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Pakistani qadiani met Trump

Nobody is caring you are forcing other members to care

LOL! I am not forcing anybody here. All I mentioned is that apparently the Saudis don't care. May be the person next to you in Haram Sharif is an Ahmedi. Who knows? And who cares? Allah does not seem to mind, it appears to me.
Apparently, Allah, and the House of Saud, have no problems with their beliefs. Wallahu Alam! He knows best.

Honestly some of you lack Islamic basics. It's like you'll back anything as long as Islam opposes it and then when Islam says to do something, you'll harp on how Islam needs to be restricted out of xyz places.

Let a qadianis go and openly say he believes in other prophets after the Messanger (pbuh) in Saudi and see how far he survives before being arrested and thrown out of country.

Murtads( ex-Muslims) have also shown proof of entering Makkah. They are able to do it because they look like us (any race which has a lot of Muslims) and have our names and tell noone their real beliefs. The same story for Qadianis.
Let a qadianis go and openly say he believes in other prophets after the Messanger (pbuh) in Saudi and see how far he survives before being arrested and thrown out of country.

Why should anyone ask such a question in the first place? Religious beliefs are private for all.
May be the person next to you in Haram Sharif is an Ahmedi. Who knows? And who cares? Allah does not seem to mind, it appears to me.

I never cared who is next to me no one cares in Pakistan then why are they defaming Pakistan
Why should anyone ask such a question in the first place? Religious beliefs are private for all.

No they're not. This is a western concept which some of you have adopted. Nothing more, nothing less.
I never cared who is next to me no one cares in Pakistan then why are they defaming Pakistan

How are they defaming Pakistan? What is it that is being said by them that is incorrect?

No they're not. This is a western concept which some of you have adopted. Nothing more, nothing less.

Even the Saudis? They don't ask such a question, do they?

The sources are at the bottom.

And for everyone else, remember kids, facts don't care about your feelings.

That is quite troubling to know they have destroyed the faith of so many african Muslims and made them leave Islam. Further proof of what a dangerous group they are.

Even the Saudis? They don't ask such a question, do they?

Saudi bans them from entry.

I hope you'll stop spreading misinformation now.
Only if they ask the question, which they do not.

Doesn't matter if they don't ask millions of people. They've banned Qadianis and anyone who gets through is just somehow who hid their religion. So clearly religion is not a private matter.

Even if they ask, I doubt Qadianis admit to being qadianis.
Doesn't matter if they don't ask millions of people. They've banned Qadianis and anyone who gets through is just somehow who hid their religion. So clearly religion is not a private matter.

Even if they ask, I doubt Qadianis admit to being qadianis.

Don't ask. Don't tell.

Is there anything wrong with that? Let religious beliefs remain private and all is well.
Don't ask. Don't tell.

Is there anything wrong with that? Let religious beliefs remain private and all is well.
Exactly but Pakistan is not secular country. Religious beliefs are not private but matter of state :D
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