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Pakistani teen girl Malala seeks Bangladesh’s help

Apneii @Secur & @cb4 Bhai - I need some backup ! :kiss3:

Hum umeed lagaa kar beitheiii theiii ke @genmirajborgza786 kuch lift karaiii gaiii - Usss neiii bhi eik pal mein hii parayaa kar diyaaa ! :cray:

hum bewafa hargeez na the,

per hum wafa kar na sake,

mere bihari bhaiyon ko mili

Pakistan ko chah ne ki jo saaza

unki hasar dekh kar

hum who khata karna sake

jhinga lala boo, jhinga laa boo, booh
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What kind of fOoked up trash is that ?

Was Ayub a Punjabi ? Maybe Yahya then ? Or Bhutto ? No..no I'm sure both Niazi & Mujhib were Punjabis...right ?

And what possible inferiority complex would we possibly have against you people ? And because of what ?

We along with the Pukhtoons & the Urdu Speakers were the majority in the Army & the Civilian Bureaucracy respectively - Get your facts right !

But just so you know - I'm a Kashmiri who is proud to call himself a Punjabi & you know why ? Because Punjab is the only Province which hasn't discriminated against any Pakistani on linguistic or ethnic lines. The only Province that has tens of millions of Non-Ethnic Punjabis like myself living here for generations at a stretch without an ounce of racism or discrimination or even differentiation thrown our way.

Had we Punjabis been like you lot....the few hundred thousand Bengalis that exist in Punjab & more than 2-4 million that exist in the whole of Pakistan would've been butchered in response to the butchering you subjected West-Pakistanis & Biharis in Bangladesh !

As far as our respective state of affairs is concerned - We've been fighting a foOking War for the past 30 years...first it was the Soviets, than it were warring Afghan Factions & now its the Americans, the TTP & the Uzbek & Chechen Militants ! At the same time we're locked into a security paradigm with a neighbor 10 times our size with an economy & resources at his disposal that eclipses ours. And we've hosted the largest Refugee Population in the world for the past 30 years along with the largest Internally Displaced People (Refugee) Population in the world for the past 10 years. But we're still doing mighty fine when compared with your country which hasn't any war or security issues to deal with, no internal turmoil or any of the sh*t that we've found ourselves in.

According to the World Bank : (Bangladesh | Data) (Pakistan | Data)

Your GDP stands at $115.6 billion whilst ours does at $231.2 billion. And this doesn't even account for the huge...huge Black Economy that exists in Pakistan which many have postulated is nearly of a similar size.

Your Gross National Income per Capita stands at $840 whilst ours stand at $1260 - We must be doing something right if there are more than 2 million Illegal Bengalis in Pakistan for work !

Even in the Gross Domestic Product per Capita measures, Bangladesh stands at $2070 whilst Pakistan sits at $3030 !

So spare me the BS especially if its going to be laced with such blatant racism that it reeks.

Whom are these Bengals. Were they the pro Pakistanis fled the country in 71. Or some people gone there in times.
Are they illegal ? What is their social and economical condition ?
Whom are these Bengals. Were they the pro Pakistanis fled the country in 71. Or some people gone there in times.
Are they illegal ? What is their social and economical condition ?

Like @Dance said, some are from pre '71, I've even known about a few who were Pro-Pakistan & came here after Bangladesh was created (and no they aren't the Jamaatiss or the Razakars) & then there are countless many of them who are Illegal Immigrants !

The ones who are Pakistani Citizens or the ones who were & still are Pro-Pakistan - They're my own flesh & blood ! The rest - I'd want Bangladesh & Pakistan to have a man-for-man exchange - Our Stranded Pakistanis (the Biharis that we threw away) for Your Citizens illegally staying here in my country !

I'm sure neither your countrymen nor mine would have much problem with that arrangement ! Would you agree @Secur @genmirajborgza786 ?
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Sir no tag team members....I've yet to come across a Pakistani who has any ill-will towards Bangladesh & doesn't admire the fact that Bangladesh is progressing forward - I swear it ! But I, as someone, who is deeply in love with Punjab & the people of Punjab because of the sense of inclusivity & hospitality they have for everyone including myself & my people...feel incensed when such statements are made because they haven't an iota of truth in them !

I don't understand why people like to fool themselves into believing that Punjab is evil incarnate & that every problem of Pakistan that is or ever was can be incontrovertibly traced back to Punjab & ignore the fact that Punjab has given up her legitimate rights in favor of the other Provinces when it comes to the NFC Awards (Funds Distribution), the Kalabagh Dam (our life blood) & have more non-Ethnic Punjabis living & prospering in Punjab than the entire population of most Gulf Countries combined.

LIAR! We all know why you like Punjab, it has to do with the plentiful nihari found in said region.

Now let me and @Hyperion fine tune our plan to nuke Jhang.:devil: Btw scooties, really? :cuckoo:
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I don't understand why people like to fool themselves into believing that Punjab is evil incarnate & that every problem of Pakistan that is or ever was can be incontrovertibly traced back to Punjab & ignore the fact that Punjab has given up her legitimate rights in favor of the other Provinces when it comes to the NFC Awards (Funds Distribution), the Kalabagh Dam (our life blood) & have more non-Ethnic Punjabis living & prospering in Punjab than the entire population of most Gulf Countries combined.

our age difference is not so much , so just bro pls

May be they have lost something to W.pak Panjabies, so they have complaints.
He never cared about Jhang... not many Punjabis do..... for a Lahori, there is no world outside Lahore.... they couldn't care less....... :D

LIAR! We all know why you like Punjab, it has to do with the plentiful nihari found in said region.

Now let me and @Hyperion fine tune our plan to nuke Jhang.:devil: Btw scooties, really? :cuckoo:
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Pakistani teen girl Malala seeks Bangladesh’s help.

In Another News: Bangladeshi BIG girl Hasina seeks Pakistan's help.

I guess this is pretty much EVEN STEVENS :D
Like @Dance said, some are from pre '71, I've even known about a few who were Pro-Pakistan & came here after Bangladesh was created (and no they aren't the Jamaatiss or the Razakars) & then there are countless many of them who are Illegal Immigrants !

The ones who are Pakistani Citizens or the ones who were & still are Pro-Pakistan - They're my own flesh & blood ! The rest - I'd want Bangladesh & Pakistan to have a man-for-man exchange - Our Stranded Pakistanis (the Biharis that we threw away) for Your Citizens illegally staying here in my country !

I'm sure neither your countrymen nor mine would have much problem with that arrangement ! Would you agree @Secur @genmirajborgza786 ?

Mate , the Bengalis living in Pakistan - both before and after the '71 war and the ones illegal are assimilated in the Pakistani society with each other . They do not want to go back , unlike the stranded Pakistanis . They are willing to remain in the country , the illegal ones are easy to distinguish and should be sent back , a simple exchange like it was done before for repatriation . The other ones are the legal citizens of Pakistan . Ironically , no Bengalis were harmed in West Pakistan by Punjabis or any other race/ethnicity during the war in East Pakistan .
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