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Pakistani Taliban say fighters going to Afghanistan


Well the news appeared in Pakistani media....the press conference happened over Pakistani land....a Pakistani Taliban is making a statement that he ill send his soldiers to fight US.....

ell your media does give him a lot of weight....it would be interesting to see how Pakistani Army and GOP reacts to this news.....

Proof.....Your media....your Reporter....still you are asking for proof......

Can you be more specific to what exactly you are trying to say because you are not making any scene to me right now. And holding weight well any thing that will sell the paper eh. So lets not push the envelop on how much the news paper or papers in any country does, because by going into that we know that what the indian media is capable of and oh the great old USA their media was in a race to prove who is more pathetic when they were invading Iraq and still are doing the same.
But Afghan Taliban has an uncanny ability to transform to India funded TTP....as soon as it crosses Pakistani border..and becomes Pakistan Enemy....what a hogwash...

I just dont understand your point, TTP and Afghan Taliban are two different entities, TTP is fighting against Pakistani state where the Afghan Taliban are fighting against NATO. The TTP is being forced out of the border areas by the Pakistan army and are running to Afghanistan to save their own necks.
Can you be more specific to what exactly you are trying to say because you are not making any scene to me right now. And holding weight well any thing that will sell the paper eh. So lets not push the envelop on how much the news paper or papers in any country does, because by going into that we know that what the indian media is capable of and oh the great old USA their media was in a race to prove who is more pathetic when they were invading Iraq and still are doing the same.

Well if you want to Claim that Pakistani media is Pathetic...its your call......

This entire press conference ....in which this Taliban leader has made statement...that He will send soldiers to fight against US in Afghanistan...goes against the great Pakistani propaganda that Taliban is being supported by India...because according to Pakistan...Taliban in Pakistan is different from Taliban in Afghanistan......and Taliban in Pakistan has nothing to do with Taliban in Afghanistan.....

So now if the Taliban in Pakistan has nothing to do with Taliban in Afghanistan.....why would they send fighters to Help Taliban in Afghanistan...one might Ask....

The answer here is....that both Talibans are the same...but Pakistani Govt... and Army wants Pakistanis to believe that Pakistani Taliban is Funded by India ...so that Pakistani Citizens think TTP is their enemy Just like India and they can justify their action against Pakistan Taliban......all for the sake of some Dollars that US ids showering on Pakistan
Funny every other country is bother about Afghan Taliban and you were not..still thinks Afghan Talibs are good Taliban??

Its not funny why is every other country bothered about the Afghani talibans because they are fighting the US and Nato and are not allowing the indians to settle down there. Why should I care about them, they are not messing with me in my country, they are on the other side fighting for theirs. So there is a difference my friend. And I never said they are good or bad I just don't care about them, its as simple as that. Remember its the same guys who were making trips to the US before 9-11 on state invites for discussing the pipelines and stuff, so were they not as bad then, or was it ok because they were in bed then.
Well if you want to Claim that Pakistani media is Pathetic...its your call......

This entire press conference ....in which this Taliban leader has made statement...that He will send soldiers to fight against US in Afghanistan...goes against the great Pakistani propaganda that Taliban is being supported by India...because according to Pakistan...Taliban in Pakistan is different from Taliban in Afghanistan......and Taliban in Pakistan has nothing to do with Taliban in Afghanistan.....

So now if the Taliban in Pakistan has nothing to do with Taliban in Afghanistan.....why would they send fighters to Help Taliban in Afghanistan...one might Ask....

The answer here is....that both Talibans are the same...but Pakistani Govt... and Army wants Pakistanis to believe that Pakistani Taliban is Funded by India ...so that Pakistani Citizens think TTP is their enemy Just like India and they can justify their action against Pakistan Taliban......all for the sake of some Dollars that US ids showering on Pakistan

You clown even if the TTP as not portrayed as the indian proxy any Pakistani would still have wanted them out as they have been targeting our people.

Well to me you are just acting like a retard, because you will take the word of a liar and believe in it. Then I don't who is more pathetic. As far as the media is concerned its their job to interview people and publish them in the papers, that is their bread and butter. God gave us all brains to read the statements and then analyze by looking at the realities on the ground, but unfortunately for you you lost yours in the shitter. Get a life man your hate for Pakistan is so strong that you refuse to look at the reality from the prism of commonsense.
Well to me you are just acting like a retard, because you will take the word of a liar and believe in it. Then I don't who is more pathetic. As far as the media is concerned its their job to interview people and publish them in the papers, that is their bread and butter. God gave us all brains to read the statements and then analyze by looking at the realities on the ground, but unfortunately for you you lost yours in the shitter. Get a life man your hate for Pakistan is so strong that you refuse to look at the reality from the prism of commonsense.

Shying away from the facts are we...... pathetic is the person who wants to run away ....from whats is there in front of him.....

But you brain goes out on a vacation when you read anything against India.....

The TTP guys just cemented the fact that Pakistan Taliban and Afghan Taliban are same....if you don't want to accept the fact then ....go home and wait for another attack on some poor location in your country.....

You will do anything to justify that there are good terrorists...and bad terrorist...but you guys will never stand together against terrorism....

The good terrorists from the past has become a bad terrorist for Pakistan...but you don't want to see that.

You hate against India is so pathetic that oyu can't even see your own people getting killed by these so called Good terrorists from your past......
SHAKTOI, Pakistan: A top Pakistani Taliban commander says he has sent thousands of fighters to neighbouring Afghanistan to rebuff incoming US troops, a claim that comes as a Pakistani army offensive is believed to have pushed many of his men to flee their main redoubt.

Waliur Rehman told The Associated Press in an exclusive interview Monday night that the Pakistani Taliban remain committed to battling the army in the South Waziristan tribal region, but they are essentially waging a guerrilla war.

Rehman is a deputy to Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud, and the man in charge of the group's operations in South Waziristan.

‘Since (President Barack) Obama is also sending additional forces to Afghanistan, we sent thousands of our men there to fight Nato and American forces,’ Rehman said.

The Afghan ‘Taliban needed our help at this stage, and we are helping them.’

Col. Wayne Shanks, a US military spokesman in Afghanistan, called Rehman's comments ‘rhetoric’ that were not to be believed.

‘We have not noticed any significant movement of insurgents in the border area,’ he said.

Ishtiaq Ahmad, a professor of international relations at Quaid-i-Azam University in Islamabad, speculated the comments were just an attempt to worsen the already tense relationship between the US and Pakistan.

‘When the United States expects Pakistan to synchronise its own counterterrorism policy with the troop surge...the militants issue these statements in an attempt to create problems in this relationship,’ said Ahmad.

Either stance is nearly impossible to independently verify. Access to the tribal belt, especially conflict zones, is severely restricted. Pakistani army spokesmen could not immediately be reached for comment.

Rehman spoke in a large mud-brick compound in the Shaktoi area of South Waziristan.

He looked relaxed as a he sat on a carpet surrounded by seven rifle-toting guards and Azam Tariq, a Taliban spokesman. It was apparently the first time either he or Hakimullah Mehsud had given an in-person interview to a journalist since the Pakistani military launched the ground offensive on October 17.

To meet Rehman, the AP reporter travelled to North Waziristan's town of Mir Ali and from there was taken by Taliban militants on a six-hour ride to South Waziristan in a vehicle with tinted windows.

The army sent some 30,000 troops to battle as many as 10,000 militants in South Waziristan, including hundreds of Uzbek fighters. The military estimates it has killed about 600 Taliban fighters. Rehman claimed he'd lost fewer than 20 fighters.

But many of the Pakistani Taliban militants are believed to have fled to other parts of the tribal belt, a semiautonomous stretch of rugged territory that runs along the Afghan border. Most were believed to have gone to North Waziristan, Orakzai and Kurram tribal areas.

The military has launched airstrikes in the latter two regions in recent weeks, and a full offensive might be in the works there.

Rehman, considered to be the strategic brains behind the Pakistani Taliban, said most of his fighters had reached Afghanistan and he didn't need that many insurgents to take on the military in South Waziristan.

He said Hakimullah Mehsud was ‘not far away’ and safe. Hakimullah Mehsud took over the extremist network in August after a US missile strike killed former commander Baitullah Mehsud.

Earlier this week, fliers signed by Mehsud appeared in North Waziristan warning Taliban fighters taking refuge there not to cause problems. It appeared to be an attempt to keep peace with other militants in that region — some of whom have truces with the government.

‘The claims of sending thousands of warriors into Afghanistan and the circulation of such leaflets to appease the warriors in North Waziristan are basically a reflection of increasing desperation of the Pakistani Taliban as it comes under increasing pressure from our security forces,’ said Ahmad, the international relations professor.

Rehman also said his group would stop attacking Pakistani forces if the country would sever its ties with the United States, a somewhat more moderate stance compared with his proclamation in a video he recorded before the South Waziristan operation that the group would fight until it set up an Islamic state in Pakistan.

Since October, militants have launched numerous attacks throughout Pakistan in a wave of violence that has killed more than 500 people, many of them civilians.

‘We would again become Pakistan's brother if Pakistan ends its support for America,’ he said. He claimed the Taliban only attacked security forces and disavowed any strikes on civilian targets.

Rehman urged Obama to focus on shoring up the beleaguered US economy. ‘He should know that Americans don't want war,’ Rehman said. ‘He should use this money for the welfare of his own people.’

He further claimed that Osama bin Laden was safe and alive, but that he had never met the al-Qaeda chief in person. Pakistani officials have long cast doubt on suggestions that bin Laden is hiding in the tribal belt.

‘I know he is in touch with his people and he is communicating with them to convey his instructions,’ Rehman said.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Pakistani Taliban say fighters going to Afghanistan

Ohhh yeah as if we believe them!
They said the same to Pakistani people that we are fighting with American assets...but they killed our troops...than they started to kill civilians...than they started to talked about Sharia...now they are saying we will send thousands of men to Afghanistan..
Well you fake talibs first fight American Assets in Pakistan than go to Afghanistan because you are TT PAKISTAN....
They want to gain sympathies from Pakistani people…

Col. Wayne Shanks, a US military spokesman in Afghanistan, called Rehman's comments ‘rhetoric’ that were not to be believed.

‘We have not noticed any significant movement of insurgents in the border area,’ he said.

Ishtiaq Ahmad, a professor of international relations at Quaid-i-Azam University in Islamabad, speculated the comments were just an attempt to worsen the already tense relationship between the US and Pakistan.

‘When the United States expects Pakistan to synchronise its own counterterrorism policy with the troop surge...the militants issue these statements in an attempt to create problems in this relationship,’ said Ahmad.

Just more propaganda by the TTP, along the lines of suggesting that Blackwater/CIA/ISI are carrying out suicide bombings in Pakistan. It appears from the above quotes that neither US military officials nor Pakistani analysts believe the claims by Wali-ur-Rehman either.

The TTP know that there is little support for the US occupation of Afghanistan in Pakistan, and they are trying to use this propaganda to tap into that sentiment.

The TTP are nothing but a bunch of murderers, liars and thugs, and as an example see their attack on the Press Culb yesterday and this attack on a school today:

Girls school near Peshawar blown up

Wednesday, 23 Dec, 2009

PESHAWAR: The Taliban blew up a girls' school in the Khyber district, where troops are fighting against militants in the tribal region bordering Afghanistan, an official said Wednesday.

Militants detonated explosives overnight at the government-run school in Bazgarah town, about 40 kilometres (25 miles) west of Peshawar, capital of the violence-plagued North West Frontier Province.

‘The building had 21 rooms. All have been completely demolished,’ local administration chief Shafeerullah Wazir told AFP by telephone.

There were no casualties because the property was empty at the time.

‘Taliban and their local allies are responsible. They are destroying educational institutions to avenge the military operation against their hideouts in the area,’ said Wazir.

‘This was the ninth educational institution blown up in Khyber over the past six weeks,’ he added.

Islamic militants opposed to co-education and subscribers to sharia law have destroyed hundreds of schools, mostly for girls, in northwest Pakistan in recent years.

The fabled Khyber tribal region is the main land bridge to neighbouring Afghanistan and the principle supply route for Nato troops fighting an eight-year Taliban insurgency across the border.

Pakistani troops launched an offensive in Khyber in September in a bid to flush out the Taliban and homegrown militant group Lashkar-e-Islam (Army of Islam) led by local warlord Mangal Bagh.

The United States is increasing pressure on Pakistan to crack down more on militants hunkered down in its lawless tribal belt, branded the most dangerous place on Earth and the chief sanctuary of Al-Qaeda. –AFP

Tha above shows that the comments from Wali-ur-Rehman are bald face lies, and he and the masterminds behind the TTP, will continue to attack and kill innocents in Pakistan.
We do not believe what they say….
In fact we don’t even care now…
Now we are looking beyond victory you talibans..

But Afghan Taliban has an uncanny ability to transform to India funded TTP....as soon as it crosses Pakistani border..and becomes Pakistan Enemy....what a hogwash...

They are two different organizations, though interlinked in many ways - that is the reality of the situation.

Both Western and Pakistani analysts recognize that fact, and in fact the current US concern has over Pakistan 'attacking the Pakistani Taliban but not attacking the Afghan Taliban', so how exactly is this 'hogwash'?
Its not funny why is every other country bothered about the Afghani talibans because they are fighting the US and Nato and are not allowing the indians to settle down there. Why should I care about them, they are not messing with me in my country, they are on the other side fighting for theirs. So there is a difference my friend. And I never said they are good or bad I just don't care about them, its as simple as that. Remember its the same guys who were making trips to the US before 9-11 on state invites for discussing the pipelines and stuff, so were they not as bad then, or was it ok because they were in bed then.

Mate forget about US fighting them,forget about India tries to settle there..Just look at what they were trying to do in Afghanistan and what TTP is trying to do in Pakistan...and also think that your country helped US in fighting against Afghan taliban..now honestly say that Taliban in Afghan is beneficial for your country??and they dont interfere on your countrys matter?

Well the news appeared in Pakistani media....the press conference happened over Pakistani land....a Pakistani Taliban is making a statement that he ill send his soldiers to fight US.....

ell your media does give him a lot of weight....it would be interesting to see how Pakistani Army and GOP reacts to this news.....

Proof.....Your media....your Reporter....still you are asking for proof......

The report is from AFP, reprinted in the Dawn, and just because the media publishes a statement from the TTP does not make it the 'word of God'.

The veracity of the statement is as of yet unknown, and the initial reaction of most analysts in the article itself (which I quoted in my earlier post) appears to be that this statement by the TTP is nothing but 'rhetoric'.
The report is from AFP, reprinted in the Dawn, and just because the media publishes a statement from the TTP does not make it the 'word of God'.

The veracity of the statement is as of yet unknown, and the initial reaction of most analysts in the article itself (which I quoted in my earlier post) appears to be that this statement by the TTP is nothing but 'rhetoric'.

I think We understand that AM......what I am trying to say is...that Pakistan has to stop differentiating between good terrorist and Bad terrorist....because they have just shown by way of this statement ...that they don't differentiate that ways....Pakistani Taliban is Willing to Join hands with Afghan Taliban....so why not think of all of them as terrorists and Kill them.
Well if you want to Claim that Pakistani media is Pathetic...its your call......

This entire press conference ....in which this Taliban leader has made statement...that He will send soldiers to fight against US in Afghanistan...goes against the great Pakistani propaganda that Taliban is being supported by India...because according to Pakistan...Taliban in Pakistan is different from Taliban in Afghanistan......and Taliban in Pakistan has nothing to do with Taliban in Afghanistan.....

So now if the Taliban in Pakistan has nothing to do with Taliban in Afghanistan.....why would they send fighters to Help Taliban in Afghanistan...one might Ask....

The fact is that the TTP and Afghan Taliban have strong ideological and operational linkages, and both have been active in Afghanistan.

People who say that the AT have no connection with TTP are either being disingenous or are simply unaware of the ground realities.

However, the TTP and Afghan Taliban are NOT the same organization - its more of a syndicate.

They are two separate heads of the same hydra-headed monster. And from a pakistani establishment perspective, some heads of the monster are more insidious than others.
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The fact is that the TTP and Afghan Taliban have strong ideological and operational linkages, and both have been active in Afghanistan.

However, the TTP and Afghan Taliban are NOT the same organization.

They are two separate heads of the same hydra-headed monster. And from a pakistani establishment perspective, some heads of the monster are more insidious than others.

Well thats precisely what I am trying to convey here.....there is a dangerous distinction and differentiation going on In Pakistan about Good Taliban and Bad Taliban.....

That has to stop if Pakistan wants to save itself from long term mayhem..... with that I rest my case...no further arguments on this.... until something good comes up.
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