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Pakistani Punjab must pay the price for terror

That is right. Now tell this to those who says that RAW is supporting the Baloach. You have spoken the truth and now stick to it and tell that bluntly on the forum.

That is true.. unlike BD.. there are no Indians on the ground in Balochistan.. they are in Afghanistan and supporting those Balochis via their consulates. Exactly what I have said.

Had we been a terrorist nation, we would have eleiminated by now.
So far all those attempts ended with nothing more than pyhrric victories with Pakistan still sticking a thorn in India's rectum. And with those nukes(ironically an Indian stupidity to take away its moral upper hand on Pakistan by exploding first).. open war and these idea of elimination are nothing more than wet dreams for Indian fanboys and their kin in the government.
I am a pushtun and i want some indian blood, actually if you ever go to afghan fb pages you'll come to know they dont really like you as much as you think...
Wow amazing, technology has become so advanced that a mutt head caveman can use internet:partay:.
this thread might have run it's course, from here on it's pure trolling :partay:
That is true.. unlike BD.. there are no Indians on the ground in Balochistan.. they are in Afghanistan and supporting those Balochis via their consulates. Exactly what I have said.

You do not take any time to change your stand. And this also an admission that if we involve fully, we can separate Baluchistan
So far all those attempts ended with nothing more than pyhrric victories with Pakistan still sticking a thorn in India's rectum. And with those nukes(ironically an Indian stupidity to take away its moral upper hand on Pakistan by exploding first).. open war and these idea of elimination are nothing more than wet dreams for Indian fanboys and their kin in the government.

You guys are the people who want to live in delusion. So you want to argue that we wanted to eliminate them and your Nuke stopped it? This Idea of elimination is just a theory conceived by you. We have a long history of thousands of years and we have never eliminated nor made any attempt to eliminate anybody. We got nuclear weapon in early seventies against you got in 1998. How may time did we pay nuclear card? Our policy is very clear. Our nuclear weapon is deterrence and we shall never use it first. and if we are attacked with any nuclear weapon, we shall inflict unacceptable damage to enemy. We are not a week nation who first and last response is bomb. We have so many means to achieve our objective.

My last response to your post. Good bye.
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Well unfortunately.. unlike BD.. the Balochis dont have any support from an Indian terror support network and that little they do from Afghanistan is not enough.

But if we take you to be a non-hypocrite(which I can bet my bottom dollar you are a hypocrite of the first order).. the same logic for Mukti Bahni then applies to Kashmiri freedom fighters who are fighting against a terrorist nation.. by your line of thinking. So hopefully Kashmir will get independence, so will Khalistan and Nagaland...and they will all live to become happy countries out of their repressive current state.. all going by your logic only if you were not raised a hypocrite.

Because anything otherwise will only solidify that what you said is a hypocritical statement.
The only problem in your point of view is,Pakistan has been trying that in kashmir not after 71 but right after its birth.
Well unfortunately.. unlike BD.. the Balochis dont have any support from an Indian terror support network and that little they do from Afghanistan is not enough.

But if we take you to be a non-hypocrite(which I can bet my bottom dollar you are a hypocrite of the first order).. the same logic for Mukti Bahni then applies to Kashmiri freedom fighters who are fighting against a terrorist nation.. by your line of thinking. So hopefully Kashmir will get independence, so will Khalistan and Nagaland...and they will all live to become happy countries out of their repressive current state.. all going by your logic only if you were not raised a hypocrite.

Because anything otherwise will only solidify that what you said is a hypocritical statement.

If wishes were horses beggars would be riding them.
Frankly there is not going to be any cartographical redrawing any where. Other than terrorist attacks in each others country i dont see any thing else happening.

Balochistan => partitioned btwn iran & pakistan. so iran wont allow it. Indians are not interested in it. More than india it is israel & US which is stirring the pot.
Khalistan => is a joke, I dont know which idiot thinks india and pakistan will let them live peacefully(cant they see what is happening to kashmir?) . again territory is divided btwn india and pakistan.
Nagaland => ditto btwn myanmar & india.

he same logic for Mukti Bahni then applies ? Well it was pakistans problem which they could not solve and invited india through war. Which sane person in the world will form a country which is 800 miles apart divided by enemy territory? It was set up to fail right from the beginning. British pulled one of their famous trick like the bengal division of 1905, jinnah in his greed fell for it.

Pakistan can have hatred (which will burn them from within ) but spending effort and time on fantasies like this is monumental waste of time and effort. We all know effects of afghan holy war on pakistan.
JuD has donation boxes all over Pakistan, if people are funding JuD they are not that innocent.

You mean as we are wajib ul katal for them , so are they fo us.I like the idea.
Hehehe... Typical post of a 4 footiya... Why stop at 6 feet little man.. Could have lied a bit more.. :rofl:
Actually I've posted my pic on this forum several times .. And I really dont need to prove how tall I'm to some kid in india.. Unless you are a hot chick with big t.ts..:lol:
in short what you sow is what you will reap .... ab dekhte hain bakrre ki amma kab tak khair manati hai :devil: :butcher:
Maa se yaad ayaa teri maa ki tabiyat teek hey na Guru Bhai..:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Col. Athale is an old fart low level retd officer no one even in Indian takes him seriously i don't know why some idiot makes thread..:devil:
Actually I've posted my pic on this forum several times .. And I really dont need to prove how tall I'm to some kid in india.. Unless you are a hot chick with big t.ts..:lol:

No need for pics short stuff... I hear you.. :D
Mukti Bahini was not terrorist. Even pakistan has never declared them terrorist. They were some brave people who raised their voice against the biggest genocide of the century. Hates off to them.

Now Baloachs are raising their voice. They too shall get freedom and become a happy country like Bangladesh is today.

Your post shows your love and support for terrorism. No issues there. But when Pakistan replies in the same language, it is you who would start doing randi rona. Well that is unacceptable and annoying. You should have balls to accept a lit bit of militancy for your love of terror.

Love asks for sacrifice. And you should give sacrifices instead of doing usual whining.
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