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Pakistani Shia's to create Hezbollah like Movement to protect themselves?

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Pew's Sample size on 2013 elections Survey in Pakistan was also small.
But the survey was found to be highly accurate as Pew Survey rightly predicted PMLN victory.

Not quite, the PEW Survey placed Nawaz's Popularity at 66 percent whilst it placed Khan's at 60 & that of Zardari at 14 - None of their Parties got the seats proportionate to that ! In case of PTI & PPP not even by a long-shot.

The prediction of PML N Victory was for anyone to see as is the fact that there are Sunnis who consider Shias as Non Muslims in Pakistan & Vice Versa but an arbitrary figure of any kind to be placed on that is impossible because its bound to be not reflective of the ground realities & why ? Because you never went out beyond the 3-4 major cities of Pakistan & that too not beyond 1500 odd people in them !
Not quite, the PEW Survey placed Nawaz's Popularity at 66 percent whilst it placed Khan's at 60 & that of Zardari at 14 - None of their Parties got the seats proportionate to that ! In case of PTI & PPP not even by a long-shot.

Popularity doesn't necessarily translate to number of seats. You can have 51% and 49% vote, looks close, but you d still loose the seat.
No matter how bad? That makes no sense when a community is at war. Plus what happened with the sniped suicide bomber was pretty much not a Hazara hezbollah style army in the making. It is a citizen neighborhood watch which coordinates with the FC. More like they were deputized. So they are in support of the system to a point. The shot was made by a Hazara and there was no FC present with him when he did. We also do not have the facts if he was in contact with the FC moments before taking the shot. Either way, thank his stars that he had perfect aim and his instinct about the bomber was correct.
its not just shia community its entire pakistan at war with these blood sucking leeches , they have and are targetting everyone .. i wont object if they were only targeting shias but thats not the case , also this will provoke a dangerous situation and communities will take up arms in defence.. Not every day is a lucky day
Only 50% of Pakistani Sunnis accept Shias as Muslims:


Who gets to be a Muslim in Pakistan? - DAWN.COM

Deobandi call them Sunni too but Sunni call them Deobandi because they are not like Sunni and Deobandi always say that Shia are Kafir and something like that.
Not quite, the PEW Survey placed Nawaz's Popularity at 66 percent whilst it placed Khan's at 60 & that of Zardari at 14 - None of their Parties got the seats proportionate to that ! In case of PTI & PPP not even by a long-shot.

The prediction of PML N Victory was for anyone to see as is the fact that there are Sunnis who consider Shias as Non Muslims in Pakistan & Vice Versa but an arbitrary figure of any kind to be placed on that is impossible because its bound to be not reflective of the ground realities & why ? Because you never went out beyond the 3-4 major cities of Pakistan & that too not beyond 1500 odd people in them !

That vote share difference between PMLN and PTI was mcuh smaller.

BTW imagine if Urban Pakistanis are so extreme then you can imagine the condition in Rural areas.
Even in Defence.pk facebook page I have seen many users commenting Shias are kafirs and all that.
Popularity doesn't necessarily translate to number of seats. You can have 51% and 49% vote, looks close, but you d still loose the seat.

Exactly my point !

The same rationale applies to this situation - How does one put a number...any number on it when the sample size is small to the point of being humorous & hasn't accounted for social stratification, religious background & most of all location !

Then some pertinent questions arise when one looks at the findings of the rest of the Survey - Namely that the acceptance of a 'multiple interpretations of Islam' & 'Sufi Islam' are pretty high to well enough, respectively, in Pakistan, as per the same Survey !
what is the % of shia population in pakistan ???
We need to create a separate Shia Country in Pakistan to liberate them from Pakistani occupation and brutality!

All I did was replace Muslim with Shia and India with Pakistan with regards to pak viewpoint in kashmir

what is the % of shia population in pakistan ???

At thge rate they are going at it in Pakistan, 0% in a few years.
I know hazara's have been targeted brutally but such creation of a group like hezbollah is what those LeJ guys want to kick start the all out war, Army/security establishments are skating on thin ice with ankle weights and they ought to take concrete steps so that such a situation doesn't present itself. Been here on this forum for a while and the anger/hatred for other each other's sect (although most of the time in a childish manner) can be sensed in the personal jibes.
That vote share difference between PMLN and PTI was mcuh smaller.

Not quite...PML Sweeped Punjab & baring the Cities the difference was huge ! PTI didn't get a single seat in Baluchistan & barely managed to scrape through with some in Sindh & ended up forming the Government in KPK due to the good graces of PML N !

BTW imagine if Urban Pakistanis are so extreme then you can imagine the condition in Rural areas.
Even in Defence.pk facebook page I have seen many users commenting Shias are kafirs and all that.

We're still debating 'whether Urban Pakistanis' are 'so extreme' or not especially when only 500 of them in Lahore - a city of 10 million have been asked & perhaps another 500-1000 in Karachi - a city of perhaps 30 million !

So I think I'll reserve my opinion when 1500 are to decide the 'label' that 200 million are required to wear !

At any rate Facebook & others are hardly the way to go otherwise whatever some users may say about Shias on PDF....you're fellow Indians have thrown a lot more crap at Indian Muslims, on PDF, on the merest mention of a Hindu-Muslim Riot or Disagreement - So please...lets be objective & let us not base our opinions on the Internet !

what is the % of shia population in pakistan ???

I've heard as low as 5% & as high as 25% but if anecdotal evidence is anything to go by - I'd say that it wouldn't be fantastic to say that 1-2 out of every 10 Pakistani Muslims are Shias.
its not just shia community its entire pakistan at war with these blood sucking leeches , they have and are targetting everyone .. i wont object if they were only targeting shias but thats not the case , also this will provoke a dangerous situation and communities will take up arms in defence.. Not every day is a lucky day

Killings of Shia is getting a big matter in Pakistan. They got support that's why everyone we are talking about Shia killings and not about Sunni killings, Deobandi killings or killing of any sect. Shia are speaking out of their killings. But this is the matter of the whole nation. Public should support people who are serious in saving the nation and not saving their properties and money.
IS there any possibility that Shia's in Pakistan will create a force like Lebanese Resistance movement Hezbollah to protect themselves from attack by extremists.Hezbollah was created to defend Lebeanese Shias from Christian,Sunni militias and Israel.

After the Kurram attack many Shias blamed Pakistan Army for incompetency.Many even believed that Pakistan Army supports the attackers.

Pakistan Army firing also killed 4 Shiite protestors on Kurram 2 days back.

Remember Shias in Kurram claimed that when the area was protected by Shiite volunteers there were no attacks but only after Pakistan Army set up checkposts in the area attacks restarted.
Similarly Hazara volunteer groups have been set up to protect Hazara town as FC failed to protect them.
They successfully stopped an attack today.

Hezbollah main objective is to fight for Lebanon and its people. Pakistan:pakistan: army is more then capable enough to do that so BIG NO.
its not just shia community its entire pakistan at war with these blood sucking leeches , they have and are targetting everyone .. i wont object if they were only targeting shias but thats not the case , also this will provoke a dangerous situation and communities will take up arms in defence.. Not every day is a lucky day

You are answering your own question. No community WANTS to make a self defence force. If the army and lea keep defending and not work on erradicating the sense of protection they feel ends. They start by defending and then if the situation does not change go on the the offensive. Its more or less a human instinct and has nothing to do with these religions.
Why shia turis of kurram need to be like hezbullah?. They are tribal pashtuns and are armed to teeth. And like rest of pashtun tribes, has history of tribal wars.....turis stood up against taliban ,so did many sunni tribes and so the blasts on them.
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