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Pakistani parents give government three-day ultimatum to evacuate children from China

You told me that testing kits fail. But I already told you, like rest of the respectable nations have done, isolate for 2-3 weeks because virus dormancy is 2 weeks. If symptoms appear, keep isolation. No kita needed.

Your reply is absent.

Your problem is the first line. What has rest of the world done?

Did they ask them; "please don't lie, do you have virus or not?"

No, all of them including pilots, crew were isolated as per protocol. Next excuse.
Why don't you convert your house in to an isolation ward for the whole of Pakistan
Logically speaking, what you are saying isn't sitting right with me because:

1. Coronavirus central (roots) is Wuhan.
2. Wuhan is the most infected area.
3. Wuhan is quarantined and under lock down.
4. Pakistani's that are in Wuhan are being taken care of (Food, health etc).
5. China's medical technology is far more advanced in comparison to Pakistan, with China essentially providing the kits to Pakistan.
6. You wish to repatriate Pakistani students from Wuhan, the root city, the most infected city in China.. and bring them back to Pakistan.. because we are just as advanced in medical applications when compared to China?

Isn't the Corona-virus airborne?

Which part of Nepal, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Uzbekistan, Phillipines, Vietnam... many, many more countries, also evacuating their citizens successfully is so gone overboard.

You send the crew in protective gear. Make the people wear protective gear, bring back, isolate 15+ days everyone.

Symptoms may not appear, as I just explained. Even IF symptoms appear, the pcr test may be FALSELY negative, in which case the disease will be regarded as common flu and isolation measures will not be used during treatment - boom - a dozen hospital staff get infected.

Are you beginning to understand the problems now with testing, false negatives etc?

You're so dumb. What makes you think symptons won't appear if the person is infected LOL.
They are some really stupid ppl on here and even worse cranium erectiles and mentally retarded/challenged public in Pakistan.
Let's take the arguments that certain members of this forum use in that lets bring them home.
First and foremost If someone comes to Pakistan who has contacted the virus, he or she may not wish to inform the authorities for the sake of being ostracized.
If this virus becomes fully airborne which it may/may not then you have a situation where containment is no more.
Question can Pakistan I'll afford to be in the midst of an epidemic where at the best of times the health care is a joke. That's for the people who can afford to go to hospital or be bothered to go.
What happens if it spreads to villages where people would rather tend to their fields and cattle as a pose to travelling hours to see the quack ( compoder) who has one tablet and one syringe for all ailments.
We are in the middle of an economy that is faultering and trying to get foreign investment.
Would foreign companies want to invest in a virus pandemic environment where the majority of the workforce is sick. NO is the blunt answer.
The families of the students and the workers who are in china while understanding their gripes should be informed that their loved ones are in the best place for them in order of treatment and containment. As far as saying that other countries have repatriated their own nationals well that's their choice. It doesn't mean that Pakistan has to follow suit.
We have a lot to loose if this spreads in Pakistan .we are I'll prepared to handle it.
The media is scaremongering as it gets viewing audiences and the majority is anti government anyway. The Chinese are doing all they can for all nationals in their country and especially the Pakistanis .
This will come to a conclusion one day sooner rather than later and the Chinese will appreciate who stood with them in their hour of need.
So enough is said and that's my humble opinion.
How do you reconcile this reasoning with keeping flights running with China then? The virus is no longer limited to Wuhan, its wide spread all over China. You can take a look at WHO's report on that.


Remember, Pakistan refused to evacuate her students in Late Jan (around 30th Jan).
At that point there were 5-6 K confirmed cases in entire China, mostly in Hubei province. (source below)

Now, on Feb 13 according to WHO report, there are 10 K confimed cases OUTSIDE Hubei.

And yet Pakistan feels comfortable allowing all the movement of people from China - Hubei.

Somehow these two positions don't add up from a risk management point of view.
Why don't you convert your house in to an isolation ward for the whole of Pakistan

I should convert my house to a orphan house too next time according to you if i feel and voice that govt isn't doing enough for orphans?
I should convert my house to a orphan house too next time according to you if i feel and voice that govt isn't doing enough for orphans?
Just use burnoll for the deep burning sensation you feel. Right up there go on all the way up.
Oops you've lost your arm
I did answer this precise point so please relax. I will do so again.

If an individual is isolated for 14 days, the following problems remain:

1. Incubation may be longer (a case of 20+ days was recorded.
2. If that person develops symptoms and is then tested BUT his test is falsely negative, he will be treated as basic respiratory illness without added precautions and anyone he is in contact with during treatment is at risk. Why do you think even in China healthcare staff are catching the bug and dying?
3. Deliberately using anti inflammatory meds will mask the symptoms of an infected individual.
I did answer this precise point so please relax. I will do so again.

If an individual is isolated for 14 days, the following problems remain:

1. Incubation may be longer (a case of 20+ days was recorded.
2. If that person develops symptoms and is then tested BUT his test is falsely negative, he will be treated as basic respiratory illness without added precautions and anyone he is in contact with during treatment is at risk. Why do you think even in China healthcare staff are catching the bug and dying?
3. Deliberately using anti inflammatory meds will mask the symptoms of an infected individual.

1. That's why I said 21+ days.
2. No he won't, such a fucking lame excuse. There are multiple precautions taken by all countries. The biggest was a minimum 21+ days and an indefinite period of isolation if symptons are there regardless of tests.
3. Under which heavily monitored, drafted plan is that possible.

Also, these also apply to regular flights from China as infection is spread all over. But regular flights are allowed, so what now.

Also, as per your logic half the world should be worried but we don't see any epidemic, they have all been successful using these protocols.

How do you reconcile this reasoning with keeping flights running with China then? The virus is no longer limited to Wuhan, its wide spread all over China. You can take a look at WHO's report on that.


Remember, Pakistan refused to evacuate her students in Late Jan (around 30th Jan).
At that point there were 5-6 K confirmed cases in entire China, mostly in Hubei province. (source below)

Now, on Feb 13 according to WHO report, there are 10 K confimed cases OUTSIDE Hubei.

And yet Pakistan feels comfortable allowing all the movement of people from China - Hubei.

Somehow these two positions don't add up from a risk management point of view.

Imran Khan's handsomeness will also scare the virus away. Not if the flight is from Wuhan though.

Just use burnoll for the deep burning sensation you feel. Right up there go on all the way up.
Oops you've lost your arm

Stay classy.
1. That's why I said 21+ days.
2. No he won't, such a fucking lame excuse. There are multiple precautions taken by all countries. The biggest was a minimum 21+ days and an indefinite period of isolation if symptons are there regardless of tests.
3. Under which heavily monitored, drafted plan is that possible.

Also, these also apply to regular flights from China as infection is spread all over. But regular flights are allowed, so what now.

Also, as per your logic half the world should be worried but we don't see any epidemic, they have all been successful using these protocols.

Listen bro, let's stop this useless bickering - you have your opinion, we have ours and at the moment the government's opinion is in line with ours and there is nothing you can do about it. It is almost time for Fajar here in Pakistan and I will now end the debate for today here. I suggest we all go back to what we were doing as nobody here has the power to change anything today.

Allah Hafiz.
Listen bro, let's stop this useless bickering - you have your opinion, we have ours and at the moment the government's opinion is in line with ours and there is nothing you can do about it. It is almost time for Fajar here in Pakistan and I will now end the debate for today here. I suggest we all go back to what we were doing as nobody here has the power to change anything today.

Allah Hafiz.

I was just reminding people here how fucking low we as a people can go, and have no respect for ourselves or for those of us outside.

Sadly the truth.

Stop spreading garbage. Cases are present all over China but Wuhan and its province are the epicentre.


No need to ban ALL traffic from China as per current WHO guidance.

It relies mainly on testing haha, for viruses in incubation period.

Stop spreading garbage. Cases are present all over China but Wuhan and its province are the epicentre.


No need to ban ALL traffic from China as per current WHO guidance.

Yeh but what if. An infected chinese passes through withot symptons because incubation period, test fails because as per u, its not 100%.

So what now, WHAT IF, using ur argument now.
1. That's why I said 21+ days.
2. No he won't, such a fucking lame excuse. There are multiple precautions taken by all countries. The biggest was a minimum 21+ days and an indefinite period of isolation if symptons are there regardless of tests.
3. Under which heavily monitored, drafted plan is that possible.

Also, these also apply to regular flights from China as infection is spread all over. But regular flights are allowed, so what now.

Also, as per your logic half the world should be worried but we don't see any epidemic, they have all been successful using these protocols.

Imran Khan's handsomeness will also scare the virus away. Not if the flight is from Wuhan though.

Stay classy.
Well, science convinces some but not others.

Look dude, honestly speaking, the risk cannot truly be completely negated, no matter what precautions are taken. Pakistan are playing safe - maybe too safe. I feel that on balance, considering the consequences for Pakistan of an outbreak, playing ultra safe is justifiable. Different nations have to make their own calculations.

You may be right - maybe it's overcautiousness for nothing.

I'm just reminding the folks here - both Your good self and those with more malevolent intent - that Pakistan is making decisions on the basis of scientific and rational arguments, which makes a nice change from the usual.

Yeh but what if. An infected chinese passes through withot symptons because incubation period, test fails because as per u, its not 100%.
I never claimed this couldn't happen. The rationale is not about whether someone is Chinese or Pakistani or Martian. The rationale is that anyone from outside Wuhan and hubei province is statistically less likely to be infected. That's all.
Well, science convinces some but not others.

Look dude, honestly speaking, the risk cannot truly be completely negated, no matter what precautions are taken. Pakistan are playing safe - maybe too safe. I feel that on balance, considering the consequences for Pakistan of an outbreak, playing ultra safe is justifiable. Different nations have to make their own calculations.

You may be right - maybe it's overcautiousness for nothing.

I'm just reminding the folks here - both Your good self and those with more malevolent intent - that Pakistan is making decisions on the basis of scientific and rational arguments, which makes a nice change from the usual.

You have run ot of excuses, and finally resorted to a philosophical excuse.

There is What If in many things. But if you can do it with full capability, then it is stupid to ask. Why don't you ever ask what If Karachi Nuclear Plant blows up, there's risk involved after all.

Nevermind. I wanted to prove my point and proved it a 100 times. Readers who here are sane, don't worship Imran Khan, and haven't attached their egos to their arguments (i was for it, but not anymore) I hope they will understand and see how our Government is making a fool out of our people.

Well, science convinces some but not others.

Look dude, honestly speaking, the risk cannot truly be completely negated, no matter what precautions are taken. Pakistan are playing safe - maybe too safe. I feel that on balance, considering the consequences for Pakistan of an outbreak, playing ultra safe is justifiable. Different nations have to make their own calculations.

You may be right - maybe it's overcautiousness for nothing.

I'm just reminding the folks here - both Your good self and those with more malevolent intent - that Pakistan is making decisions on the basis of scientific and rational arguments, which makes a nice change from the usual.

I never claimed this couldn't happen. The rationale is not about whether someone is Chinese or Pakistani or Martian. The rationale is that anyone from outside Wuhan and hubei province is statistically less likely to be infected. That's all.

The risk is still there. Rational says WHAT IF. Your what ifs are very selective, very very selective.

I don't blame you though. You think it will hurt your pride if you go back on your argument. No worries.
You're so dumb. What makes you think symptons won't appear if the person is infected LOL.
Hang on fella. Any infection can produce the full range of symptoms, from ZERO, through mild, all the way to fatal. This is basic stuff.
Hang on fella. Any infection can produce the full range of symptoms, from ZERO, through mild, all the way to fatal. This is basic stuff.

We talking about corona virus here, it doesn't have a non detectable range : )

Maybe u learnt it in high school this 'basic stuff'.
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