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Pakistani qadiani met Trump

You guys have wasted pages here debating lies. Here are facts about the the meeting
So much rona dhona helped them on this occasion, while pissing many people off back home?
Apparently that complaint did not do a jack squat. The relations are determined based on national & strategic interests.
Where does it say freedom to launder money, exploit the poor and run anti State propaganda till 'Caliph' makes a return atop a white donkey?
I've made a post about potatoes, you're asking a question about onions.

Other than restriction on PM and president, there's no other restriction on Qadiyanis. They are equal citizen and enjoying their lives in Pakistan. The two restrictions make no difference since 97% of Muslims will never elect a non-Muslim as president or PM. But we had a non-Muslim (Hindu) CJP Bhagwan Das and we have non-Muslim MPs and they can contest on both ordinary and quota seats. I think there are even quotas in the jobs and academic institutions while Qadyanis have a lot of bureaucrats.
Why then create an issue by singling them out in the constitution.
We all know the reason why and it's caused no end of shit for Pakistan.
We seem to be very good at needlessly shooting ourselves in the foot.
Why then create an issue by singling them out in the constitution.
We all know the reason why and it's caused no end of shit for Pakistan.
We seem to be very good at needlessly shooting ourselves in the foot
Simply because they pretend to be what they are not :what:
Can you make bullet points from the video?
The trip was not planned but was small part of delegation of hundreds other persecuted minorities worldwide visiting White House.
Shakoor Bhai didn't seek asylum or any aid from Donald Trump against Government of Pakistan
I've made a post about potatoes, you're asking a question about onions.

I have answered your content. If you seek petty comments ridiculing the situation, you have received that too from esteemed forum member too.

The trip was not planned but was small part of delegation of hundreds other persecuted minorities worldwide visiting White House.
Shakoor Bhai didn't seek asylum or any aid from Donald Trump against Government of Pakistan

Do you even know what persecution is on a state level?
Simply because they pretend to be what they are not :what:
No one's business. Let them get on with it. Never made any difference to my life. Just because they are singled out in the constitution hasn't made them change their claims, has it. It's just given them a platform to promote their claim. It was done to keep the mullahs on quiet and on board.We have been cowardly as well as stupid.
No one's business. Let them get on with it. Never made any difference to my life. Just because they are singled out in the constitution hasn't made them change their claims, has it. It's just given them a platform to promote their claim. It was done to keep the mullahs on quiet and on board.We have been cowardly as well as stupid.
No, why?
I have answered your content. If you seek petty comments ridiculing the situation, you have received that too from esteemed forum member too.

Do you even know what persecution is on a state level?
I posted about religious freedom, you are talking about corruption. Let's hear what you have to say about Jinnah's view on religious freedom and the state of religious minorities in Pakistan.
No one's business. Let them get on with it. Never made any difference to my life. Just because they are singled out in the constitution hasn't made them change their claims, has it. It's just given them a platform to promote their claim. It was done to keep the mullahs on quiet and on board.We have been cowardly as well as stupid.

The funny thing is that Saudi Arabia allows them to perform Hajj and other rituals in the holiest of places in Islam without any problems - as long as they are on a passport other than Pakistani.
Ahmedis got their homes and shops burned, looted many times over. This is persecution

Communal violence happens everywhere in the world. State persecution would mean they have no shops and no homes. You need to understand the difference between the two.

I posted about religious freedom, you are talking about corruption. Let's hear what you have to say about Jinnah's view on religious freedom and the state of religious minorities in Pakistan.

They have every freedom Jinnah promised them. They can go to their temple, choose their own patron, bury their dead according to their traditions.

They simply cannot masquerade as Muslims due to law and order situation that may cause.

You want the state to take away protection given to them by the constitution as a minority?

The funny thing is that Saudi Arabia allows them to perform Hajj and other rituals in the holiest of places in Islam without any problems - as long as they are on a passport other than Pakistani.

That is not funny. It is beautiful. None of them visit the holy sites of Islam as Pakistani.
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