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Pakistani teen girl Malala seeks Bangladesh’s help

It's perfectly plausible for her to ask Bangladesh for help with education since BRAC, the largest NGO in the world, operates in Afghanistan and Pakistan: www *** brac *** net/content/afghanistan-education#.UeZus40wdmw

Pakistanis should not feel inferior or insulted by this news, since they receive billions in aid from the US, which is a far greater enemy than Bangladesh. If anything, Pakistanis should be happy in receiving help from Bangladesh, as BRAC is risking a lot in these places with their employees getting kidnapped (www *** brac *** net/node/564#.UeZwrY0wdmw).

If some Pakistanis feel insulted or their egos hurt, it just reflects the superiority complex they carry over Bangladesh. Unfortunate, but that's why Pakistan was put down in 1971.

Psychologists think people who brag of their superiority are, in reality, suffering from an inferiority complex. An example is the nature of two dogs. People think that the dog that barks louder is stronger. But, in reality, it is hiding its fear of its rival by showing off his strength.

Punjabis had the inferiority complex from the very founding of Pakistan. That is why they came to wipe us out with the weapons they purchased with our money. In an united Pakistan, they would have lost their majority in the army as well as civilian posts, given time.

So, it was the fear of losing their privilege in Pakistan that finally undid Pakistan. Today, it is Malala call that they fear would show their weakness to the world.

But, how long they can hide their weak points? Another ten years at best when our rising GDP will overwhelm theirs.
She probably just said just to be polite and your newspapers blew it out of proportion.

Congrats to Bangaldesh on achieving a good female literacy and school enrollment rate, NGO help is fine but Pakistan doesn't need help from your so called government.
Sub continental problem.....we can't do jack-**** for our people and keep criticizing those who dare to try!

since 1970s onewards its become a common trend

It's perfectly plausible for her to ask Bangladesh for help with education since BRAC, the largest NGO in the world, operates in Afghanistan and Pakistan: www *** brac *** net/content/afghanistan-education#.UeZus40wdmw

Pakistanis should not feel inferior or insulted by this news, since they receive billions in aid from the US, which is a far greater enemy than Bangladesh. If anything, Pakistanis should be happy in receiving help from Bangladesh, as BRAC is risking a lot in these places with their employees getting kidnapped (www *** brac *** net/node/564#.UeZwrY0wdmw).

If some Pakistanis feel insulted or their egos hurt, it just reflects the superiority complex they carry over Bangladesh. Unfortunate, but that's why Pakistan was put down in 1971.

I think youre clearly over-analyzing things here. Pakistan doesnt need "help" from Bdesh

but certainly there are some things that South Asian countries can learn from eachother

dont turn this thread into a sling-fest.
Bangladesh is much ahead then Pakistan in terms of young female education. Based on the data of 2010 it is 78% for the woman between the ages of 15-24 years where as it is only 61% for Pakistan. Right now I am quite sure it is much ahead then the 78% figure. In the primary school almost 100% enrollment has been achieved and current female enrollment is higher for female then male in Bangladesh. Pakistan is decade away to achieve any such situation.

Literacy rate, youth female (% of females ages 15-24) | Data | Table

The conversation with Bangladeshi Ambassador was published here. Naturally only Bangladeshi media published it. All the UN member state's representative were present there. Naturally no international media is not gonna publish all the conversation.

And why it seems so much impossible to you that Malala cant ask Bangladesh's help to spread female education in Pakistan when she was asking the same from all across the world and also considering Bangladesh's recent achievement in this regard???

You also cleverly overlooked the fact that Bangladesh's Ambassador has also expressed his interest to set up school in remote areas of Bangladesh with malala fund which is helping to set up school for the female all across the world!!!

I dnt see any ego here for a good cause???

Which thread you are talking about?? The so called GDP growth from 75 was lower then Pakistan era??? I debunked that on your face. Even counting from 74 Bangladesh has achieved higher growth then Pakistan and from 76 also. 1975 was an unusual year as there were a sudden spike of GDP which made it double from 1974 value and that brought down again to the earlier value in 1976 due to sudden nationalization of all the companies and you counted that year for your propaganda post. Why that wont be twisted logic then?? Bangladesh is now ahead of Pakistan in almost all the HDI. This year Bangladesh will overtake Pakistan though last year they tied both at 146th position.

By any chance are you a Bihari??? If you are so eager to do Pakistan's dalali why dnt you go there for good leaving behind this poor, undemocratic, backward, worst place of the world, Bangladesh as described by you???

In terms of GEI and based on that Bangladesh's woman has got almost double point then that of your Pakistan. Accept the reality.

Hope you have got your answer.

1. I agree that PK is lagged behind female edu than BD. But what I said was trying to say all areas/provinces were not behind BD. I also showed two old sources to support my assumption.

2. Definitely, Malala can ask help from BD, but there is chance that Malala did not said in that way that the AL newspaper reported for political gain.

3. You did not debunk any of my GDP argument in my old thread, and what you are thinking is wrong. There were no so-called things there, everything was backed my true premises/sources, so the arguments were valid. And that was not about post-pk vs pre pak era, but also present middle-income propaganda by AL. Seems you/Awami League's sophistry knows no boundary.

4. No, I am not Bahari, but there is no patriotism in me for a Awami ruled country, so I do not care about BD, but only thing I care about is true/lie. If any awami guy comes with false propaganda then I will not even mind to take the side of Uganda, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Burma or India, it does not matter to me if BD is undermined, but I will take the side of truth. You know Sri-lanka has better rate on women edu, but they do not come to compare with PK for local political gain like AL. That is what I hate.

5. And I have no problem with anything poor, but AL.
There are some misguided people in BD who still think, Pakistan is more close to Mecca and therefore, Bd is not capable to help out that country even in education.

These guys do not know that BRAC of Bangladesh has established tens of girls' schools in Afghanistan, which lies more near Mecca than their honey/milk land, Pakistan.

BD can cooperate PK is edu, but why would I get misguided by Awami Propaganda? I know BRAC is doing great in Tribal area of PK. In fact, PK can gain knowledge from BD NGOs.
Psychologists think people who brag of their superiority are, in reality, suffering from an inferiority complex. An example is the nature of two dogs. People think that the dog that barks louder is stronger. But, in reality, it is hiding its fear of its rival by showing off his strength.

Punjabis had the inferiority complex from the very founding of Pakistan. That is why they came to wipe us out with the weapons they purchased with our money. In an united Pakistan, they would have lost their majority in the army as well as civilian posts, given time.

So, it was the fear of losing their privilege in Pakistan that finally undid Pakistan. Today, it is Malala call that they fear would show their weakness to the world.

But, how long they can hide their weak points? Another ten years at best when our rising GDP will overwhelm theirs.

good & I wish you all the best but tell me what does Bangladesh having a very high gdp got to do with Pakistan heck even south Korea's gdp overwhelms Pakistan but how does this effects Pakistan ? your country is situated more then 2000 km away near south Asia/south east Asia while ours is situated @ the crossroads south Asia/central Asia & the mid east we live in different regions have no borders with each other heck not even a maritime boundaries you have your issues we have our's big deal so why this unnecessary comparison between Pakistan & Bangladesh all the freaking time ? what significance do we have for each other in terms of geo-politics is beyond me, you are a separate independent country in your region, & we are a separate independent country in our region simple both Pakistan's & Bangladesh's gdp's are insignificant to each other to overwhelm either of the two, it has no effect whatsoever
Punjabis had the inferiority complex from the very founding of Pakistan. That is why they came to wipe us out with the weapons they purchased with our money. In an united Pakistan, they would have lost their majority in the army as well as civilian posts, given time.

So, it was the fear of losing their privilege in Pakistan that finally undid Pakistan. Today, it is Malala call that they fear would show their weakness to the world.

But, how long they can hide their weak points? Another ten years at best when our rising GDP will overwhelm theirs.

What kind of fOoked up trash is that ?

Was Ayub a Punjabi ? Maybe Yahya then ? Or Bhutto ? No..no I'm sure both Niazi & Mujhib were Punjabis...right ?

And what possible inferiority complex would we possibly have against you people ? And because of what ?

We along with the Pukhtoons & the Urdu Speakers were the majority in the Army & the Civilian Bureaucracy respectively - Get your facts right !

But just so you know - I'm a Kashmiri who is proud to call himself a Punjabi & you know why ? Because Punjab is the only Province which hasn't discriminated against any Pakistani on linguistic or ethnic lines. The only Province that has tens of millions of Non-Ethnic Punjabis like myself living here for generations at a stretch without an ounce of racism or discrimination or even differentiation thrown our way.

Had we Punjabis been like you lot....the few hundred thousand Bengalis that exist in Punjab & more than 2-4 million that exist in the whole of Pakistan would've been butchered in response to the butchering you subjected West-Pakistanis & Biharis in Bangladesh !

As far as our respective state of affairs is concerned - We've been fighting a foOking War for the past 30 years...first it was the Soviets, than it were warring Afghan Factions & now its the Americans, the TTP & the Uzbek & Chechen Militants ! At the same time we're locked into a security paradigm with a neighbor 10 times our size with an economy & resources at his disposal that eclipses ours. And we've hosted the largest Refugee Population in the world for the past 30 years along with the largest Internally Displaced People (Refugee) Population in the world for the past 10 years. But we're still doing mighty fine when compared with your country which hasn't any war or security issues to deal with, no internal turmoil or any of the sh*t that we've found ourselves in.

According to the World Bank : (Bangladesh | Data) (Pakistan | Data)

Your GDP stands at $115.6 billion whilst ours does at $231.2 billion. And this doesn't even account for the huge...huge Black Economy that exists in Pakistan which many have postulated is nearly of a similar size.

Your Gross National Income per Capita stands at $840 whilst ours stand at $1260 - We must be doing something right if there are more than 2 million Illegal Bengalis in Pakistan for work !

Even in the Gross Domestic Product per Capita measures, Bangladesh stands at $2070 whilst Pakistan sits at $3030 !

So spare me the BS especially if its going to be laced with such blatant racism that it reeks.
good & I wish you all the best but tell me what does Bangladesh having a very high gdp got to do with Pakistan heck even south Korea's gdp overwhelms Pakistan but how this this effects Pakistan ? your country is situated more then 2000 km away near south Asia/south east Asia while ours is situated @ the crossroads south Asia/central Asia & the mid east we live in different regions have no borders with each other heck not even a maritime boundaries you have your issues we have our's big deal so why this unnecessary comparison between Pakistan & Bangladesh all the freaking time ? what significance do we have for each other in terms of geo-politics is beyond me, you are a separate independent country in your region, & we are a separate independent country in our region simple both Pakistan's & Bangladesh's gdp's are insignificant to each other to overwhelm either of the two, it has no effect whatsoever

When are you going to change your flags ? :pissed:
good & I wish you all the best but tell me what does Bangladesh having a very high gdp got to do with Pakistan heck even south Korea's gdp overwhelms Pakistan but how this this effects Pakistan ? your country is situated more then 2000 km away near south Asia/south east Asia while ours is situated @ the crossroads south Asia/central Asia & the mid east we live in different regions have no borders with each other heck not even a maritime boundaries you have your issues we have our's big deal so why this unnecessary comparison between Pakistan & Bangladesh all the freaking time ? what significance do we have for each other in terms of geo-politics is beyond me, you are a separate independent country in your region, & we are a separate independent country in our region simple both Pakistan's & Bangladesh's gdp's are insignificant to each other to overwhelm either of the two, it has no effect whatsoever

to them, there is no relation to compare GDPs between these two, but just to have the senses of solace and vengeance being the victim of 71 and exaggerated loots by W. PK.
Apneii @Secur & @cb4 Bhai - I need some backup ! :kiss3:

Hum umeed lagaa kar beitheiii theiii ke @genmirajborgza786 kuch lift karaiii gaiii - Usss neiii bhi eik pal mein hii parayaa kar diyaaa ! :cray:
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haha calling your tag team members, but I would say such comparison is just waste time

Sir no tag team members....I've yet to come across a Pakistani who has any ill-will towards Bangladesh & doesn't admire the fact that Bangladesh is progressing forward - I swear it ! But I, as someone, who is deeply in love with Punjab & the people of Punjab because of the sense of inclusivity & hospitality they have for everyone including myself & my people...feel incensed when such statements are made because they haven't an iota of truth in them !

I don't understand why people like to fool themselves into believing that Punjab is evil incarnate & that every problem of Pakistan that is or ever was can be incontrovertibly traced back to Punjab & ignore the fact that Punjab has given up her legitimate rights in favor of the other Provinces when it comes to the NFC Awards (Funds Distribution), the Kalabagh Dam (our life blood) & have more non-Ethnic Punjabis living & prospering in Punjab than the entire population of most Gulf Countries combined.
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