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Pakistani qadiani met Trump

Don't ask. Don't tell.

Is there anything wrong with that? Let religious beliefs remain private and all is well.

Bro if you care about keeping beliefs private, then do us a favour and start with yourself. Stop posting, keep beliefs which are related to religion to yourself. You shouldn't even be looking at this thread.

But for me and others. We clearly do not follow your line of thought. Yes there is big problem with some Muslims taking in western concepts and trying to push them in our societies.
Bro if you care about keeping beliefs private, then do us a favour and start with yourself. Stop posting, keep beliefs which are related to religion to yourself. You shouldn't even be looking at this thread.

But for me and others. We clearly do not follow your line of thought. Yes there is big problem with some Muslims taking in western concepts and trying to push them in our societies.

I will stop only if you stop pushing your beliefs on others.
I will stop only if you stop pushing your beliefs on others.

Then you will forever be a hypocrite, telling others to keep their beliefs private whilst trying to push yours into society. I will never stop being a Muslim and neither is my mind colonised so you won't see any breaks me insha'Allah.
Then you will forever be a hypocrite, telling others to keep their beliefs private whilst trying to push yours into society. I will never stop being a Muslim and neither is my mind colonised so you won't see any breaks me insha'Allah.

There is no hypocrisy in respecting everyone's beliefs EQUALLY.
There is no hypocrisy in respecting everyone's beliefs EQUALLY.

Respecting beliefs equally is illogical.

You want to respect a belief system which says another prophet came after Prophet Muhammed (pbuh)? Do it privately, keep it in your head and away from the public. After all, that's your belief isn't it - for people to keep beliefs private.
So you want others to respect your beliefs while you do not respect theirs. How logical is that? :D

I push for Islam but I don't meet people and demand them to respect Islam. I mean I am sure many, if not most people, here in the UK don't respect Islam even if they treat Muslims themselves okay.
Religion is a vehicle to enable humans to elevate one's consciousness to a point where it can attain to the presence of the Supreme being. The journey and the destination is what matters.
Sufi culture recognises this important fact.
The rest is just tribalism and politics.

Still lanat on Shakoor bhai
With respect, I think you would be better served looking inward towards your own failings, recognising them, accepting them and correcting them rather than pointing out the failings of others. It will make you so much better as a human being, unless of course you have already attained perfection, in which case I salute you.
He didn't say anything wrong. Every word he said was correct.

Someone tell me which bit was traitorous?
Awan Qadyani nahi hote. Koi sharam hoti hai koi haya hoti hai kya pakhane main gir K marne wala insan nabi ho sakta hai?
Religious beliefs are private for all.

Qadiyanis do tend to preach others including Muslims. If they are preaching a Christian, Jew or Lindsey Lohan its fine, but trying to convert Muslims into believing what Qadiyanis think is correct ........ it doesn't remain private anymore. Their young lads are given this duty and a target number. I wouldn't mind if I already know that the guy trying to be nice to me and lecturing me is a Qadiyani ....... but I do take offense when I am kept ignorant and the true motive and identity is revealed at the end.

Rabwa happens to be a state within a state ....... the residents follow a Caliph of their own. The purpose to side with Pakistan has been achieved ........ why hide your beliefs then?
Qadiyanis do tend to preach others including Muslims. If they are preaching a Christian, Jew or Lindsey Lohan its fine, but trying to convert Muslims into believing what Qadiyanis think is correct ........ it doesn't remain private anymore. Their young lads are given this duty and a target number. I wouldn't mind if I already know that the guy trying to be nice to me and lecturing me is a Qadiyani ....... but I do take offense when I am kept ignorant and the true motive and identity is revealed at the end.

Rabwa happens to be a state within a state ....... the residents follow a Caliph of their own. The purpose to side with Pakistan has been achieved ........ why hide your beliefs then?

My advice about keeping religion private applies to them too. They should not preach in such an environment and keep their beliefs private, where they belong. Being subversive against the authority of the government is never a good thing for a minority.
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