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Pakistani qadiani met Trump

We are forced to care if that someone is sitting on our funds and ratings

But Pakistan has its own ways to force others to care for it too according to the principles of international geopolitics. It must be a two-way street.
Every one has to answer infront of Allah.
The most important question is that are we ready to answer infront of him?

I really hate when people talk religiously during the event of Pakistan foreign affairs.

@waz @Irfan Baloch @Horus @Dubious
This thread and "Pakistan should end alliance with China" should be closed. These two threads have nothing to do with Pakistan's interests.
But Pakistan has its own ways to force others to care for it too according to the principles of international geopolitics. It must be a two-way street.

If one plays tge cards right and had dignity

Yanks like that

Ham ghass Kha lain ga kisi ki ghulami nahi karain gay
جانے دے یار
بھٹو یہ ڈھنگ مار کے تو چلا گیا مگر اب تک ہمارا توا لگتا ہے اس بات پر
If one plays tge cards right and had dignity

Yanks like that

جانے دے یار
بھٹو یہ ڈھنگ مار کے تو چلا گیا مگر اب تک ہمارا توا لگتا ہے اس بات پر


And sure PMIK can do that far better than the previous dunce who held that office, as we all know. :D
They are scared to openly identify
Just like muslims are in india

"Scared" ........ so you are saying their eman is weak?

I don't know how you arrived at comparing them with indian Muslims, they at least own their identity. No one forces a Qadiyani to chant ALLAH o Akbar or drink pee of a qurbani ka bakra here to prove their loyalty.
his posts are there and post history of every individual is there as evidence enough.

you carry a religious bias against Pakistan.

Sikhs Hindus Jains Bhuddists do not claim persecution on State level.

I would not overreact if the choice of words would be appropriate.

You are a protected minority. do not Abuse your rights in such level

Ah chill with your mercy virtue signalling. I know how minorities are treated in Pakistan, especially Ahmadis. Forgive me if I don't take kindly to you folk celebrating Eid by burning alive unborn Ahmadi girls or locking up 13 year old boys/80 year old men. I don't need your patriotic stamp, Pakistan is my country, and will always be. Criticizing acts done by Pakistani government or some people does not make me bias against Pakistan. Do you understand that?

Perhaps not, you carry on posting headless posts and living a life of delusion.
Ah chill with your mercy virtue signalling. I know how minorities are treated in Pakistan, especially Ahmadis. Forgive me if I don't take kindly to you folk celebrating Eid by burning alive unborn Ahmadi girls or locking up 13 year old boys/80 year old men. I don't need your patriotic stamp, Pakistan is my country, and will always be. Criticizing acts done by Pakistani government or some people does not make me bias against Pakistan. Do you understand that?

Perhaps not, you carry on posting headless posts and living a life of delusion.

I am busy sorting out other problems. When i am done with that i will let you bask in your 15 minutes of fame here.

Now wait for your turn.
not a country btw... heheXD
You sure Pakistan doesn't have the highest number of Ahmedi's country-wise?

Well Pakistan and Pakistani people(majority) do have the right to make constitution according to their requirements and special care was considered for the role of minorities but if you yourself don't consider yourself a minority then thats an issue because under the constitution you are a non-mulsim minority.

Btw, this goes both ways, it isn't like Ahmedi's consider non-Ahmedi's as Muslim. You also consider us as non-Muslim(and it isn't like some random molvi from your jammat stating that it is from your Khalifa), but you can't do anything about it because you ain't majority.

@waz @The Eagle @Irfan Baloch allowed? That wasn't warranted, I am trying to be non-abusive(you can go through my whole thread, and also don't close the thread if it goes downhill like always, just ban/warn the person who started it). Btw, who said it was a 'mere' after thought? I am glad it is the way it is. The position should be for a Muslim in a Muslim majority country that too with 95% muslims.

Well just want you to be you, don't try to link yourselves with us. Isn't it that simple? Follow the constitution, how hard it is to follow the law of a country in which you are born, raised and alive?

Well you are the one who is bsing. reply to the first argument:

You are calling Ahmadis traitors, I am only questioning your intelligence if you equate an old man's ranting about his hurt whilst being jailed for selling Ahmadi books to a world wide conspiracy. And yes, there are more Ahmadis percentage wise in some other African countries than in Pakistan, and they have no issues there.

I am not trying to link up with you, you are mistaken. You are trying to police Islam, and even then you are not sure which Islam is right, but want me to give up what I have. So like I said before, you do ijma with your ulema, come up with a standardized version of Islam, then let me know, and I will look in to it.

I am busy sorting out other problems. When i am done with that i will let you bask in your 15 minutes of fame here.

Now wait for your turn.

Lol. You are deluded beyond reason. What is it with you folks and trying to control other people? Or atleast feeling like you do control others. Listen, I would get more 15 minute of fame cleaning my garden than I would by talking to you. So easy on the self gratification, fella. I heard it's a sign of a narcissistic personality.
Please edit that out! Uncalled for and

keep it civil EVERYONE!

Doesn't give me the option to edit. You are welcome to delete that bit if you'd like.

I gave you the mercy of a response while being busy. It is your minority right so enjoy the merciful nature of mine for protected minorities.

Self delusion again. Are you off your meds or something?
Self delusion again. Are you off your meds or something?

I am busy. I will get back to you when i get the time. Present your case in a civilized manner till then. You shall be given mercy of my attention
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