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Pakistani Sikhs want to flee to India

again Indian source :hitwall:

My friend, i told you many times i don't believe in Indian sources. They are usually showing what their government wants to show to its public

Trust me i respect indian media only because they work for their governments........ they always trying to call themselves the best country in the world and bash at Pakistan while here is another story. In our country even our own media is against our government but they spread less rumours unlike Indian media

Always prove your claims from Non-Indian sources please be it Western or Pakistani source

Thank you Very Much


Ohhh... you managed to identify those people being interviewed as RAW agents man, you are smart.

Just because your media did not cover the story, does not make it false. Your media could have atleast done a story to refute it, but you just don't care, thats the truth.

The video interviews pakistanis who have come to india. it happens all the time. There's a town called Ulhasnagar near mumbai, its dominated by sindhis. They keep welcoming sindhis from pakistan all the time. you are free not to believe it.
hey hey hey........ u guyz are just too much

are you guyz forgetting how many murders takes place in India, Africa or other parts of the world?

OK 2 sikhs died in Pakistan, we regret that....... but do you think no sikh ever died in India? i can remember India had the second highest percentage of Murders after Africa so should everybody feel insecure their and evacuate the country?

this is minor incident that you guyz are taking very seriously

I suppose, there is a difference between murder and beheading...
beheading is done because of the hatered
hey hey hey........ u guyz are just too much

are you guyz forgetting how many murders takes place in India, Africa or other parts of the world?

OK 2 sikhs died in Pakistan, we regret that....... but do you think no sikh ever died in India? i can remember India had the second highest percentage of Murders after Africa so should everybody feel insecure their and evacuate the country?

this is minor incident that you guyz are taking very seriously

I agree its a a minor incident, however india does not have the second highest rate of homicide, infact india's rate is 1/3rd that of pakistan.

its just our size.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pakistani government can't even provide security to it's Soldiers, they keep getting slaughter by these ruthless Talibans. Do you think they can protect every Sikh and Hindu in Pakistan? :hitwall::hitwall:
There is no need to panic now. with the limited resource Pakistan has, it is doing a decent job fighting someone else's war. If Indian government care so much about the humanity then they should stop killing innocent Kashmiri, Muslims and Christians in India.

Security for Soldiers?
The Soldiers are the security and that is why they pay the ultimate price with their blood so that people like us can survive.

Our soldiers are not being martyred while cowering in their homes but are embracing bullets and RPG-7 rounds (a friend of mine) on their chests while fighting the enemies of Pakistan and not somebody else.

It may not be your intention but I find your summary of events to actually disgrace the men we have lost in the war so far.
I agree its a a minor incident, however india does not have the second highest rate of homicide, infact india's rate is 1/3rd that of pakistan.

its just our size.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The wikipedia link is quite inadequate since i read a few reports they have cross referenced and guess what?
The figures do not match or there is an aversion to stick to the same reports.

In Pakistan the intentional homicide attempt rate per 100,000 inhabitants is 0.08%, 0.09% and 0.07% in 98, 99 and 2000
In India it is 3.12% and 2.97% in 98 and 99.
This is the UN report i am talking about because UN has a lot of staff in Pakistan.

The higher figure taken for Pakistan by our friends on Wikipedia is from a report on a San Diego University website which claims to have based the figure on information from INTERPOL. However there is no direct link to the INTERPOL report and on INTERPOL site i have not found such an evidence yet.

Anyways, the point is that this is a homicide in disguise at the hands of a mafia posing as a revolutionary movement for the people, just as any sick minded criminal in India or Pakistan would use any excuse to justify his actions against other human beings, the TTP does the same.
I am sorry if I hurt some of the ppl here. I am trying to be practical.
I know there will be Pakistanis who will support the sikhs in Pakistan, but some of the policies of the GoP and those idiots like the TTP will not allow these sikhs to have a good life.
Let me clear you people one thing, I am not in support for these sikhs to come to India also, they might still have trouble here also. Thats why I suggest that for them Canada would be better.
One needs to think practically, they are common men... they care about their life as any other and they need to think a lot of If's and If not's ....

Regarding your highlighted comments, it is not that some Pakistanis support Sikhs or not, Sikhs are our countrymen and no body rejects them or does not support them... the ones targeting them are the terrorists who have done same to many of our countrymen who have been nearly 100% Muslims so far.
The TTP are not Idiots, idiot is someone holding a matchstick and burning his hand.
They capture, torture, rape and terrorize deliberately and very methodically, they are as cold blooded as one can be...idiot is perhaps the incorrect word to use here, its another thing that i cannot think of an appropriate word which best fits their monstrosities and is not censored.

The policies of GOP are not against Sikhs in anyway but the situation is that there is a war going on.
Once it is over and Army is in control,the Sikh Pakistanis here will have a normal life like anyone else in FATA.

My friend the point is that the Sikhs are in as much danger as the rest of us, shall we all leave Pakistan to TTP and run here and there?

Individually the families may do whatever they please but i am talking about large scale implications, to me this should be treated as part of TTP's attack on Pakistanis and not just Sikhs.
I suggest GoI give citizenship to sikhs .They have shed a lot of blood for our country and as a token of gratitude we Indians should embrace them and give them citizenship if they are willing to come
Regarding your highlighted comments, it is not that some Pakistanis support Sikhs or not, Sikhs are our countrymen and no body rejects them or does not support them... the ones targeting them are the terrorists who have done same to many of our countrymen who have been nearly 100% Muslims so far.

The policies of GOP are not against Sikhs in anyway but the situation is that there is a war going on.
Once it is over and Army is in control,the Sikh Pakistanis here will have a normal life like anyone else in FATA.

My friend the point is that the Sikhs are in as much danger as the rest of us, shall we all leave Pakistan to TTP and run here and there?

Individually the families may do whatever they please but i am talking about large scale implications, to me this should be treated as part of TTP's attack on Pakistanis and not just Sikhs.

I think I am right in the following statement "Pakistan's Constitution give higher preference to muslims" but other minorities can live without hurting muslim's sentiments. I hope you get my point.
The other minorities are weaker by the constitution itself. The point I want to make is other minorities are in more danger than muslims in Pakistan.
Rather I would say Pakistan will be better if it has 100% muslims in it.
I also agree that individuals like you are also in Pakistan.. but how much effect you can cause is the point.
I think I am right in the following statement "Pakistan's Constitution give higher preference to muslims" but other minorities can live without hurting muslim's sentiments. I hope you get my point.
The other minorities are weaker by the constitution itself. The point I want to make is other minorities are in more danger than muslims in Pakistan.
Rather I would say Pakistan will be better if it has 100% muslims in it.
I also agree that individuals like you are also in Pakistan.. but how much effect you can cause is the point.
Let us suppose i dont know my constitution...will you enlighten me how its only for muslims.
The wikipedia link is quite inadequate since i read a few reports they have cross referenced and guess what?
The figures do not match or there is an aversion to stick to the same reports.

In Pakistan the intentional homicide attempt rate per 100,000 inhabitants is 0.08%, 0.09% and 0.07% in 98, 99 and 2000
In India it is 3.12% and 2.97% in 98 and 99.
This is the UN report i am talking about because UN has a lot of staff in Pakistan.

The higher figure taken for Pakistan by our friends on Wikipedia is from a report on a San Diego University website which claims to have based the figure on information from INTERPOL. However there is no direct link to the INTERPOL report and on INTERPOL site i have not found such an evidence yet.

Anyways, the point is that this is a homicide in disguise at the hands of a mafia posing as a revolutionary movement for the people, just as any sick minded criminal in India or Pakistan would use any excuse to justify his actions against other human beings, the TTP does the same.

Yes you are right, actually there is lot of confusion on this. But for that 6%+ rate for pakistan, the source as given by this UN report is pakistan govt itself.


In any case, the whole off topic thing started with the claim that india has the second highest homicide rate, a myth thrown on this forum liberally. I've busted it.
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Well well, looks like my so called countrymen have short memories.

Was it not the sikhs that killed, raped, looted innocent people who moved to or tried to move to pakistani side during partition?.

During the time of partition people had a choice to remain or leave what is pakistan now. Pakistan was created for muslims and created in the name of islam.

However i am against killing of innocents, but this a big hoo ha propeganda.

When muslims and christians are killed in india, do they request to flood to pakistan or elsewhere?.

People need to open their eyes and see that the taliban devil is better then gop devil, 60 years of corruption and failure.

EXCELLENT post brother

thanks for sharing. The Sikhs of Pakistan are proud patriots and sons of the soil. In fact, they hold a special place in our society.

I think its very hard to hold any grudge, anger or even suspicion against Sikhs, or their peaceful teachings.

Every year the Khatris from hindustan come, and Chief Minister Punjab ensures that VIP treatment is extended to them. They get the royal treatment here that no Pakistani would ever get in the hindustan -- that goes without saying
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