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Pakistani Sikhs want to flee to India

Indians and the Indian Sikhs if any, plz worry about the state of Indian minorities Sikhs, Christians, Muslims etc etc inside India and don't worry about Pakistan. We have so far treated the minorities well enough compared to the Indian so called secular state has done, atleast we have not killed thousands of them with state sponsored machinery.

Sikhs, Christians, Hindus in Pakistan are Pakistanis, holding a green Pakistani flag bearing ID cards and Passports, and what the Muslims in Pakistan are suffering and have suffered, the Sikhs, Hindus, Christians being part of Pakistan have to suffer too at the hands of these foreign funded thugs.

If these Sikhs and Hindus are threatened by these foreign funded thugs, so have been the Muslims living in Pakistan, thus being Pakistanis they have to bear this fitna and with courage face this menace and they have been so far doing that with bravery.

You guys are crying rather making fun i would say for one Sikh being beheaded in this 9 year of foreign imposed war, Muslims have lost hundreds of their brothers, fathers, sons through these beheading, and just last week i lost one of my relatives to these barbarians, who got buried without a head nor his family saw his face for the last time as there was no head to look at.

So worry about how you treat the minorities by killing them with state backed groups and govts, don't worry about our ones.

These same sikhs and hindus were displaced with the Millions of Muslims and lived for months in those IDP camps and now they are happily back in their homes and rebuilding their lives just like other Pakistanis are doing.

InshAllah, very soon, these Sikh brothers will also be back in their own homes once this foreign funded thugs are taken out.

I appreciate your comments brother. It is nice to see that some Pakistanis are deeply concerned about Sikhs in their country.

But India, home to 90% of the world Sikhs, will obviously be worried about the recent developments. Nobody is trying to dictate any terms to Pakistan, but are merely expressing their concerns.

Also, if some Sikhs in Pakistan want to go to India, provisions need to be made.
:moil: Frustration reeks from ur posts

WHAT :rofl::rofl: U mean to say Sikhs desecrated the holy golden temple??????????????????????????????????/Who killed indra>???????????:rofl:
Whose dictating?im just making u remmember ur bed time story told falsely buy ur folks

Sorry but no sorry sikhisms Holiest places are in Pakistan and they are the citizens of there respective countries....If everyone follows ur idiotic beliefs then all indian muslims should come to Pakistan..........Homeland :rofl::rofl:

I dont think that Pakistani economy can handle 180 million refuugees
I appreciate your comments brother. It is nice to see that some Pakistanis are deeply concerned about Sikhs in their country.

But India, home to 90% of the world Sikhs, will obviously be worried about the recent developments. Nobody is trying to dictate any terms to Pakistan, but are merely expressing their concerns.

Also, if some Sikhs in Pakistan want to go to India, provisions need to be made.

If we wont who else be worried about them???
I dont think that Pakistani economy can handle 180 million refuugees

O paa jee it was a sarcastic remark....just to correct that dude.Indian muslims are indian first and muslim later and same is about Pakistani sikhs.
Our country was supposed to be secular like jinnah unfortunatley some puking mullahs hijacked it.But even now we are pretty secular.
Live and let live.
well thousands of innocent Muslims are dying in Pakistan every year........... so what if 2 sikhs died? i regret that and i understand the feelings when somebody is dead but is that mean they stop being patriotic and go against their motherland?

Come on the love for your country is inside your blood........ i am sure even if 1000 sikhs dies they won't stop loving Pakistan and this is a very little incident

Good question!.........I believe none of those muslims were murdered in the name of a 'RELIGIOUS TAX'. Hope I answered ur question.
To our indian members brothers u dont have to worry about our sikh brothers.F,,,,k the tali scums and rip for our brothers from whatever religion they belong to.They are still PAKISTANI and we love them irespective of there religion caste or creed
Sardar ji ne toh baja di sab ki :D

I don't know why these stupid things are being propagated by India. Very very dirty tactics.

Killing someone bcoz they didnt pay religious tax is NOT a stupid thing Mr.Mod. Btw, what is the crieteria for the word 'stupid thing.' Instead of rediculing such news as propaganda or dirty tactics, work towards to put an end to it....with all due respect!!!
I appreciate your comments brother. It is nice to see that some Pakistanis are deeply concerned about Sikhs in their country.

But India, home to 90% of the world Sikhs, will obviously be worried about the recent developments. Nobody is trying to dictate any terms to Pakistan, but are merely expressing their concerns.

Also, if some Sikhs in Pakistan want to go to India, provisions need to be made.

First of all, we are not stopping anyone from going to India, if they wish to, most welcome.

And as for worrying about Sikhs in Pakistan by Indians, well first worry about the thousands killed with state sponsored machinery in India and the desecration of their holy site, then plz worry about the just one Sikh beheading.

If you guys really care about Sikhs then stop the fun making process started in this thread which the Indian posters are doing, rather share your grief with them by showing some sympathy, not anti-pakistan bashing.
their fear is just. they should try to go to india if they find their life threatened in pakistan.
however at the same point they should also realise that its not just them who are suffering. many muslims have also been brutally beheaded for one reason or the other.
when a nation suffers, it suffers as a whole. neither has sikhs more right than muslims nor muslims over sikhs and similar for other religions. things will improve and they will improve for everyone, inshAllah.
‘Beheaded, my brother became a Sikh martyr’

ATTARI: ``I am proud of my brother, he has not been killed, he has attained martyrdom for the honour of Sikh religion. He refused to convert to Islam and preferred to lay down his life,'' an inconsolable Taranjit Singh told TOI here on Monday, a day after his cousin's beheaded body was found.

Pakistani Taliban had ruthlessly beheaded Jaspal Singh and Mahal Singh while two others - Gurjit Singh and Gurvinder Singh - are still in their custody. Pakistan Sikh Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee president Sham Singh, however, said only Jaspal Singh had been killed.

Jaspal's cousin, Taranjit, who lives in Lahore, has been in India for the past three weeks on a pilgrimage. He revealed that the kidnapping of Sikhs by Taliban was not only for money, but also to threaten the small Sikh community of Pakistan to embrace Islam.

Taranjit, who was on his way back to Pakistan, said: ``Had it only been about money, we (the Sikh community of Peshawar) would have contributed and paid the hefty ransom of Rs 3 crore and forgotten about it for the sake of their lives. But they (Taliban) had forced Jaspal to cut his hair and convert to Islam to which my brother refused and they beheaded him.'' He said Jaspal had sacrificed his life for the religion and to protect his identity.

"I have to go and see how the situation is there for us,'' he said, unsure of the fate of the Sikh community in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) bordering Afghanistan. He, however, admitted that he was afraid to return home.

Kirpal Singh, brother-in-law of the victim, said, ``Jaspal and his mother were also to accompany us and they had even got the visa for pilgrimage, but then he was abducted.'' Jaspal is survived by four children, including two daughters, and his widow, he added.

Sikhs in general were safe in Pakistan, but in FATA and other areas under control of Orkazai Agency, Taliban set their own rules, Kirpal Singh said.
?Beheaded, my brother became a Sikh martyr? - India - The Times of India

eventhough its a direct quote, People are welcome to redicule the news just bcoz its from TOI.
NDTV - another indian channel :rofl:

I have a friend who is from Delhi and he is a Muslim. He was born in delhi, his father was born in delhi and his grand father too hopefully was born in delhi (i want to say they are pure indians). But he hates india and support Pakistan everytime we have discussions around

And he is a real fan of Musharraf and believes India does not provide equal rights to Indian muslims and i keep telling him different stories that india is not a bad country either but he is not willing to accept that.

Please give him Pakistani nationality as he is more like a Pakistani and i believe may be once again we have some peoples from both countries who are willing to exchange borders........ lets have a free n fair elections to whole of India and Pakistan once again and divide the land according to the percentage of Population :lol:


dude.. you will niether get our population nor land.. you will find such idiots everywhere, but ask him to give up his life in india and move to pakistan and you will get your answer

dude.. you will niether get our population nor land.. you will find such idiots everywhere, but ask him to give up his life in india and move to pakistan and you will get your answer

he wants to,

but now he is living in UK and was asking me somehow he could get visa for Pakistan :cry: he wanted to see Pakistan but atm i have no idea myself like how to obtain visa from Pakistani embassy......... and may be in future i will take him to Pakistan in one of my trip but currently i am unsure myself when i am travelling to Pakistan :cry:

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