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Pakistani Sikhs want to flee to India

Pakistani Sikhs want to flee to India

Then go apply for visa or whatever to the country that fired at your holiest shrine. Go and run to those who laugh at your religion. Flee to those who rioted against you and killed thousands for betraying the Bharat. We agree Pakistan isn't very safe either at the moment for minorities but if you would like to help kick militant azz like your brother, Harcharan Singh, it will be very appreciated.

Our military did it's best to escort you to your gurdawara's. Our guards tried to provide protection to your families. But apparently you seem to think India is a safe-haven. History has shown us that the Golden temple isn't a safe-haven so how the heck can your houses be any safer?
Killing someone bcoz they didnt pay religious tax is NOT a stupid thing Mr.Mod. Btw, what is the crieteria for the word 'stupid thing.' Instead of rediculing such news as propaganda or dirty tactics, work towards to put an end to it....with all due respect!!!

TTP is a criminal syndicate, they capture you and demand money.
They try to give a religious twist to everything so as to play holy warrior card which is crap and everyone knows it by now.

As per my conversations with many tribal friends, at first wherever the TTP came the criminals vanished; till the locals realized that the criminals now all had beards and were part of TTP, this is what actually happened in FATA.

One friend told me how his uncle was ransomed and TTP member holding him said that brother this money will be used for Jihad...
He was kidnapped from Karachi and kept in FATA and all the while TTP was very much concerned if the man was praying, the fact that the man was kidnapped by TTP against all Islamic teachings and law was not something which shamed them at all!
They are using Islam and Taliban name just as a mask in order concoct stories about a selfless cause and to force people to pay money, one way or another...if the people do not comply there is only one thing which TTP uses, fear!

Before Swat operation we heard verified reports regarding similar things and there was no concession given to Muslims who were murdered without mercy
A School teacher near Mingora was martyred because his Shalwar was not above his ankles and when he was asked to keep it above the ankles as per TTP regulation, he answered that he has enough knowledge of Islam and was a Mujahid in his younger days so would not listen to nonsense, the man and his very old father both were killed by TTP.
In Mingora itself just before the Pakistan Army action, an Imam Masjid was butchered in front of the horrified people when he asked a large gathering of TTP to leave the ordinary people be, the TTP simply stated that this is interference with Holy war and martyred the brave Imam then and there.

In this case the man was Sikh so another angle was used to force his family to pay money, however the mentality and intent is the same and we have seen it before.
This is something all Pakistanis are suffering from and is not something applicable just to our Sikh brothers.

The writing is on the wall and Orakzai agency is already seeing PA actions, it is just a matter of time now when these rascals are made to pay which is precisely what has to be done.

However what i do not like at all is the self righteous Indian statements which claim that Pakistan needs to provide better security for Sikhs and it is India's duty to safeguard the Sikhs in Pakistan.
Pakistan is home to many Sikhs and welcomes the ones from India like brothers every year as well.
The thing that India can and should do if it really attaches so much significance to this misfortune, is to improve the relationship with Pakistan so that the end losers are the terrorists.
India knows that thousands of Pakistanis have been killed by the terrorists...being secular India should equally condemn all such acts in same manner...
On one hand we have seen an Indian attitude of negating the peace progress because of such rascal terrorists and threatening Pakistan and now they want to safeguard Pakistani Sikhs?

My humble request to India is that if you really are concerned about Pakistanis, let us talk over our issues and create a positive atmosphere by virtue of it Pakistan can focus more on killing these rascals and not fear about an Indian cold start which the terrorists can easily ignite with just one attack...how simple it is for the terrorists to win this war against two nuclear powers!

The terrorists do not segregate between whom they target and are a threat to all, it is time that this unites us on the talks table instead of passing the usual snide remarks on high level telling the other to clean his house
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yesterday you were saying BS in another thread that More Shia's dies every year in riots in Pakistan than what happened in Gujarat and today you are telling us that Pakistanis moves to India :rofl:

Either prove it from non-Indian source or stop spreading rumours

Escape From Taliban: Pak Hindus flee to India: IBNLive.com > Videos

Why are you getting so worked up? This happens all the time, as i said, hundreds of thousands of indians leave india every year too.
Escape From Taliban: Pak Hindus flee to India: IBNLive.com > Videos

Why are you getting so worked up? This happens all the time, as i said, hundreds of thousands of indians leave india every year too.

again Indian source :hitwall:

My friend, i told you many times i don't believe in Indian sources. They are usually showing what their government wants to show to its public

Trust me i respect indian media only because they work for their governments........ they always trying to call themselves the best country in the world and bash at Pakistan while here is another story. In our country even our own media is against our government but they spread less rumours unlike Indian media

Always prove your claims from Non-Indian sources please be it Western or Pakistani source

Thank you Very Much

I agree. They can go to Peshawar, Quetta, Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, etc... Why are they on the border with Afghanistan???

Because it is their home and they have lived here without any problems till the TTP showed up!

Certainly we should not question why they are living in this area since it is their country and they are welcome to stay anywhere.
All we can suggest is that instead of India if they want to relocate temporarily they can do so within Pakistan as IDPs and will be helped by their Pakistani brothers, inshallah.
However we should remember that to leave one's home is probably the most difficult thing you can ask a family to do...

Ideally the TTP should be exterminated so as to enable all of our troubled countrymen to live normally instead of relocating out of FATA, till this is done it is our duty to help our countrymen who are displaced.
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Normally people wouldn't like to leave their home country unless they are seriously challenged. I hope pakistan takes not of it and provide them security. Else if they are happy with the non muslims out of the country then india will always welcome them.. just like many other religions who visited the subcontinent and made it their home..!!!!!
I agree. They can go to Peshawar, Quetta, Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, etc... Why are they on the border with Afghanistan???

Brother you are asking them as if its not their own country. They have probably lived their for centuries. Its their home for God's sake. Do you ask everybody who lives there to move out?
Because it is their home and they have lived here without any problems till the TTP showed up!

Certainly we should not question why they are living in this area since it is their country and they are welcome to stay anywhere.
All we can suggest is that instead of India if they want to relocated they can do so within Pakistan as IDPs and will be helped by their Pakistani brothers, inshallah.
However we should remember that to leave one's home is probably the most difficult thing you can ask a family to do...

Ideally the TTP should be exterminated so as to enable all of our troubled countrymen to live normally instead of relocating out of FATA, till this is done it is our duty to help our countrymen who are displaced.

They should be provided with required security in their place itself. dont you ppl think that for a common man shifting from his home to a new city inside his country is as equal to shifting to a different country? more over these ppl might be having second thoughts to opt for another Pakistan city. I would rather say that it will be best for them to choose Canada rather than India or Pakistan.
As an Islamic country it is better for Pakistan if the minorities are reduced... I think many will agree with my view...
First of all this is not a case of religious intolerance towards minorities since the perpetrators of the crime treat all the same way whether Muslim or Non Muslim, it should not be implied as such that this is a result of Pakistan's intolerance or indifference towards minorities. Pakistan has never been hostile towards Sikhs or any non Muslim minority.
We are especially close to Sikhs despite whatever happened at partition time, we welcome them to their holy places and love to sit and talk with them, i am sure many Indian Sikhs would have told tales of the interest Pakistanis take in their affairs when visiting Nankana Sahib or Hassan Abdal.

Secondly i am not at all of the view that it is not something we ignore or should ignore, ideally this should never have come to pass; however in FATA there is a situation which is not prevalent in other parts of the country so normal law and order situation does not exist. This implies that we keep it in mind when talking about tribal agencies in which Pakistan Army has not carried out its operations to exterminate TTP.
To say that Sikhs should be provided better security when 30,000 Pakistanis have been killed or injured since 2003 in the war on terror is something over simplistic. We all need better security and that is what the Pakistan Army has been fighting for despite getting flak from many directions about how it was fighting in its own country...

Thirdly i will not go into comparison but to keep things in perspective; India has had more than its share of atrocities in one form or another and many in the name of religion and directed particularly against minorities, but that is not what India wants to be judged by.
To repeatedly say that India will welcome them instead and implying that perhaps they are not welcome in Pakistan is extremely unfair and sounds provocative to me as a Pakistani.
That is why i say that they can move within Pakistan temporarily or permanently and we shall help to the best of our ability, like the IDPs from Swat or Bajaur were helped.
It is certainly not the ideal scenario and difficult for the families but it is not like no one gives a damn in Pakistan and would not help out.
We do care since they are our countrymen and hence our brothers.
Even if they choose to leave Pakistan, does not mean they cease to become Pakistanis.

Fourthly, we are not a country which wants to be more Islamic by forcing minorities out of its society. There is nothing Islamic about it...
We respect our non Muslim Pakistanis and do not underestimate their role in our society which has been brilliant.
To imply that it would be better for Pakistan that minorities leave is a very unfair comment since such a thing is neither Islamic nor in line with the ideology of Pakistan in which no such segregation exists.
We are an open tolerant society which is rich in Islamic traditions of hospitality and tolerance of all; TTP in no way represents Islamic values or what the mainstream Pakistani wants.
To all those who are suggesting we bring them to India - I don't think the GoI or we Indians have a moral responsibility in this matter. Its not like they are Indian citizens. They made a choice decades ago and are facing touch circumstances. Who doesn't?

And I wonder if any Sikh who's a Canadian or US citizen ever come back to India due to racism related violence. Take it from somebody like me, they don't.
They should be provided with required security in their place itself. dont you ppl think that for a common man shifting from his home to a new city inside his country is as equal to shifting to a different country? more over these ppl might be having second thoughts to opt for another Pakistan city. I would rather say that it will be best for them to choose Canada rather than India or Pakistan.
As an Islamic country it is better for Pakistan if the minorities are reduced... I think many will agree with my view...

Nope in fact it is more the opposite, you are stereotyping the issue and doing what many here have done. The GOP and the PA has been trying hard to provide security to the whole area, to all of its residents. And that includes the minorities as well, when the TTP kills they kill the Pakistanis and don’t differentiate between black and white, Muslims and non Muslims. So I would suggest you to read Mr. Greens posts on this page. They might help you clear your mind and you might look at it from another angle rather than just being an indian.
Pakistan should provide security of them

Pakistani government can't even provide security to it's Soldiers, they keep getting slaughter by these ruthless Talibans. Do you think they can protect every Sikh and Hindu in Pakistan? :hitwall::hitwall:
There is no need to panic now. with the limited resource Pakistan has, it is doing a decent job fighting someone else's war. If Indian government care so much about the humanity then they should stop killing innocent Kashmiri, Muslims and Christians in India.
Nope in fact it is more the opposite, you are stereotyping the issue and doing what many here have done. The GOP and the PA has been trying hard to provide security to the whole area, to all of its residents. And that includes the minorities as well, when the TTP kills they kill the Pakistanis and don’t differentiate between black and white, Muslims and non Muslims. So I would suggest you to read Mr. Greens posts on this page. They might help you clear your mind and you might look at it from another angle rather than just being an indian.

I am sorry if I hurt some of the ppl here. I am trying to be practical.
I know there will be Pakistanis who will support the sikhs in Pakistan, but some of the policies of the GoP and those idiots like the TTP will not allow these sikhs to have a good life.
Let me clear you people one thing, I am not in support for these sikhs to come to India also, they might still have trouble here also. Thats why I suggest that for them Canada would be better.
One needs to think practically, they are common men... they care about their life as any other and they need to think a lot of If's and If not's ....
Pakistani government can't even provide security to it's Soldiers, they keep getting slaughter by these ruthless Talibans. Do you think they can protect every Sikh and Hindu in Pakistan? :hitwall::hitwall:
There is no need to panic now. with the limited resource Pakistan has, it is doing a decent job fighting someone else's war. If Indian government care so much about the humanity then they should stop killing innocent Kashmiri, Muslims and Christians in India.

hey hey hey........ u guyz are just too much

are you guyz forgetting how many murders takes place in India, Africa or other parts of the world?

OK 2 sikhs died in Pakistan, we regret that....... but do you think no sikh ever died in India? i can remember India had the second highest percentage of Murders after Africa so should everybody feel insecure their and evacuate the country?

this is minor incident that you guyz are taking very seriously
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