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Pakistani Parliament declares neutrality on Yemen, calls for peace talks.

Agreed Iran did an agreement to provide 1000MW of electricity to Gwadar since its cheaper to buy from Iran than to get it from Pakistan's main transmission line cuz of proximity of Gwadar to Iranian border, and Iran also did an agreement to construct an oil refinery in Gwadar, however I disagree Iran isn't supplying any electricity at the moment, it was an agreement done, under which Iran will supply in future.

Iran is already supplying electricity. Go and check. I have been to the area, so I know. That 1000 MW was for future when Gwadar expands. Currently Iran provides something like 150 MW, because Gwadar is right now small. But at any rate, Gwadar already is connected to Iran's grid and the electricity there comes from Iran. Do a google search.
and pakistan brothers are happy now !! shame on you
Pakistani parliament controlled by shia and liberal
Pak is a moderate Sufi country - a land blessed with saints and its soiled enriched by local heroes and lovers .. A country where we celebrate the birthdays of Sufi saints... Recite their poetry and remember lovers who sacrificed themselves for love.. A country which was founded by a Shia and its first PM a Sunni ...

A country where we don't give a shit if you are Shia or Sunni .. A country where a Shia can be a PM or the COAS and a Sunni can be under his command or a Shia can be under a Sunni's command..

This venomous ideology that was peddled in our country in the 90s never succeeded nor it shall - ever.

We are Pak --- our loyality is to Pak -- our religion is Islam!

We are the second largest muslim state and- second largest Sunni state ... aswell as the second largest shia state!

We want to be peace makers and not war makers - we have given enough blood for UMMAH - but not anymore ..

Fruits of democracy - You guys should try it (it's bitter at first but sweet)
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good move, Pakistan.. why unnecessarily get involved in Arab affairs ?

your real enemy is India, anyway :coffee:

He's right Iran did permit India to open up a consulate in Zahedan. Why does India need to a consulate in Zahedan 25 miles away from the Pakistan border? They are supporting Balochi insurgency which Iran also complains about.

Of course Iran reserves theright to allow consulates on its territory, but can you at least understand the concern of Pakistanis.

See attached image.
a 'gurudwara':o:, in Iran ?

then it makes sense there's an Indian consulate near it, so much for your conspiracy theories :sick:
Mixed messages. Parliament votes this yet Irani FM was given a warning.
The sheeeeeiiiit you're saying ? :rofl: Iranian FM was given a warning :rofl:

don't start me now . alright ?

Enough with Indian Consulate Bulshittttt and making stuff up . Iranian doesn't take foul mouthing from the most powerful figures in the world . now please ...

Agreed Iran did an agreement to provide 1000MW of electricity to Gwadar since its cheaper to buy from Iran than to get it from Pakistan's main transmission line cuz of proximity of Gwadar to Iranian border, and Iran also did an agreement to construct an oil refinery in Gwadar, however I disagree Iran isn't supplying any electricity at the moment, it was an agreement done, under which Iran will supply in future.

Here you go: Border areas of Balochistan: Iran agrees to raise power supply | Business Recorder

Pakistan is not even paying for the Gwadar electricity that Iran is providing. It is all on loan.

You are welcome.
Stupid decision, this was an opportunity for Pakistan to gain both politically and economically as for once it held all the cards. Instead it has decided to fold in the name of unity that no longer exists.

The only solace is like @Sinnerman108 stated this resolution means nothing if the Iranians do not actually come to the table, knowing their arrogance it should be worth shit shortly.
Let alone Deobandi, Jamat-e-ISlami, Salafi / Ahle Hadith Sunni Muslims, even Barelvi Muslim scholars can easily refute the filthy lie of Rafidah. May Allah open our eyes and guide us on straight path so that our friendship and enmity with anyone should be for sake of Allah and success in Aakhirah.
about 20 Fvked up post by this lunatic here in this thread and nothing was done about it .

Good job and kudos to moderation team .
The Houthis will refuse to yield, calls for talks will collapse and then what should already be happening will come to pass.
Again : whats gonna happen buddy ?

You send your mighty forces which were not even able to secure their own country to fight some poor people in yemen and bomb the shizzam outta them ? well kudos to you .

Only if Iran would get shit crazy like all your countries and sent it's forces to open the gates of hell .

then we would have seen who was up for a battle . mentals
Stupid decision, this was an opportunity for Pakistan to gain both politically and economically as for once it held all the cards. Instead it has decided to fold in the name of unity that no longer exists.

The only solace is like @Sinnerman108 stated this resolution means nothing if the Iranians do not actually come to the table, knowing their arrogance it should be worth shit shortly.

View the Dawn news poll -- almost 90% people are against sending our troops to KSA .

And let's be honest .. Economically AID can't do shit ... A country of 180+ million getting a few billion $ ? I mean come on you expats send like 16?$ dollars annually ... What about taxes ? We hardly pay 5% .. Look at indian and Sri Lankans ..

Besides why send our boys to die for others? Why make more enemies ? We already have enough.. Put our house in order and we can surpass every other country !
View the Dawn news poll -- almost 90% people are against sending our troops to KSA .

And let's be honest .. Economically AID can't do shit ... A country of 180+ million getting a few billion $ ? I mean come on you expats send like 16?$ dollars annually ... What about taxes ? We hardly pay 5% .. Look at indian and Sri Lankans ..

Besides why send our boys to die for others? Why make more enemies ? We already have enough.. Put our house in order and we can surpass every other country !
Read the posts from the start too . everyone comes here to congratulate pakistan on this decision and a couple of maniacs start going off like the bombs that they are about rafida and shia-sunni crap .

someone asked my why tune changes during a debate in PDF threads , well thats why .
View the Dawn news poll -- almost 90% people are against sending our troops to KSA .

And let's be honest .. Economically AID can't do shit ... A country of 180+ million getting a few billion $ ? I mean come on you expats send like 16?$ dollars annually ... What about taxes ? We hardly pay 5% .. Look at indian and Sri Lankans ..

Besides why send our boys to die for others? Why make more enemies ? We already have enough.. Put our house in order and we can surpass every other country !

Dawn is a liberal paper their polls will be skewed in the favor of their agenda. I am willing to talk about what Pakistan could have gained but later since I am not at home.
Don't forget Islamist including JeI was against the partition. The secularist, atheist & Hypocrites and namesake Muslims betrayed the Ummah as usual.

Still most of you were ?

And there is a good reason by jamat never come to power in Pak not it will ..

As for your secterian BS.. Here is my Pak response:

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