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Pakistani Parliament declares neutrality on Yemen, calls for peace talks.

We are talking about Indian consulate in Zahidan nearly 25 miles from border sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan. There was never a Saudi, UAE or USA consulate 25 miles from Iranian border in Pakistan sponsoring anti-Iran terrorists. Zahidan is not even top ten largest city in Iran but only strategic important city due close to Pakistan border.

Prove it. Bringing in conspiracy theories without proof is just that.

The truth is, your military is fighting the Saudi ideology. Not Iranian ideology. You can go on and make conspiracy theories. No body cares.

As for consulate, Iran has never objected to you allowing Saudi consulate to be built near its borders. By all means do.

Iran even did not object over Shamsi air base. Neither Iran objects to Saudis running around Pakistani Baluchistan ostensibly for hunting "birds" but who knows what they do there.

Grow up.
Prove it. Bringing in conspiracy theories without proof is just that

Indian agents have been caught in Pakistani Balochistan that recieved support from Indian consulate in Zahidan. Why are there Indian consulate in Zahidan and Bandar Abbas close to Pakistan border ? What about Mashhad, Isfahan or Tabriz ? Why give permission to Indian consulates close to Pakistan border ?
Indian agents have been caught in Pakistani Balochistan that recieved support from Indian consulate in Zahidan. Why are there Indian consulate in Zahidan and Bandar Abbas close to Pakistan border ? What about Mashhad, Isfahan or Tabriz ? Why give permission to Indian consulates close to Pakistan border ?

That is a heap of lies. But Shamsi airbase is true. Iran is a soverign country. You have no say, in matters where Iran allows consulates to be built. As Iran does not have a say in where Pakistan allows consulates to be built.

That is how sovereignty works. You can also allow Saudi consulates to be built in Baluchistan. As you already allow them to own huge wild life reserves there, used for hunting by Saudis and others, and who knows for what other nefarious reasons and purposes.

You are obviously a deluded person.

I say again. Look at who your military is fighting. Your air force is not bombing Shias. It is bombing Takfiris exported from Saudi Arabia.

At any rate, you are trying to derail this thread. You seem to be angry that Pakistani state has let you down by not siding with Takfiris.

Enough said.
Zahidan is not even top ten largest city in Iran but only a strategic important city due to Pakistan border.
If the border with Iran holded any (whatsoever) strategic importance for you , you would have simply put some freaking bordergaurds for it .

but you left all the job for Iran to do . Lots and Lots of countries have numerous consulates here in Iran cause they're simply safe .

Trust me if the saudis wanted a consulate near Iran's border , Pak govt. would rush to build it . but they didn't ask cause there is zero security .

Iraq for example has numerous consulates here : my city , ilam , Qom , Mashhad , sanandaj , ......

So its not the question of being nice . Iran has cordial relations with India just like Pakistan has "brotherly" ties with Saudia and US .

So whats the difference here ? Iran is not Indias puppy in the region . If they want a consulate , we'll even welcome it . but we don't carry out their orders like others .

Understood ?
If the border with Iran holded any (whatsoever) strategic importance for you , you would have simply put some freaking bordergaurds for it .

but you left all the job for Iran to do . Lots and Lots of countries have numerous consulates here in Iran cause they're simply safe .

Trust me if the saudis wanted a consulate near Iran's border , Pak govt. would rush to build it . but they didn't ask cause there is zero security .

Iraq for example has numerous consulates here : my city , ilam , Qom , Mashhad , sanandaj , ......

So its not the question of being nice . Iran has cordial relations with India just like Pakistan has "brotherly" ties with Saudia and US .

So whats the difference here ? Iran is not Indias puppy in the region . If they want a consulate , we'll even welcome it . but we don't carry out their orders like others .

Understood ?

They do not need consulate there. They own airbases there. Read about Shamsi air base. This guy is deluded and wants to derail the thread.
Pakistan declines Saudi call for armed support in Yemen fight| Reuters

(Reuters) - Pakistan's parliament voted on Friday not to join the Saudi-led military intervention in Yemen, dashing Riyadh's hopes for powerful support from outside of the region in its fight to halt Iranian-allied Houthi rebels.

Saudi Arabia had asked fellow Sunni-majority Pakistan to provide ships, aircraft and troops for the campaign, now in its third week, to stem the influence of Shi'ite Iran in what appears to be proxy war between the Gulf's two dominant powers.

While Saudi Arabia has the support of its Sunni Gulf Arab neighbors, Pakistan's parliament voted against becoming militarily involved.

"(Parliament) desires that Pakistan should maintain neutrality in the Yemen conflict so as to be able to play a proactive diplomatic role to end the crisis," it said.

The Saudi-led coalition began air strikes in Yemen against the Houthis on March 26 after the rebels, who already control the capital, began a rapid advance towards the southern port city of Aden.

Saudi Arabia is concerned that the violence could spill over the border it shares with Yemen, and is also worried about the influence of Shi'ite Iran, which has denied Saudi allegations it has provided direct military support to the Houthis.

Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has called the Saudi's involvement in Yemen "genocide," raising tensions between the regional powers as fighting on the ground in Yemen threatens all-out sectarian war.

A suicide car bomb detonated outside a security building used by Houthi militiamen in central Yemen on Friday, killing at least 20 people, residents and a local official said.

The local branch of the global Sunni militant group Al Qaeda claimed the attack in the city of Bayhan in Shabwa province, which has witnessed heavy fighting between the Shi'ite Houthi fighters and local militiamen who have been supported by days of Saudi-led air strikes.

Residents said dozens were injured in the huge blast, including several civilians, in the first car bombing since fighting in Yemen rapidly escalated last month.


Coalition air strikes hit Yemen for a sixteenth straight day. In Sanaa, they targeted weapons storage sites used by soldiers loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, a powerful supporter of the Houthis.

The air raids, which hit the Defence Ministry and other facilities, lasted for hours, residents told Reuters. "The sky was lit up," said Fadel Muhammad. "We heard big explosions."

Saleh is still influential in the military, despite giving up power in 2012 after mass protests against his rule, complicating efforts to stabilize the country.

Troops loyal to him are backing Houthi forces fighting his successor President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, a former general seen by the Houthis as a pawn of Sunni Gulf Arab monarchies and the West. Hadi has fled to Saudi Arabia.

Yemen's 150,000 barrel-per-day Aden refinery has shut as the conflict worsened, industry sources said. The refinery earlier suspended its tender process for importing oil products, due to the crisis and several tankers headed to the country have been diverted away.

Aden residents said electricity and water had been cut off in several districts, rubbish had been left uncollected and hospitals were unable to cope with the number of wounded.

Fishermen from villages around an hour's drive west of the stricken city said dozens of families in the last two days have taken to the Arabian Sea on rented boats to seek safety in Djibouti in East Africa.

"The humanitarian situation in Aden is catastrophic and disastrous, both in terms of the rising number of killed and injured as well as in declining capabilities of medics, along with shortages in water and electricity," local health ministry official Al-Khadr Lawsar said.

"We call on fighters to adhere to international law and respect the work of ambulances and medical staff in the field," he added, citing the fatal shooting of two brothers working for the Red Crescent while evacuating wounded last week.

Aden residents reported heavy explosions from coalition air strikes and naval bombardment on Houthi positions which shook windows throughout the city.

An Indian ship captain working in Aden was killed in shelling on the city’s dockyard overnight, his company announced, and local media reported that Houthi and allied army units had fired mortars into the area.

An air strike hit a local government compound in the northern suburb of Dar Saad and fires in Aden's outskirts sent plumes of smoke into the air.

Two planes carrying emergency medical aid landed in Sanaa on Friday, the first deliveries from international aid groups since the heavy fighting began.

They were brought in by the International Committee of the Red Cross and the United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF, which had been trying for days to get aid flights into the country.

Congrats to Pakistan!
If the border with Iran holded any (whatsoever) strategic importance for you , you would have simply put some freaking bordergaurds for it .

but you left all the job for Iran to do . Lots and Lots of countries have numerous consulates here in Iran cause they're simply safe .

Trust me if the saudis wanted a consulate near Iran's border , Pak govt. would rush to build it . but they didn't ask cause there is zero security .

Iraq for example has numerous consulates here : my city , ilam , Qom , Mashhad , sanandaj , ......

So its not the question of being nice . Iran has cordial relations with India just like Pakistan has "brotherly" ties with Saudia and US .

So whats the difference here ? Iran is not Indias puppy in the region . If they want a consulate , we'll even welcome it . but we don't carry out their orders like others .

Understood ?

What a joke, If Iran is actually guarding a border or as you say Iran took complete responsibility of securing it, how come Jundullah acting chief crossed Iranian border in a bus from taftaan ?
Good decision my friend .

Trust me , Ansarallah are fighting 10 countries right now and adding pakistan to the equation wouldn't make much of a difference .

The only difference between Pakistan and those ten other countries is that the Saudis need Pakistani troops to form the bulk of the force needed for the ground invasion, which would deal a major blow to the Houthis because so far only airstrikes have been carried out against them by the Saudis and their allies. Without Pakistan there is no ground invasion to follow up on those airstrikes, unless Saudis find another willing ally in their coalition who would be willing to contribute large number of troops (Egypt??) for a ground offensive. Airstrikes alone can't do much to guerrilla resistance organizations like the Houthis, its the ground offensive that deals the massive blow.

But now that Pakistan is not going to take part in this conflict the Saudis plans have suffered a massive setback.
What a joke, If Iran is actually guarding a border or as you say Iran took complete responsibility of securing it, how come Jundullah acting chief crossed Iranian border in a bus from taftaan ?

Iran will solve that problem too. Rest assured of that. While Pakistan is busy fighting Takfiris throughout Pakistan, Iran will also strive to secure the border against Takfiri penetration.

This parliamentary decision by Pakistan will go a long way. It has turned things around. Takfiris will be eliminated.

The only difference between Pakistan and those ten other countries is that the Saudis need Pakistani troops to form the bulk of the force needed for the ground invasion, which would deal a major blow to the Houthis because so far only airstrikes have been carried out against them by the Saudis and their allies. Without Pakistan there is no ground invasion to follow up on those airstrikes, unless Saudis find another willing ally in their coalition who would be willing to contribute large number of troops (Egypt??) for a ground offensive. Airstrikes alone can't do much to guerrilla resistance organizations like the Houthis, its the ground offensive that deals the massive blow.

But now that Pakistan is not going to take part in this conflict the Saudis plans have suffered a massive setback.

Egypt will never go in. They still have nightmares of their last intervention against Zaidis in Yemen. Egyptians themselves call it their Vietnam.
Iran will solve that problem too. Rest assured of that. While Pakistan is busy fighting Takfiris throughout Pakistan, Iran will also strive to secure the border against Takfiri penetration.

This parliamentary decision by Pakistan will go a long way. It has turned things around. Takfiris will be eliminated.

Pray tell us, has any country able to secure a mountainous border ever which Iran-Pakistan border is ? or taking American Merxican flat border example is it ever secured 100 percent ?
They do not need consulate there. They own airbases there. Read about Shamsi air base. This guy is deluded and wants to derail the thread.

Pakistan Parliament made the decision not to interfere in Yemen civil war which is in Pakistan's best interests. This decision has nothing to do with Iran. While Iran has permitted Indian consulates near the Pakistan border sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan.
Good decision by democratic govt of Pakistan. A responsible nuclear state and responsible command of Pak army. Establishing peace is tough, but its everlasting, hope all players handle the situation sensibly and spare innocent citizens of victim country.
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