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Pakistani teen girl Malala seeks Bangladesh’s help

I am sorry if this is concluded from what Malala says and does....I do not really support her...She SUDDENLY became a icon for unknown reasons...and a few of her earlier speeches does indicate this:

completely agreed.
Dont get mad, bro. Indians are worried that their country is going to break in many different pieces...so they are giving credence and authority to what a 15 year old chick has to say and think....even though no direct quotes from her have been found. This syndrome by the Indians is known as the 'colonial hangover'...welcome to pdf!

what a great general u have become.. :lol: congrats..
It seems that I am partially correct that excluding tribal areas from PK, I think female education in BD is not batter than PK. You were comparing BD with pk tribal areas mainly, where females lack freedom.

in below there are two different links of 2008-2009 for female education in BD and PK, where it is shown that Panjab {bigger than BD} has the same literacy rate of 50% as of BD's for 10+ years girls. But Lower rate in Sind [45%] than BD [50%] is a shame for PK. And the lower rate in Baluchistan [23%] and KPK [31%] is understandable. Still BD is not batter than them in all provinces.

source: http://www.col.org/SiteCollectionDocuments/country-information/BANGLADESH.pdf first page

source: http://finance.gov.pk/survey/chapter_10/10_Education.pdf page 146

Bangladesh is much ahead then Pakistan in terms of young female education. Based on the data of 2010 it is 78% for the woman between the ages of 15-24 years where as it is only 61% for Pakistan. Right now I am quite sure it is much ahead then the 78% figure. In the primary school almost 100% enrollment has been achieved and current female enrollment is higher for female then male in Bangladesh. Pakistan is decade away to achieve any such situation.

Literacy rate, youth female (% of females ages 15-24) | Data | Table

- Yet no other non-Bangladeshi source has claimed that Malala sought help to BD, but bdnews24 which could be twisted news as that is run by AL

The conversation with Bangladeshi Ambassador was published here. Naturally only Bangladeshi media published it. All the UN member state's representative were present there. Naturally no international media is not gonna publish all the conversation.

And why it seems so much impossible to you that Malala cant ask Bangladesh's help to spread female education in Pakistan when she was asking the same from all across the world and also considering Bangladesh's recent achievement in this regard???

You also cleverly overlooked the fact that Bangladesh's Ambassador has also expressed his interest to set up school in remote areas of Bangladesh with malala fund which is helping to set up school for the female all across the world!!!

I dnt see any ego here for a good cause???

Bangladeshi envoy Momen praised her speech, saying it would ‘encourage’ the world to rise against militancy and corruption.

He was informed that the Malala Foundation was collecting funds to spread education in the remote areas of the world.

Momen expressed his eagerness to set up schools in the remote regions of Bangladesh with the Malala Fund.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangla...la-seeks-bangladesh-s-help.html#ixzz2ZHgN2J9o

- u live in delusion, or come with lies, or try to show that BD is doing super fine under AL with false news so that people vote AL, and calling my logic twisted, really no avail, we saw that before in my old thread.

Which thread you are talking about?? The so called GDP growth from 75 was lower then Pakistan era??? I debunked that on your face. Even counting from 74 Bangladesh has achieved higher growth then Pakistan and from 76 also. 1975 was an unusual year as there were a sudden spike of GDP which made it double from 1974 value and that brought down again to the earlier value in 1976 due to sudden nationalization of all the companies and you counted that year for your propaganda post. Why that wont be twisted logic then?? Bangladesh is now ahead of Pakistan in almost all the HDI. This year Bangladesh will overtake Pakistan though last year they tied both at 146th position.

By any chance are you a Bihari??? If you are so eager to do Pakistan's dalali why dnt you go there for good leaving behind this poor, undemocratic, backward, worst place of the world, Bangladesh as described by you???

-And how do u measure female empowerment in number and quality? Before comparing it with PK, it is needed to know whether their women need such empowerment of doing little business using Micro loans and garment job, or they are better with their husbands/family income. At first it is needed to know whether they feel underpowered or not with their husbands/family income.

In terms of GEI and based on that Bangladesh's woman has got almost double point then that of your Pakistan. Accept the reality.

Bangladesh ahead of India, Pakistan

According to the ranking of the index, Bangladesh has got 55 points while India 37, Pakistan 29, and Afghanistan 15.

The GEI prepared annually measures the gap between women and men in education, economic and political empowerment. It is an average of inequalities in the three fields.

Hope you have got your answer.
It's perfectly plausible for her to ask Bangladesh for help with education since BRAC, the largest NGO in the world, operates in Afghanistan and Pakistan: www *** brac *** net/content/afghanistan-education#.UeZus40wdmw

Pakistanis should not feel inferior or insulted by this news, since they receive billions in aid from the US, which is a far greater enemy than Bangladesh. If anything, Pakistanis should be happy in receiving help from Bangladesh, as BRAC is risking a lot in these places with their employees getting kidnapped (www *** brac *** net/node/564#.UeZwrY0wdmw).

If some Pakistanis feel insulted or their egos hurt, it just reflects the superiority complex they carry over Bangladesh. Unfortunate, but that's why Pakistan was put down in 1971.
who cares what she said.

oh really?

care to elaborate? What have you done to bring attention to the issues such as those she covered?

I am sorry if this is concluded from what Malala says and does....I do not really support her...She SUDDENLY became a icon for unknown reasons...and a few of her earlier speeches does indicate this:

Overall, the insights apparently gained from her experience were not primarily that the U.S. presence in the area has increased Pakistani radical groups or that drone attacks create blowback, but that controversial U.S. military actions are a necessary sacrifice to save girls like Malala.

she became an icon because she took 2 bullets to the head and neck; survived to live to tell about it and proved that the TTP faggots who could should a girl at point blank range wouldnt stop her from continuing to fight for the rights of female education

I'd prefer she move back to Pakistan and be placed under state protection - rather than be holed up in the bloody UK; but for now, she's doing more than what 99% of you are doing for your country
oh really?

care to elaborate? What have you done to bring attention to the issues such as those she covered?

she became an icon because she took 2 bullets to the head and neck; survived to live to tell about it and proved that the TTP faggots who could should a girl at point blank range wouldnt stop her from continuing to fight for the rights of female education

I'd prefer she move back to Pakistan and be placed under state protection - rather than be holed up in the bloody UK; but for now, she's doing more than what 99% of you are doing for your country

Sub continental problem.....we can't do jack-**** for our people and keep criticizing those who dare to try!
actually Malala ask/seek BD help or not but this nation want help from any brother nation which can help and this is fact that BanglaDesh did great in education sector and conyrolling population and polio too……
soo they are welcomed to help us……:cheers:
and no btother need permission to help his Muslim brother
enough said……:tup:
btw Malala here looks duplicate and a woman not a girl with more height and fatness……:rofl:
don't know what happened or that girl is really duplicate and working for CIA……:what:
I am sorry if this is concluded from what Malala says and does....I do not really support her...She SUDDENLY became a icon for unknown reasons...and a few of her earlier speeches does indicate this:

Overall, the insights apparently gained from her experience were not primarily that the U.S. presence in the area has increased Pakistani radical groups or that drone attacks create blowback, but that controversial U.S. military actions are a necessary sacrifice to save girls like Malala.

Every form of refuge has its price.
oh really?

care to elaborate? What have you done to bring attention to the issues such as those she covered?

she became an icon because she took 2 bullets to the head and neck; survived to live to tell about it and proved that the TTP faggots who could should a girl at point blank range wouldnt stop her from continuing to fight for the rights of female education

I'd prefer she move back to Pakistan and be placed under state protection - rather than be holed up in the bloody UK; but for now, she's doing more than what 99% of you are doing for your country

And what about the hundreds who got hit by drones? Whose gonna interview them?

99% of what I AM DOING? I certainly am not giving a thumbs up to America to drone my land!

Nor am I going around talking trash about my country ----

I would never beg the West to aid because ALWAYS there are strings attached! When will our nation learn NOTHING is free!

Try a do it yourself manual and then go around asking for help....Not go around begging on every turn!
oh really?
care to elaborate? What have you done to bring attention to the issues such as those she covered?
We don't have taliban,at least for now.
Malala seeks bangladesh's help? doesn't make any sense.taliban is their internal issue.
awami show off for getting votes I guess.
Change the title to "Pro BD vs Anti BD" element.

There is no fight here actually. Some well known anti BD posters as usual jumping ups and down as Pakistani icon girl Malala has asked Bangladesh's help to spread female education in Pakistan. Still they had to bring politics into it and they are unable to digest the fact that Malala has asked Bangladesh's help as they are always busy to portray Bangladesh as a failed state.

Malala did not say anything different then what she said at the UN. She just asked Bangladesh's help on top of it here considering remarkable achievement that Bangladesh has achieved in terms of woman education.

How do u think BD will be of any help to Pakistan in girls education? There are enough Malalas in Pakistan who will fight the cause of girls education in Pakistan.
And why it seems so much impossible to you that Malala cant ask Bangladesh's help to spread female education in Pakistan when she was asking the same from all across the world and also considering Bangladesh's recent achievement in this regard???

You also cleverly overlooked the fact that Bangladesh's Ambassador has also expressed his interest to set up school in remote areas of Bangladesh with malala fund which is helping to set up school for the female all across the world!!!

I dnt see any ego here for a good cause???

In terms of GEI and based on that Bangladesh's woman has got almost double point then that of your Pakistan. Accept the reality.

There are some misguided people in BD who still think, Pakistan is more close to Mecca and therefore, Bd is not capable to help out that country even in education.

These guys do not know that BRAC of Bangladesh has established tens of girls' schools in Afghanistan, which lies more near Mecca than their honey/milk land, Pakistan.
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