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Pakistani parents give government three-day ultimatum to evacuate children from China

What flies in the face of any reason is that Pakistan is allowing flights from China but not getting her own citizens out.


This disease is spreading all over China now.

View attachment 607269
You're truly a sick piece of false flagging filth. I would say you don't know what you're talking about, but actually you and your little buddies here know exactly what's going on but choose to present it falsely.

Flights from non-epidemic parts of China can proceed but even still, health screening takes place prior to boarding. That is sufficient and in line with WHO guidance.

Your statement is totally erroneous and designed to malign Pakistan. ANYONE - whether a Chinese or Pakistani or other citizen - can fly from non-endemic parts of China to Pakistan following standard health screening protocols prior to departure. You have suggested that Pakistani citizens are barred but non-Pakistanis are allowed on the flights in order to serve your agenda - your assertion is patently false.
The virus is not limited to Wuhan anymore. Its spread all over China in large numbers.

No matter how much you throw evidence at them, it is at the point of no return. He will make lame excuses because he has stuck to his argument too much.

You're truly a sick piece of false flagging filth. I would say you don't know what you're talking about, but actually you and your little buddies here know exactly what's going on but choose to present it falsely.

Flights from non-epidemic parts of China can proceed but even still, health screening takes place prior to boarding. That is sufficient and in line with WHO guidance.

Your statement is totally erroneous and designed to malign Pakistan. ANYONE - whether a Chinese or Pakistani or other citizen - can fly from non-endemic parts of China to Pakistan following standard health screening protocols prior to departure. You have suggested that Pakistani citizens are barred but non-Pakistanis are allowed on the flights in order to serve your agenda - your assertion is patently false.

Oh, so here the testing kits work 100% fine?
1. Chinese from China can fly into Pakistan.
2. Pakistan's own students cannot fly into Pakistan from Wuhan.
Idiot. Pakistanis, Chinese and miscellaneous can fly from non endemic parts of China to Pakistan.

Those in Wuhan aren't going anywhere.
You're truly a sick piece of false flagging filth. I would say you don't know what you're talking about, but actually you and your little buddies here know exactly what's going on but choose to present it falsely.

Flights from non-epidemic parts of China can proceed but even still, health screening takes place prior to boarding. That is sufficient and in line with WHO guidance.

Your statement is totally erroneous and designed to malign Pakistan. ANYONE - whether a Chinese or Pakistani or other citizen - can fly from non-endemic parts of China to Pakistan following standard health screening protocols prior to departure. You have suggested that Pakistani citizens are barred but non-Pakistanis are allowed on the flights in order to serve your agenda - your assertion is patently false.

His point is very simple. You remember all the screening regulations here while forgetting the what if even though the infection is theoughout china.

Idiot. Pakistanis, Chinese and miscellaneous can fly from non endemic parts of China to Pakistan.

Those in Wuhan aren't going anywhere.

You are yet to answer me on the 14 days isolation btw.
No matter how much you throw evidence at them, it is at the point of no return. He will make lame excuses because he has stuck to his argument too much.

Oh, so here the testing kits work 100% fine?
Listen dude. Calm down and stop behaving like these Indians and the "Canadian".

Screening and testing are different things.
Flights from non-epidemic parts of China can proceed but even still, health screening takes place prior to boarding. That is sufficient and in line with WHO guidance.
Is there any non epidemic part left in China?
If you folks are so worried about stemming the spread of disease then stop the movement of people altogether.
Wuhan is epicentre alright but the virus has spread in large numbers all over China. The map I showed you comes from WHO report from early Feb.

You're truly a sick piece of false flagging filth. I would say you don't know what you're talking about, but actually you and your little buddies here know exactly what's going on but choose to present it falsely.
I am sick because I ask pointed questions. I am false flagging filth because you cann't answer simple questions.

Why does Pakistan choose not the evacuate her own students from Wuhan BUT keeps on allowing people from China to fly into Pakistan while knowing that virus is no longer contained in Wuhan alone?

People resort to personal attacks when they are answer-less.

Your statement is totally erroneous and designed to malign Pakistan. ANYONE - whether a Chinese or Pakistani or other citizen - can fly from non-endemic parts of China to Pakistan following standard health screening protocols prior to departure. You have suggested that Pakistani citizens are barred but non-Pakistanis are allowed to serve your agenda - your assertion is patently false.
Well, guess what, entire eastern China is now endemic.
Listen dude. Calm down and stop behaving like these Indians and the "Canadian".

Screening and testing are different things.

I'm not behaving like anyone. You tried to deceive thinking I haven't read shit.

Listen dude. Calm down and stop behaving like these Indians and the "Canadian".

Screening and testing are different things.

Who are the testing kits imported for then? What if the person boarding the plane has the virus but in dormancy period. No screening will work.

Testing needs to be done but to you its not 100%... so what now? Huh.
They are some really stupid ppl on here and even worse cranium erectiles and mentally retarded/challenged public in Pakistan.
Let's take the arguments that certain members of this forum use in that lets bring them home.
First and foremost If someone comes to Pakistan who has contacted the virus, he or she may not wish to inform the authorities for the sake of being ostracized.
If this virus becomes fully airborne which it may/may not then you have a situation where containment is no more.
Question can Pakistan I'll afford to be in the midst of an epidemic where at the best of times the health care is a joke. That's for the people who can afford to go to hospital or be bothered to go.
What happens if it spreads to villages where people would rather tend to their fields and cattle as a pose to travelling hours to see the quack ( compoder) who has one tablet and one syringe for all ailments.
We are in the middle of an economy that is faultering and trying to get foreign investment.
Would foreign companies want to invest in a virus pandemic environment where the majority of the workforce is sick. NO is the blunt answer.
The families of the students and the workers who are in china while understanding their gripes should be informed that their loved ones are in the best place for them in order of treatment and containment. As far as saying that other countries have repatriated their own nationals well that's their choice. It doesn't mean that Pakistan has to follow suit.
We have a lot to loose if this spreads in Pakistan .we are I'll prepared to handle it.
The media is scaremongering as it gets viewing audiences and the majority is anti government anyway. The Chinese are doing all they can for all nationals in their country and especially the Pakistanis .
This will come to a conclusion one day sooner rather than later and the Chinese will appreciate who stood with them in their hour of need.
So enough is said and that's my humble opinion.
Listen dude. Calm down and stop behaving like these Indians and the "Canadian".

Screening and testing are different things.

You told me that testing kits fail. But I already told you, like rest of the respectable nations have done, isolate for 2-3 weeks because virus dormancy is 2 weeks. If symptoms appear, keep isolation. No kita needed.

Your reply is absent.

They are some really stupid ppl on here and even worse cranium erectiles and mentally retarded/challenged public in Pakistan.
Let's take the arguments that certain members of this forum use in that lets bring them home.
First and foremost If someone comes to Pakistan who has contacted the virus, he or she may not wish to inform the authorities for the sake of being ostracized.
If this virus becomes fully airborne which it may/may not then you have a situation where containment is no more.
Question can Pakistan I'll afford to be in the midst of an epidemic where at the best of times the health care is a joke. That's for the people who can afford to go to hospital or be bothered to go.
What happens if it spreads to villages where people would rather tend to their fields and cattle as a pose to travelling hours to see the quack ( compoder) who has one tablet and one syringe for all ailments.
We are in the middle of an economy that is faultering and trying to get foreign investment.
Would foreign companies want to invest in a virus pandemic environment where the majority of the workforce is sick. NO is the blunt answer.
The families of the students and the workers who are in china while understanding their gripes should be informed that their loved ones are in the best place for them in order of treatment and containment. As far as saying that other countries have repatriated their own nationals well that's their choice. It doesn't mean that Pakistan has to follow suit.
We have a lot to loose if this spreads in Pakistan .we are I'll prepared to handle it.
The media is scaremongering as it gets viewing audiences and the majority is anti government anyway. The Chinese are doing all they can for all nationals in their country and especially the Pakistanis .
This will come to a conclusion one day sooner rather than later and the Chinese will appreciate who stood with them in their hour of need.
So enough is said and that's my humble opinion.

Your problem is the first line. What has rest of the world done?

Did they ask them; "please don't lie, do you have virus or not?"

No, all of them including pilots, crew were isolated as per protocol. Next excuse.
Screening is taking temperature, checking for cough and asking questions. It is NOT some lab test.

Passengers may pass screening for a variety of reasons:

1. Genuinely non-infected.
2. Infected but within incubation period hence symptom free.
3. Infected but naturally resistant to viral effects thus symptom free.
4. Deliberately hiding symptoms with anti inflammatory meds to get out of Wuhan.

Now the guys with 2, 3 or 4 can get back to Pakistan and spread the bug.

Even if the guys in 3 or 4 are quarantined, they may not necessarily be tested by pcr OR pcr may show false negative result, and boom.....an infected vessel is released into Pakistan despite screening and quarantining.
They are some really stupid ppl on here and even worse cranium erectiles and mentally retarded/challenged public in Pakistan.
Let's take the arguments that certain members of this forum use in that lets bring them home.
First and foremost If someone comes to Pakistan who has contacted the virus, he or she may not wish to inform the authorities for the sake of being ostracized.
If this virus becomes fully airborne which it may/may not then you have a situation where containment is no more.
Question can Pakistan I'll afford to be in the midst of an epidemic where at the best of times the health care is a joke. That's for the people who can afford to go to hospital or be bothered to go.
What happens if it spreads to villages where people would rather tend to their fields and cattle as a pose to travelling hours to see the quack ( compoder) who has one tablet and one syringe for all ailments.
We are in the middle of an economy that is faultering and trying to get foreign investment.
Would foreign companies want to invest in a virus pandemic environment where the majority of the workforce is sick. NO is the blunt answer.
The families of the students and the workers who are in china while understanding their gripes should be informed that their loved ones are in the best place for them in order of treatment and containment. As far as saying that other countries have repatriated their own nationals well that's their choice. It doesn't mean that Pakistan has to follow suit.
We have a lot to loose if this spreads in Pakistan .we are I'll prepared to handle it.
The media is scaremongering as it gets viewing audiences and the majority is anti government anyway. The Chinese are doing all they can for all nationals in their country and especially the Pakistanis .
This will come to a conclusion one day sooner rather than later and the Chinese will appreciate who stood with them in their hour of need.
So enough is said and that's my humble opinion.

Expendable lives for dollars. First for America, now for China.
No matter how much you throw evidence at them, it is at the point of no return. He will make lame excuses because he has stuck to his argument too much.

Oh, so here the testing kits work 100% fine?

Logically speaking, what you are saying isn't sitting right with me because:

1. Coronavirus central (roots) is Wuhan.
2. Wuhan is the most infected area.
3. Wuhan is quarantined and under lock down.
4. Pakistani's that are in Wuhan are being taken care of (Food, health etc).
5. China's medical technology is far more advanced in comparison to Pakistan, with China essentially providing the kits to Pakistan.
6. You wish to repatriate Pakistani students from Wuhan, the root city, the most infected city in China.. and bring them back to Pakistan.. because we are just as advanced in medical applications when compared to China?

Isn't the Corona-virus airborne?
Screening is taking temperature, checking for cough and asking questions. It is NOT some lab test.

Passengers may pass screening for a variety of reasons:

1. Genuinely non-infected.
2. Infected but within incubation period hence symptom free.
3. Infected but naturally resistant to viral effects thus symptom free.
4. Deliberately hiding symptoms with anti inflammatory meds to get out of Wuhan.

Now the guys with 2, 3 or 4 can get back to Pakistan and spread the bug.

Even if the guys in 3 or 4 are quarantined, they may not necessarily be tested by pcr OR pcr may show false negative result, and boom.....an infected vessel is released into Pakistan despite screening and quarantining.

Dude, just shut up. I already fucking told you, STOp AVOIDING WHAT I SAID.


And 2, 3 and 4 also apply to regular flights from China to Pakistan.
isolate for 2-3 weeks because virus dormancy is 2 weeks. If symptoms appear, keep isolation. No kita needed.
Symptoms may not appear, as I just explained. Even IF symptoms appear, the pcr test may be FALSELY negative, in which case the disease will be regarded as common flu and isolation measures will not be used during treatment - boom - a dozen hospital staff get infected.

Are you beginning to understand the problems now with testing, false negatives etc?
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