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Pakistani parents give government three-day ultimatum to evacuate children from China

Pakistan should tread with caution. China is its all weather friend. Any precipitate action may jeopardise Sino-Pak relations. I am sure Chinese Docs will be doing their best for Pak students stuck there. Chinese docs and medical facilities will be better than that of Pak anyway.


You're talking as if we're walking on thin ice with China. Lol. It's not like India & the US at the moment.. where they're opening stating they aren't being treated well by India.
Name me a country which hasn't evacuated its citizens yet.

Those countries people are disciplined and rule obeying citizens. Can we say same about Pakistanis in Pakistan. Once they land in pakistan, parents and all these jokers will claim "govt has kept our kids in illegal custody" and kangoroo courts will order govt to let them out of non existent observation centers and there you go,entire nation will be under this virus. We are the only 2 countries unable to get rid of polio virus. And now these shameless clueless losers want pakistan to face this virus. What do you want pakistan to become or be known as? An African diseases infested state.
@Alternative, Your thoughts? Though I already know what you will say:

1. See, Pakistan has the capability to handle the virus.
2. So now since this is happening we should call back all our students.

This is just one case and it's sent the doctors scrambling, what will they do when all 11,000 citizens come back? Are they going to build a 2,600 bed hospital in 8 days?

Firstly, this is because of Government's two faced hypocrisy where they're letting flights resume from rest of China so they don't upset the CCP.

1. I already told you. Under a drafted, monitored government plan this won't be possible as everyone would be isolated for 3 weeks and further indefinite time if symptons present, and multiple test kits will be used. If there is no such plan, ones and twos will keep coming back, may slip through screening and then infect others, as they weren't isolated.

2. Wuhan doesn't have 11,000 citizens. And I already told you, we need to bring them back in waves of a couple hundreds.


I would like to say that you're missing several points at once by being emotional. Since Maybe you live in a foreign country, you're having trouble grasping the realities on ground here. First and foremost, Even our Islam says that whenever an illness epidemic runs amok, people shouldn't go to AND from the epicenter of the epidemic. Do you know better than Allah?

Next thing is, No we are not low as a people. If you know the attitude of people here, you'll quickly realize that the families of these potentially infected students would definitely use their connections to bring their children out of any sort of Incubation-Isolation period after a few days. If someone is affected, then they will definitely not reach out to the proper authorities for fear of being ostracized from the public and having their reputations ruined.

Wuhan is the epicenter of Coronavirus, therefore it is most likely that people coming from there could be infected. By being extra cautious, given the little realities at hand, we're not being low as people. We're being careful. While being responsible for the students in Wuhan, the government is also responsible for the Pakistanis living in Pakistan too. You may live in a second-first world country to feel secure, but the rest of us don't. The poor of this country would suffer the most.

That being said, if you look at India's example and feel betrayed then don't be. Take a look here:
Do you see Pakistan anywhere on the list? This is because we didn't evacuate students from the epicenter of the breakout. We're doing good so far.

Of course there's no real guarantee that people coming from other parts of China aren't affected with the virus. In cases like those, Allah knows best who's to die and who's to not. But through these precautions, we're being saved from a lot of unnecessary paranoia and panic. Those students are young, so even if they are infected they have a very high chance of survival. Their older, maybe sicker relatives, don't. If i was a student stuck in Wuhan, i'd probably stay put rather than risk getting my parents potentially infected.

Just my two bits

Already using the religious card.

This is what happens when you run out of excuses. We're now, according to members here, literally the worst place.

Get your head out of the sand.

The least the govt could have done is moved all the pakistanies at least from the epicenter to some other part of China which is safe and keep them in isolation before moving them to Pakistan . Embassy should keep in touch with every Pakistani and make sure everyone has food supplies ,water and not hoping things will get back to normal.
There is no plan B ,what if the epidemic gets serious .
You guys are losing the good will of next generation professionals.

These people will stay in power till they're not delivered to their qabr. What has Pakistan done if anything at all for its youth.

Then people wonder why there is a brain drain, and mass immigration.
Pakistan should tread with caution. China is its all weather friend. Any precipitate action may jeopardise Sino-Pak relations. I am sure Chinese Docs will be doing their best for Pak students stuck there. Chinese docs and medical facilities will be better than that of Pak anyway.


Oh love the Indian hypocrisy, Indian government is literally building jails to house millions of poor Indians, 8 million plus Kashmiri is under house arrest for months, India building concentration camps to arrest Muslims and here we have Indians give us the lecture on how to handle our few and free citizens..
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The least the govt could have done is moved all the pakistanies at least from the epicenter to some other part of China which is safe and keep them in isolation before moving them to Pakistan .

Nobody from Wuhan can go to another part of China. No Chinese or any foreigner. Only way for somebody in Wuhan to get out is to get out of China.
**** off, idiot.

You should tell that to the Pakistani students who are pleading the Government to bring them back home.

Shameless piece of shit.

Your use of such derogatory language simply shows that your ability to articulate does not extend beyond the word “f*ck or Idi*t" .......
Your use of such derogatory language simply shows that your ability to articulate does not extend beyond the word “f*ck or Idi*t" .......

I only use these words to reciprocate in kind, never am I rude to people who are not rude to me.

I won't take shit from anyone.
They are better in China...

In Past Stupid Mullah from Lal Mosque wrote books and gave fatwa that Polio Vaccine is Haram (not ok in Islam),
According to them Polio Vaccines is increasing female baby births, instead of male baby births because america wants, muslim should stay away from Jehad... so this is the reason Wahhabi extremist mullah attacks on polio workers..

So, now they will say China wants that muslim should stay away from Jehad,
now they will attack and kill people wearing surgical masks...
Then Pakistan should immediately stop any flights from China.

How do you reconcile these two facts.

1. Chinese from China can fly into Pakistan.
2. Pakistan's own students cannot fly into Pakistan from Wuhan.

Meanwhile, the virus has spread in numbers all over China.

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We are going to do whatever our interests dictate. There is nothing you or anyone can do about it.

It is a perfect decision by the government. 0 infections in Pakistan and the Chinese doctors are doing a superb job.
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We are going to do whatever our interests dictate. There is nothing you or anyone can do about it.

It is a perfect decision by the government. 0 infections in Pakistan and the Chinese doctors are doing a superb job.

Can a mod have a look at this?

@waz @Dubious

Kindly have a look at what the other person said too. Like I said, I don't take shit from anyone.
Pakistan only has the capabilities to detect the virus. If the person is infected, it would be difficult to contain the spread. Our hospital still lack proper isolation facilities. Families won't we follow the proper procedures, and will 100% make contact with an infected person.

So far we have been fortunate in not have a single case in Pakistan.

Bang on the money here....except that Pakistan has mitigated its risk through cautious and smart policy, not just by random luck.

It's worth seeing what's happening in South Korea and Iran now if people still feel we should bring a shed load (10,000 plus) potential silent carriers home tomorrow.
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