they experience of their own they apply it to others thats all.
Pakistanis could be trolling Indians and take this opportunity for revenge, but our behavior truly shows that we are large hearted people. :coffee:
Most of them....I don't doubt...they are good friends of mine.....you....well I don't think any Indian even few Pakistanis think you have a heart....:enjoy:

I shall stop here.....:D
It was to prevent false accusations - as the accuser would be punished, it is IMPOSSIBLE for 4 witnesses to come forward, therefore impossible to prove adultery.
so in a molstation its possible to get 4 winesses? so by wht you say in your religon women can almost certailny never get justice?
Rather than just laughing it off, you are making the matter a bit too personal mate...., yesterday you were feeling sorry for some Dolphins, :cry: today it's some Basanti. :D..... hell, PDF should introduce a morals table.
Dude, whatever is posted here is in just good humour, i doubt any of the parties will be reading the comments nor will they effect the outcome of the allegations. Tomorrow is another day. :)...... wonder how the Dolphins are getting on. :lol:
Do you think I am angry....I am just pointing out what happens everyday......

I feel dolphins should be preserved....and I feel those who disrespect Indian women should be banned immediately....is it too much too ask....

At the end of the day....I really don't care what people like you think is a joke or blasphemy or whatever.....coz next day there will be another post just like these...and they will easily get away.......

For tomorrow, I will discuss on pathetic state of tigers and their poaching all around the world......:lol:
Yeap. And when your Indian friends write such comments on Veena Malik threads, then how do you think the majority of the Pakistani members here feel?

I rarely use women as a point scoring tool, but Indians try to sometimes.

Just be happy it's Ramazan bro, because If it wasn't I would be trolling this thread so hard there would be at least 100 people viewing this thread.

But Ramzaan is teaching me to keep my cool, which I think is a good thing.

so you say that the mods keep quiet when you troll.. what double stds.
you need ramzan to keep you cool? we learn it by ourselves.
i have seen many threads where you have shown yourself to be chauvnistic..

Pakistanis could be trolling Indians and take this opportunity for revenge, but our behavior truly shows that we are large hearted people. :coffee:
what you think you guys are nt trolling.. and what 'revenge' you think you are takkng?
so in a molstation its possible to get 4 winesses? so by wht you say in your religon women can almost certailny never get justice?

Only for adultery - molestation is another matter.
so you say that the mods keep quiet when you troll.. what double stds.
you need ramzan to keep you cool? we learn it by ourselves.
i have seen many threads where you have shown yourself to be chauvnistic..

what you think you guys are nt trolling.. and what 'revenge' you think you are takkng?

You can ask around how many times I've been banned. :D
Only for adultery - molestation is another matter.
I have already told methods how to know what is the truth.....just few scientific tests...and truth will be wide open.....so wish that the umpire gets clean chit if he comes to India.

i am a female.. it just shows the mindset of most young desi males.. nothing to be proud of.. and its a stupid website where evreyone is powerful and brave and cool.. so let them have fun..
let go i would say. doesnt imact anyone.
just because they say so it doesnt become true. typically why they experience of their own they apply it to others thats all.
Ma'am I know it.....that's why one of the reason for the my objection is......that there are Indian women on this forum too.....
Sita protected herself from Ravan in Lanka.In forest Ram and Lakshman used to protect her.Ravan cant even touch Sita due to her pious willpower and character.He couldn't even dare to take her to his palace.
Where that pious willpower and character in today's woman, who is mother and wife,has gone,Does someone torture her,molest her,burn her or force her to commit suicide?In woman itself some weakness has crept in.
Somewhere her willpower and character got weak.Otherwise a man who grows up in her lap and care,has become so bad to her.Why his behaviour has become so inhumanly?Why he he got devoid of humane feeling and is
ready to kill and destroy human race with his own created weapons?

Today's woman more like an object to man.Everyone want to consume her for pleasue.Man wants money property for plreasurable and with that he needs the woman too_Once man lose his wealth he earns it again and
same like that he uses one woman after other as he daily changes clothes.

Its the woman who shows light to the man.She only make him differentiate good from evil in the society.She is the guiding force who teaches man from childhood otherwise man will remain uncouth evil in his
behavior if there is no guidance from the woman.woman must recognize and respect this power in them.

As in present case Asad Rauf cheated his wife his kids his family and the girl herself.It doesnt matter where man spay his sperm(as mone of mod said) be it in india ,pakistan,UK its the woman who is sufferer ultimately whom man look as an object of pleasure.

And what is this double standard when girl had pre marital sex she is called with adjective like slut adulteress,prostitute,gold digger etc but man being man is playboy/casanova to have done great job by laying a woman by making false promise of marrying her there by cheating her on one hand and cheating his wife on other hand.

Isnt it a great hipocrisy from the men of this world that they think themselves superior above all and degrade woman as their paon ki jooti........:rolleyes:
I have already told methods how to know what is the truth.....just few scientific tests...and truth will be wide open.....so wish that the umpire gets clean chit if he comes to India.

Ma'am I know it.....that's why one of the reason for the my objection is......that there are Indian women on this forum too.....
like is said its just a stupid site.. people can say what they want. maybe he needs to pay for geting wht he wants. sad .. and just because he says somthing it doesnt become true.. they also say a lot of things about peace, piety etc.. do you think its true.. its somethign like that. take it with a spoon of salt
like is said its just a stupid site.. people can say what they want. maybe he needs to pay for geting wht he wants. sad .. and just because he says somthing it doesnt become true.. they also say a lot of things about peace, piety etc.. do you think its true.. its somethign like that. take it with a spoon of salt
I just pointed the hypocrisy and moved on.....I don't take anyone's word on face value unless I have enough reason to believe it....What they said means nothing to me.....I don't keep crappy words in my mind....:D
what is the punishment for a man who being married promises a young unmarried innocent girl(who loves him from her heart and soul) to marry her and get physical with her then later breaks his promise and leaves her in a bad state of mind?

The punishment for married adulterers is stoning to death. while for those who have done adultery and are unmarried, they should be lashed.

Bukhari Volumn 003, Book 038, Hadith Number 508.
Narated By Zaid bin Khalid and Abu Huraira : The Prophet said, "O Unais! Go to the wife of this (man) and if she confesses (that she has committed illegal sexual intercourse), then stone her to death."

Quran 25:68-70 "And those who invoke not any other god along with Allah, nor kill such life as Allah has forbidden, except for just cause, nor commit illegal sexual intercourse (zina) and whoever does this shall receive the punishment. The torment will be doubled to him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide therein in disgrace; except those who repent and believe and do righteous deeds, for those Allah will change their sins into good deeds, and Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful."

Quran 17:32 "And come not near to unlawful sexual intercourse. Verily, it is a faahishah (a great sin) and an evil way."

[Quran 24:2] The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication flog each of them with a hundred stripes: let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day: and let a party of the Believers witness their punishment.

One should repent to Allah and never repeat this again.
I think people don't know the recent decisions of Supreme Court....not our fault...

Thow out Indian Penal Code....first understand the reasons then call names to our system.

As for being Samaj Sevak, what should we have done, don't take action against a man who is married and give false promise to marry another woman, uses her and throw her like a trash.....where is the girl's fault, if she genuinely loved him...and people here are calling her slu*, who***.......

Whatever your society calls her is your society's problem. The court has no business interfering in personal lives. He can say he didn't like her performance in bed and decided to let go. He can say he decided to make it work with his wife. He can say he fell out of love for her. He can say he never loved her and it was all lust. He can say he just wanted to have sex with her and say anything to get in bed with her.

He didn't twist her arms, he didn't beat her, he didn't force her self on him.

If we do something for Indian women's right, you call it being over reactive.....So guys, these laws should be implemented so that no man can play with a woman like that....and if he is right, should fight the case, and court can ask for evidence.....its about giving the woman the right to challenge a man as the only way to get justice is court of law....

You don't agree deal with it......there is no place for any sort of rapist....in India....

Its our country, our rule. Our Supreme Court knows more about Indian law and justice than a person of different nationality.

It's a disgusting testament of your freedoms and your law arbitrators. You are ignoring your own Indian Penal code that clearly states this:

To be convicted under section 376 (penalty for rape), the definition of rape as stated under section 375 must be met. Rape is defined therein as sexual intercourse with a woman against her will or without her consent or under certain circumstances when her consent is invalid, i.e. when granted out of fear of death or hurt, when she is of unsound mind or intoxicated or mistakes the man she consents to be her husband. The word ‘consent’ itself, as defined in section 90, declares that when granted under fear of injury or misconception of fact, it is not valid.

That's really a blah Asim... Consent based on wrong information not being a valid consent leaves a door open for a lawyer to try someone in this manner.. Let's leave it to the courts to decide.. after all when allowing a UN declared terrorist roam freely and jailing a person who helped nab the biggest terrorist in the world by courts can be defended, this is much smaller leap of faith in courts' wisdom..

Indian Penal code states this:

To be convicted under section 376 (penalty for rape), the definition of rape as stated under section 375 must be met. Rape is defined therein as sexual intercourse with a woman against her will or without her consent or under certain circumstances when her consent is invalid, i.e. when granted out of fear of death or hurt, when she is of unsound mind or intoxicated or mistakes the man she consents to be her husband. The word ‘consent’ itself, as defined in section 90, declares that when granted under fear of injury or misconception of fact, it is not valid.

The law is solid... The judgement are jahil, Jirga like.

That means the only wrong information he can give her is that he IS his husband. If he would have done a fake marriage with her, then that's another thing. He didn't get married, she had consensual sex with him.
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