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Pakistani qadiani met Trump

That is not funny. It is beautiful. None of them visit the holy sites of Islam as Pakistani.

Apparently, Allah, and the House of Saud, have no problems with their beliefs. Wallahu Alam! He knows best.
Is by definition persecution. Why you call it persecution of Muslims in India?

How are the two even relatable to draw a parallel?

Is that declaration a requirement for Hajj or Umra? Your religion to you, to me, mine, seems good enough to me.

Then why are only Muslims allowed in the Holy Mosque by requirement?
Apparently, Allah, and the House of Saud, have no problems with their beliefs. Wallahu Alam! He knows best.

True like they never objected people like Nawaz Sharif visiting kaaba
Is that declaration a requirement for Hajj or Umra? Your religion to you, to me, mine, seems good enough to me.

O you who have believed, indeed the polytheists are unclean, so let them not approach al-Masjid al-Haram after this, their [final] year. - Holy Quran, 9:28

People are free to choose their religions. Nobody is free to misrepresent.

If anyone knowingly commits haram and passes it as Halal in Islam - that person is eligible to be declared non Muslim by the appripriate authorities in Islam. In Pakistan these authorities are the state. The state has ruled on the matter.

If other states who are not within our jurisprudence don't wish too, we cannot hold anyone to account.
Or Imran Khan either.

I think they do not care about such matters, just as they should not.

Imran Khan is Muslim he is not aalo gosht Wala like Nawaz and is not thief like them
Imran Khan is Muslim he is not aalo gosht Wala like Nawaz and is not thief like them

And Tyrian is not just gosht either, right?

As I said above, such things should not matter as they are between a believer and Allah Himself, not for any one of us.
At this moment Pakistani citizens of every religion, province, caste, creed including Qadianis are fighting for Pakistan in every field and even the battle field.

Let's not please generalise any community, we are one nation.

Agree 100%.

The issue of the Qadiani identity only is a problem because of the discrimination these people face if they identify as Qadiani. If they weren't discriminated against many more would openly identify as Qadiani.

We should follow the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and not discriminate against people because of their faith, or other parts of their identity.
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