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Pakistani qadiani met Trump

I am busy. I will get back to you when i get the time. Present your case in a civilized manner till then. You shall be given mercy of my attention

I humbly suggest you take this time to do ijma with your ulema if you are even allowed to spend so much time on a kafir (internet) invention. Till then, Cheerio!

Lol I honestly doubt that unless a large number of south asian qadianis migrated there.


The sources are at the bottom.

And for everyone else, remember kids, facts don't care about your feelings.
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Every sect considers itself the saved one, that's the appeal of them. "Qadiyanis" don't make laws to discriminate against others though.
Bro, let's be real. They were not in the position to do that. They were and are tinier than the tiniest minority in Pakistan. Sects do considers themselves better than others and I do condemn the sectarianism but still no sect calls declares (except a few but all scholars are united on that) others as non-Muslim while all sects are unanimous about Qadiyanis because of the core difference between the Muslims and Qadiyanis.
I humbly suggest you take this time to do ijma with your ulema if you are even allowed to spend so much time on a kafir (internet) invention. Till then, Cheerio!

I will get back to when i have the time. I can only recommend you to wait for your turn when i get free.
No one said it was a genocide. Don't be a drama queen. Thori himmat rakho. Religious persecution? Yes, most certainly.

What the other guy said was Pakistan gets bad rep because of the way it treats its minorities. And I agree, if you think not, then that is simply your opinion.
I have edited it but don't get personal next time I will issue you an infraction coz this is your final warning
Bro, let's be real. They were not in the position to do that. They were and are tinier than the tiniest minority in Pakistan. Sects do considers themselves better than others and I do condemn the sectarianism but still no sect calls declares (except a few but all scholars are united on that) others as non-Muslim while all sects are unanimous about Qadiyanis because of the core difference between the Muslims and Qadiyanis.

Are you sure they don't call each other kafir? I suggest you consult some authority in your sect and checks the books of fatwas passed by each other on each other.

I am not saying people don't have the right to call others kafirs, I am saying it doesn't mean people should be discriminated. Plus, if person A, and person B, have the right to call person C something, that person C certainly should have the right to call themselves whatever they want.
You are calling Ahmadis traitors, I am only questioning your intelligence if you equate an old man's ranting about his hurt whilst being jailed for selling Ahmadi books to a world wide conspiracy. And yes, there are more Ahmadis percentage wise in some other African countries than in Pakistan, and they have no issues there.

I am not trying to link up with you, you are mistaken. You are trying to police Islam, and even then you are not sure which Islam is right, but want me to give up what I have. So like I said before, you do ijma with your ulema, come up with a standardized version of Islam, then let me know, and I will look in to it.

Lol. You are deluded beyond reason. What is it with you folks and trying to control other people? Or atleast feeling like you do control others. Listen, I would get more 15 minute of fame cleaning my garden than I would by talking to you. So easy on the self gratification, fella. I heard it's a sign of a narcissistic personality.
The only way to have national unity, amity and progress is to treat each citizen of the state as equals regardless of colour, creed, religion, political persuasion, regional Identity, social standing or sect.
Equality is the responsibility of the state.
Religion is no business of the state.
I have edited it but don't get personal next time I will issue you an infraction coz this is your final warning

I won't get personal but it would have been good to see such prompt mod action on dozens of other threads where abuse was heaped on Ahmadis over the years on this forum.

This isn't my first rodeo, as they say.
Are you sure they don't call each other kafir? I suggest you consult some authority in your sect and checks the books of fatwas passed by each other on each other.
I have no sect.. I'm just a Muslim..I was born in household with inclination towards Barelvis but I studied Islam my self. We, Muslim have one Holy Quran and the hadeeth/sunnah as the primary sources and none of these call any of the sect kafir...except who does not believe in the oneness of Allah and/or denies the finality of holy Prophet's (peace be upon him) prophethood.
So much rona dhona helped them on this occasion, while pissing many people off back home?
You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place or worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed — that has nothing to do with the business of the State.
You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place or worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed — that has nothing to do with the business of the State.

Where does it say freedom to launder money, exploit the poor and run anti State propaganda till 'Caliph' makes a return atop a white donkey?
The only way to have national unity, amity and progress is to treat each citizen of the state as equals regardless of colour, creed, religion, political persuasion, regional Identity, social standing or sect.
Equality is the responsibility of the state.
Religion is no business of the state.
Other than restriction on PM and president, there's no other restriction on Qadiyanis. They are equal citizen and enjoying their lives in Pakistan. The two restrictions make no difference since 97% of Muslims will never elect a non-Muslim as president or PM. But we had a non-Muslim (Hindu) CJP Bhagwan Das and we have non-Muslim MPs and they can contest on both ordinary and quota seats. I think there are even quotas in the jobs and academic institutions while Qadyanis have a lot of bureaucrats.
I am not trying to link up with you, you are mistaken.

It's you who is mistaken. Creating a new religion and hiding under the guise of Islam when all agree on one thing, that what you believe is not Islam.

You are trying to police Islam, and even then you are not sure which Islam is right, but want me to give up what I have. So like I said before, you do ijma with your ulema, come up with a standardized version of Islam, then let me know, and I will look in to it.

Don't really care what you believe, but you shouldn't be calling what you believe and what we believe basically the same. Because the base of our(both you and WE) isn't the same. And there is Ijma about it, for what YOU believe is considered not Islam.

You are calling Ahmadis traitors, I am only questioning your intelligence if you equate an old man's ranting about his hurt whilst being jailed for selling Ahmadi books to a world wide conspiracy.

The thread was made after a Bangladeshi started a thread regarding his own. His title was 'Traitor Galore', the only thing I added was Pakistani Edition. Since the content was almost the same, so in that context the title of the topic was justified(which is changed now). Also the description that they use deception and lying is overall true, it's not some conspiracy we see it in our daily lives, how misinformation is carried out by Ahmedi community in identity documents and how they acquire higher posts in government. There are a lot of ahmedi asylum seekers, well I have different opinion about asylum seekers and I see majority of them being traitors, it isn't just limited to Ahmedis. Majority of the asylum seekers aren't legit, either they use lying/deception or they follow a certain agenda and work for enemy forces(e.g; cricket match banner issue, separatist movement etc).

And yes, there are more Ahmadis percentage wise in some other African countries than in Pakistan, and they have no issues there.

%age wise, hahaha. Well they might also have larger hindu, sikh, christian, ismaili, bushman population compared to Pakistan Percentage wise. I know you are an Ahmedi but this is getting hilarious on how you are trying to navigate it to your liking(this is how guys always do). Btw, mentioning it again Africa is not a country, and Africa has more muslim population than that of Pakistan not percentage wise. Don't try this hard I don't want to make a personal comment like you previously did, but you are making it hard for me to not to.


The sources are at the bottom.

And for everyone else, remember kids, facts don't care about your feelings.

Pakistan Ahmedi population is still the highest, its more than 4 million. You can look up independent census surveys.
"Scared" ........ so you are saying their eman is weak?

I don't know how you arrived at comparing them with indian Muslims, they at least own their identity. No one forces a Qadiyani to chant ALLAH o Akbar or drink pee of a qurbani ka bakra here to prove their loyalty.
Not sure about drinking qurbani pee
But in india they are grouped among Muslims and equally hated by RSS i dia
But in india they are grouped among Muslims and equally hated by RSS i dia

Historically if truth is to be spoken ......... they may have sided with Nehru, the choice was totally based on their own interests and agenda .... not that I blame them for that.
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