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Pakistani Punjab must pay the price for terror

Pakistani Punjab is the problem and not the rest of Pakistan.
yawn...........and morons never change.:lazy2:

I was hoping that you would... Anyways....

Article seems to have ruffled some feathers here.
Yup another Chutiya (retired ltte col) supporting terrorism .. Another day in india...

Pakistani Punjab is the problem and not the rest of Pakistan.
You have no idea how much hatred other provinces have for you... Infact ice seen plenty of Posters actually accusing Punjabis for "loving" india (due to indian punjab) on this very forum..:lol:
I was hoping that you would... Anyways....

Yup another Chutiya (retired ltte col) supporting terrorism .. Another day in india...

You have no idea how much hatred other provinces have for you... Infact ice seen plenty of Posters actually accusing Punjabis for "loving" india (due to indian punjab) on this very forum..:lol:

Feathers ruffled.. Point proven... :enjoy:
Yet another statement from a retired Indian Military official openly calling for Indian State support for terrorism in Pakistan, on the heels of a BJP government minister calling for Indian terrorist strikes in Pakistan.

Really illustrates where the hate-mongering terrorist supporting nutjobs are.
You have no idea how much hatred other provinces have for you... Infact ice seen plenty of Posters actually accusing Punjabis for "loving" india (due to indian punjab) on this very forum..:lol:

Hypothetically lets just say i agree with you but point here is not about hating us but doing terrorism in which Punjab win.
Hypothetically lets just say i agree with you but point here is not about hating us but doing terrorism in which Punjab win.
Doing terrorism in which punjab wins? Simple English would be better sire... Your post isn't making any sense..

Naah little man.. You are not old enouh for that..
I'm actually 6 FT tall and old enough to be your father... Ya scrawny lil monkey..:lol:
Doing terrorism in which punjab wins? Simple English would be better sire... Your post isn't making any sense..

I'm actually 6 FT tall and old enough to be your father... Ya scrawny lil monkey..:lol:

Pakistani Punjab is the problem(terrorism link) and not the rest of Pakistan.
So do we have the same right.
Sure...if you can point to persist and current failings of other member-states (real ones, not Pakistani imaginings.)

India has lost the right when it had financed terrorism, established terror camps on Indian soil for exercising terrorism against East Pakistan in 71. PERIOD.
Nothing in UNSCR 1373 about member-states "losing the right" to respond to terrorism. Nor does 1373 encompass any "right to revenge" for past wrongs, only ways for remedying the current situation. And once the member-state moves to eliminate the irritant so do the "open battlefield" clauses of 1373 become irrelevant, so the way out is there, should Pakistan choose to take it.

The Kashmir situation has been an irritant between Pakistan and India for a long time and I'm not convinced either side wants it to go away: Pakistanis because some itch for religion-inspired will to conquer, Indians because they see a crazy frustrated Pakistan as less of a danger than a sane one. Pakistan commanded the sympathy of the world for a long time in this matter but all that has been forfeited by periodic and unprovoked Pakistani aggressions since 1965. (I've read the relevant declassified diplomatic record in Foreign Relations of the United States.) A prolonged period of peace is much more likely to shift the onus back onto India once more, which could bring a peaceful solution closer. Pakistan shutting down its terror operations will be far preferable to India bombing the smithereens out of them - unless, of course, you're a Pakistani politically or emotionally invested in conflict with India.
We are non-voilent people and you guys already doing that by funding proxy (taliban) who is killing your own people.
India cast the first stones of a proxy war in 1947 by supporting terrorists in Junagadh and Munavadh and then invading and annexing the princely states that had acceded to Pakistan, and this was triggered before the tribesmen entered Jammu and Kashmir. The Afghans were not far behind in aping Indian proxy wars by supporting Baloch terrorists in Kalat, and Pashtun secessionists in FATA, starting as early as the 1950's IIRC.

The Indians also supported LTTE terrorists in Sri Lanka and Mukti Bahini terrorists who perpetrated mass rapes and massacres in East Pakistan, and have retired military officials periodically show up on Indian media calling for open Indian support for terrorism in Pakistan, plus a recent Indian BJP government minister.

The historical facts are that India and Afghanistan have both acted as 'greedy States', coveting, attacking and annexing territory by any means possible, and applying contradictory justifications where it served their purposes (India's actions and justifications in Kashmir vs Junagadh for example).India's continued refusal to honor her UNSC commitments on Kashmir and her refusal to compromise is driven out of that 'greedy State' nature, and solidified by her refusal to accept Pakistan as a sovereign nation-State distinct from India and independent of the Indian sphere of influence.
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So in your opinion all "Punjabi elite, middle-class and soldiers and their families" are providing funding and other means to support terrorists.
Seriously man,you should not smoke Cheap Indian Weed that much!!!
punjabi elites are just a bunch of indian *** kissing fags... its us middle class punjabis who he is talking about.
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