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Pakistani Parliament declares neutrality on Yemen, calls for peace talks.

Let me remind you of something: We won't cut our relations with India only because you don't like it, the same way we don't expect Pakistan to cut its relations with US to please us. Countries act based on their interests.

Our relations with India is not your concern, while your relations with U.S is not our concern as well.

The very interesting thing is that you are closing your eye on huge economic relations between GCC and India, which is natural since you have a selective hate, plus hypocrisy.
GCC supports us in ways you can't even imagine, whereas Iran is nothing but a backstabber.
GCC supports us in ways you can't even imagine, whereas Iran is nothing but a backstabber.
One of the fruits of their 'support' is TTP, great support indeed. If all supports are like this, then human kind will be extinct in less than a century.
Oh come on I was looking forward to kicking @Serpentine 's butt ! :argh:

I guess now my Iranian bro and I would have to wait for another conflict ! :(

Or maybe a game of football ? :azn:
Maybe next time. :(

PS: You Pakistanis have nothing to say in football, at least challenge us in something you are good at: cricket. :D You'll certainly lose in a football match. :P
Good. This is not our war and we need to stay neutral. Let the Arabs sort out this mess

Armageddon will happen one day, whether you are ready or not to be part of it. Yemen has very important place in light of Ahadees and prophecies by the way.
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One of the fruits of their 'support' is TTP, great support indeed. If all supports are like this, then human kind will be extinct in less than century.

Maybe next time. :(
The GCC never supported TTP. This is just Iran's feeble attempt at propaganda!!

You throw mud at them, but you forget the fanatic mullahs in Pakistan being supported by Iran. How convenient!!
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Iran blah blah. Since you were somehow embarrassed by my answer, you came with another excuse, if I trash everyone of your claims, you'll come up with new ones.

My prediction still holds true: Many Pakistanis who live in Arab countries are more Arab than Arab themselves. Ironically, it's not true for Pakistanis living in US, Europe or other parts of the world.

Do you want to have a comparison between number of civilian deaths in Pakistan by non-existent Iran proxies and Taliban, a group which was supported by KSA and UAE, again the country you are living in? You certainly don't want to do that.
Taliban are not supported by KSA or UAE stop coming up with false notions
On one hand you say Pakistan has already provided what the Saudis requested (claiming by your source) and than you come up with the above post. So make up your mind. You seem confused.
Yes help is being provided and more will go soon this resolution very cleverly made the way for it
Taliban are not supported by KSA or UAE stop coming up with false notions
They put its seeds in the ground, they watered it and now that it's a grown tree, they don't support it, how nice of them.
Ah you throw mud at them but you forget the fanatic mullahs in Pakistan being supported by Iran. How convenient!!
I already asked you to name those non-existent Iran proxies and present number of civilians they have killed.
Great News.

NS and RS are leading us on a path to success. It is time to get behind them. We haven't had such sane decision making in a long long time.
I have read it but they helped you in troubled times and when they ask for help you refuse

Pakistan has sent military advisers and equipment to KSA. Also Pakistani troops have a small permanent garrison in KSA to protect the royal family.

The decision to remain neutral is a wise one, it's done great things for Switzerland, it can surely help Pakistan. I understand the need to return favors, however Pakistan has said unless Saudi Arabia is invaded on its own soil then Pakistan will remain neutral.

They are conducting air strikes against rebels not a formidable organized army, so calm down.
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They put its seeds in the ground, they watered it and now that it's a grown tree, they don't support it, how nice of them.

I already asked you to name those non-existent Iran proxies and present number of civilians they have killed.
I would love to see the look on your face when you loose he war in Yemen. Just like your mullahs had to apologize to the Saudis in 1991, for the Makkah riots in 1987. Oh I forgot that is a part of history you don't want to talk about!!!

You can sit here, and howl and cry all you want, ground realities will insult you AGAIN!!!!
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Yes help is being provided and more will go soon this resolution very cleverly made the way for it

Than you shouldn't being sayin that and i quote " when Saudis asked for help we refused" and that Pakistanis who are working there will pay the price because according to you we already have complied. You cannot have it both ways.
Pakistan has sent military advisers and equipment to Pakistan. Also Pakistani troops have a small permanent garrison in KSA to protect the royal family.

The decision to remain neutral is a wise one, it's done great things for Switzerland, it can surely help Pakistan. I understand the need to return favors, however Pakistan has said unless Saudi Arabia is invaded on its own soil then Pakistan will remain neutral.

They are conducting air strikes against rebels not a formidable organized army, so calm down.
May I ask where in KSA (city) is this permanent garrison?
It seems some minor wars in each time from past to today, remember everyone got panic when we heard Al-Qaeda, then TTP and then ISIS/ISIL and then now Houthis, and then what?

Where all these terrorists groups come from?
It seems some minor wars in each time from past to today, remember everyone got panic when we heard Al-Qaeda, then TTP and then ISIS/ISIL and then now Houthis, and then what? Where all these terrorists groups come from?

They are bankrolled by false and black ops of Western and Zionist intelligence agencies.

Finally a sane decision by Pakistan Parliament. Now Nawaz Sharif have a credible excuse for refusing Saudi Arabia to intervene in Yemeni civil war.

Pakistani Lawmakers Oppose Yemen Intervention
Ayaz Gul
April 10, 2015 10:02 AM

Pakistan’s parliament on Friday unanimously approved a resolution promising the country will stay neutral in the conflict in Yemen, despite Saudi requests for Islamabad to participate in the coalition fighting Shi’ite Houthi rebels.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had summoned the emergency joint session to debate a Saudi request for Sunni-dominated Pakistan to send its warships, planes and ground troops to help the Saudi-led military coalition.

A heated debate continued for five days, as many lawmakers strongly opposed any Pakistani military intervention in Yemen. They feared such a move would fuel sectarian tensions inside Pakistan and undermine relations with neighboring Iran, which is believed to be assisting the Houthis.

While Sunni-dominated Pakistan has deep economic, religious and military ties to Saudi Arabia, it shares a porous border with Iran stretching 900 kilometers or 560 miles. A fifth of its 180 million residents are Shi’ite Muslims.

Conflict draws ‘serious concern’

After debate ended Friday, the lawmakers unanimously adopted a resolution that expressed "serious concern" about Yemen’s deteriorating security and humanitarian situation.

Pakistani finance minister Ishaq Dar read out the resolution’s text before it was moved for approval: "Parliament of Pakistan calls upon the warring factions in Yemen to resolve their differences peacefully through dialogue.… [It] apprehends that the crisis in Yemen could plunge the region into turmoil.… [It] desires that Pakistan should maintain neutrality in the Yemen conflict so as to be able to play a proactive diplomatic role to end the crisis."

The parliament reiterated Pakistan’s determination to defend Saudi Arabia against any threat to its territorial integrity.

The legislative body "expresses unequivocal support for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and affirms that in case of any violation of its territorial integrity or any threat to Harmain Sharifain [Islamic holy places], Pakistan will stand shoulder to shoulder with Saudi Arabia and its people," Dar said.

Asked whether the government would comply with parliament's decision, Information Minister Pervez Rasheed said the resolution reflects the sentiment of the Pakistani nation, and his government "fully respects its each and every provision."

Houthi rebels advancing

The Saudi-led regional military coalition began bombing rebel positions in Yemen March 25 to prevent the Shi’ite Houthis and their allies from extending their influence across Yemen. But the rebel advances are continuing. Aid groups warn of a compounding humanitarian crisis in conflict-hit areas, particularly in the strategic port city Aden.

Earlier this week, Iran’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, visited Islamabad to discourage Pakistan from joining the Saudi-led military campaign in Yemen. He held extensive talks with both civilian and military leaders during his two-day stay in Pakistan.
Pakistan has helped Saudi Arabia against Yemeni rebels in 1969. PAF sent pilots to fly RSAF fighter jets and conducted air strikes on Yemeni rebels making incursions into Saudi Arabia.

Pakistan has done a lot for Saudi Arabia.
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