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Pakistani Taliban say fighters going to Afghanistan

I think We understand that AM......what I am trying to say is...that Pakistan has to stop differentiating between good terrorist and Bad terrorist....because they have just shown by way of this statement ...that they don't differentiate that ways....Pakistani Taliban is Willing to Join hands with Afghan Taliban....so why not think of all of them as terrorists and Kill them.
We are - that is what the operation in Swat, SW and the rest of Pakistan is about.

But that does not mean that the Afghan Taliban and the TTP are not two different groups. Pakistan has to focus on the major threat to itself first.
Its not funny why is every other country bothered about the Afghani talibans because they are fighting the US and Nato and are not allowing the indians to settle down there. Why should I care about them, they are not messing with me in my country, they are on the other side fighting for theirs. So there is a difference my friend. And I never said they are good or bad I just don't care about them, its as simple as that. Remember its the same guys who were making trips to the US before 9-11 on state invites for discussing the pipelines and stuff, so were they not as bad then, or was it ok because they were in bed then.

It is a selfish attitude, I know they do not bother you, but Pakistan keeps supporting the goons just because they get advantage in Afghanistan. It is not wrong to think about our own interest, everyone does, but supporting Taliban is what made Afghanistan into what it is today, and part of blame lies with Pakistan.

It is very important that Afghanistan is progressed towards modern society, which will reduce such elements.
The fact is that the TTP and Afghan Taliban have strong ideological and operational linkages, and both have been active in Afghanistan.

People who say that the AT have no connection with TTP are either being disingenous or are simply unaware of the ground realities.

However, the TTP and Afghan Taliban are NOT the same organization - its more of a syndicate.

They are two separate heads of the same hydra-headed monster. And from a pakistani establishment perspective, some heads of the monster are more insidious than others.

So in other words you mean that Afghan Talibans are helping TTP to destroy Pakistan?
We are - that is what the operation in Swat, SW and the rest of Pakistan is about.

But that does not mean that the Afghan Taliban and the TTP are not two different groups. Pakistan has to focus on the major threat to itself first.

IMHO - a lot of the Afghan Taliban factions can be brought back into the mainstream. However the core AT group closely affiliated with AQ and led by Mullah Omar, is beyond rehab and should be eliminated - the pakistani establishment would do well to do just that.
So in other words you mean that Afghan Talibans are helping TTP to destroy Pakistan?

Well - they help each other in terms of sharing funds, resources and providing sanctuaries. The AT have been known to funnel some of the drug money to the TTP. Clearly, the TTP demanding US withdrawal from Afghanistan helps the AT agenda.

I believe the AT view the TTP as a useful tool for exerting pressure on the Pakistani establishment to end its operational support for the US......the message being:

Providing logistical support to the US while withdrawing material support previously extended to the Taliban will have negative consequences(read: TTP) for the establishment.
Well - they help each other in terms of sharing funds, resources and providing sanctuaries. The AT have been known to funnel some of the drug money to the TTP. Clearly, the TTP demanding US withdrawal from Afganistan helps the AT agenda.

I also believe the AT view the TTP as a useful tool for exerting pressure on the Pakistani establishment to end its operational support for the US......the message being:

Providing logistical support to the US while withdrawing material support previously extended to the Taliban will have negative consequences(read: TTP) for the establishment.

Well I am confused now...

People accuse that TTP are following Indian Agenda...
If AT and TTP have close relations than AT's are friends with Indians...
Some people accuse TTP to take money from CIA/RAW...
If it is true than why does TTP need drug money from AT...
Correct me if I am wrong...

What do you think about Jalal-ud-din Haqqani?
I think TTP does not have any link with good and pro Pakistani Afghan Talibans...

Well I am confused now...

People accuse that TTP are following Indian Agenda...
If AT and TTP have close relations that AT's are friends with Indians...
Some people accuse TTP to take money from CIA/RAW...
If it is true than why does TTP need drug money from AT...
Correct me if I am wrong...

Allow me to add to your confusion.....

If AT and TTP are working in cooperation with each other....and TTP is supported by India (as claimed by Pakistan Authorities time and again)....does this mean AT is also supported by India......and if AT is supported by India ....why is Pakistan against the Idea of Killing AT....and getting rid of Indian influence in Afghanistan....

Now if India is supporting AT and Northen Alliance at the same time....what is Pakistan's plan
IMHO - a lot of the Afghan Taliban factions can be brought back into the mainstream. However the core AT group closely affiliated with AQ and led by Mullah Omar, is beyond rehab and should be eliminated - the pakistani establishment would do well to do just that.

Lets assume for a moment that the core leadership is in Pakistan. If reports are true and the US has been incapable of obtaining intelligence on them for all these years, then I would argue that they are on the run and maintaining a very, very low profile to stay under the radar. To be able to do that means they are for all intents and purposes useless in terms of providing tangible assistance to the Afghan insurgency.

So what purpose will be served by Pakistan eliminating them, other than making an enemy out of the Afghan Taliban, and possibly increasing the level of support they provide the Pakistani Taliban and even potentially uniting them?

The US will get a propaganda coup out of it, but if the deaths of Nek Mohammed, Abdullah Mehsud and Baitullah Mehsud are observed, the Taliban will just continue on so long as their actual fighting and funding structures remain intact.

Pakistan gains nothing out of such a move, and in fact loses if both Afghan and Pakistani Taliban join ranks. Our focus should remain on eliminating the Pakistani Taliban threat first and foremost, while maintaining a credible deterrent on our Eastern Front where we continue to have a hostile neighbor.
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Allow me to add to your confusion.....

If AT and TTP are working in cooperation with each other....and TTP is supported by India (as claimed by Pakistan Authorities time and again)....does this mean AT is also supported by India......and if AT is supported by India ....why is Pakistan against the Idea of Killing AT....and getting rid of Indian influence in Afghanistan....

Now if India is supporting AT and Northen Alliance at the same time....what is Pakistan's plan

I am also confused now!!


whatever the plan is I support my country...however, I will like to get the answers...

well if u read the article, it quotes the US commander in afghanistan sayin that there is no such thing happenin. meaning TTP is not goin to afghanistan to assist aafghan talibans. its nothing more than a face saving statement

Col. Wayne Shanks, a US military spokesman in Afghanistan, called Rehman's comments ‘rhetoric’ that were not to be believed.

‘We have not noticed any significant movement of insurgents in the border area,’ he said.

Allow me to add to your confusion.....

If AT and TTP are working in cooperation with each other....and TTP is supported by India (as claimed by Pakistan Authorities time and again)....does this mean AT is also supported by India......and if AT is supported by India ....why is Pakistan against the Idea of Killing AT....and getting rid of Indian influence in Afghanistan....

Now if India is supporting AT and Northen Alliance at the same time....what is Pakistan's plan

why is Pakistan against the Idea of Killing AT....and getting rid of Indian influence in Afghanistan....

This made me more confused!
If AT are pro Indians than they cannot be pro Pakistanis...you said that Pakistan is not killing AT because Pakistan wants to finish Indian influence...so it means AT should know that they are being used against India...
and if AT is pro Indian than they will fight with Paksitan...
So it means that someone is telling us a lie…

:pakistan: :pakistan:
I think good Afg Talibans do not have any link with TTP...

This article is biased...

isnt it good timing by TTP ? They are confirming what USA is saying last 2 weeks ?

Why a theif will tell every one we are going to this area ?? First terrorist/ AQ words was used 24h in news and now taliban
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