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Pakistani Navy going through a serious buildup

Pakistan Navy is most certainly modernizing, about time I must say. There is and should be an emphasis on Submarine capabilities that provide Pakistan with a Second Strike Capability. Of course it goes without saying, that without an enhanced Maritime Fighter Fleet, Submarine capability would not be fully realized. However, I believe that Pakistan Navy is prioritizing Submarine and Maritime Patrol Aircraft acquisition. This means, if logic is followed through, that Pakistan Navy will focus on Maritime Fighter Fleet, once the Subs/MPA acquisitions have been completed.

For Pakistan, it is important that it achieves Anti-Access/Area-Denial in order to protect it's shipping lines. This means the enemy's navy must not be allowed to be anywhere a 1000 kms of Pakistan's Coastline. Apart from Frigates and Corvettes, Pakistan Navy also require a Shore Based Long Range Air Defense System, that would provide an umbrella for the Naval Bases. A maritime fighter fleet would ensure an offensive punch to knockout any enemy vessels looking to impose a naval blockade. Marine Commando Battalions also need to be reassessed and re-equipped to ensure Creek/Mangroves of Badin Zone are protected. This would be one of the crucial aspects of protecting Karachi, which Pakistan's Business Nerve Center.
People worrying about PN not investing in Air arm has to understand following

1 Majority of that cash gets divided by all services.

2 Modern Fighter squadron will cost atleast 300 to 400 $ with everything unless Pakistan navy is going for Thunders, it will share resources with airforce in fully developing that squadron instead navy is getting bigger ships while air force can provide the cover with better integration between 3 services which has been lacking in past and has improved alot.

3 Pakistan navy for now is not true deep blue navy and has no need for it, far away missions are mostly against piracy.

4 Pakistan navy will stay close to Pakistani costal area which will be covered by Sams and then from PAF fleet fot aggressive task you will see subs being deployed as solo hunters are as wolf packs but mostly solo in deep sea with alot of traffic or close to indian ship yards waiting to strike.

5 Pakistan navy lacks yes long range Anti air defence but i think that will be deployed in heaver ships

6 Before the problem with navy fleet was 1 they didnt have enough ships for dedicated roles 2nd they were out dated, now with much higher numbers you will actually see the change in doctrine and posture from navy as you will have smaller boats who will do close shore protection and saving resources and life span of heaver ships.
Soon Pakistan will have frigates converted for roles as destroyers for long range strikes and few specific anti air ships.
Then you will alse see alot of PN fleet movement into neighbouring friendly countries
Has Lineage Embraer 1000 conversion into LRMPA started ? We got the plane 6 months back so by now contract with any MPA/AWACS company would have been materialized or about to, any credible update on it ? We don't know yet it wil be a German, American company or from any other country.
Since the project is not based on any existing design, there is a design phase to it along side the implementation phase, hence why it is taking longer, add to that funds (as a lot are being used for ship purchases at the moment) and the fact that RAS-72 project is still underway, we might not see the first plane in service until 2022-23, this was already speculated by the guys at Quwa as well.
As for the contract, I assume it will be German because the naval chief said that it would be fully compatible with RAS-72 and would be sort of a continuation to it, it only makes sense that PN would want to give this contract to the same company. However Turkey and Italy are also valid options, USA is very unlikely to be an option, and for this China is unlikely as well.
People worrying about PN not investing in Air arm has to understand following

1 Majority of that cash gets divided by all services.

2 Modern Fighter squadron will cost atleast 300 to 400 $ with everything unless Pakistan navy is going for Thunders, it will share resources with airforce in fully developing that squadron instead navy is getting bigger ships while air force can provide the cover with better integration between 3 services which has been lacking in past and has improved alot.

3 Pakistan navy for now is not true deep blue navy and has no need for it, far away missions are mostly against piracy.

4 Pakistan navy will stay close to Pakistani costal area which will be covered by Sams and then from PAF fleet fot aggressive task you will see subs being deployed as solo hunters are as wolf packs but mostly solo in deep sea with alot of traffic or close to indian ship yards waiting to strike.

5 Pakistan navy lacks yes long range Anti air defence but i think that will be deployed in heaver ships

6 Before the problem with navy fleet was 1 they didnt have enough ships for dedicated roles 2nd they were out dated, now with much higher numbers you will actually see the change in doctrine and posture from navy as you will have smaller boats who will do close shore protection and saving resources and life span of heaver ships.
Soon Pakistan will have frigates converted for roles as destroyers for long range strikes and few specific anti air ships.
Then you will alse see alot of PN fleet movement into neighbouring friendly countries
Just for point number 5. The naval chief confirmed that 6 heavy frigates are planned which will focus on this capability. So the PN is definitely looking into it. It could be based on Turkish TF-2000, a Chinese design, or something in between, like a JV with both these countries.
As the navy goes through a build up, I hope they built a pier and educational museum to include retired platforms:

a Type-21 Frigate
an old submarine
a coast guard (PMA) ship
a fast attack craft
a Helicopter
a maritime patrol aircraft
a merchant marine/cargo ship

to be a teaching tool for all citizens (but especially the youth) about the navy and its importance. It can also be a place for cadets from all across the country to gather and have competitions and hold other events.

It will also be a great way to mold future sailors and marines if they can touch and see the kind of equipment the navy works with. An obstacle course could be built nearby to give members of the public a chance to show what they got, and perhaps we might find promising candidates we might not otherwise have noticed.

Also this would be a great place to build an aquarium to show what the navy and coast guard are protecting; the natural environment (animal and plant life) and the food supply from the sea.
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Since the project is not based on any existing design, there is a design phase to it along side the implementation phase, hence why it is taking longer, add to that funds (as a lot are being used for ship purchases at the moment) and the fact that RAS-72 project is still underway, we might not see the first plane in service until 2022-23, this was already speculated by the guys at Quwa as well.
As for the contract, I assume it will be German because the naval chief said that it would be fully compatible with RAS-72 and would be sort of a continuation to it, it only makes sense that PN would want to give this contract to the same company. However Turkey and Italy are also valid options, USA is very unlikely to be an option, and for this China is unlikely as well.

Just for point number 5. The naval chief confirmed that 6 heavy frigates are planned which will focus on this capability. So the PN is definitely looking into it. It could be based on Turkish TF-2000, a Chinese design, or something in between, like a JV with both these countries.

I dont understand where this claim of 6 heavy frigates are coming from. NC specifically mentioned them AFTER mentioning the OPV1900s, likely implying that they would be heavier THAN 2300t, i.e the disp of the OPV1900. This isnt to say that the PN wont induct heavier surface combatants in the future, however, i think NC's words are being misconstrued in this case. The PN is likely to induct a larger ship post introduction of P282.
  • The 6 Heavy Tonnage , Ships + First Jinnah Class Frigate is a great announcement
Appears to be the 2025-2027 plan
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Fairly slow upgrade process , 15 years late but still happening at slow pace
Much needed focus on Navy
Pakistan is also involved in the turkish Submarine killer Reis' big brother project called Milden.. Nobody will be able to beat PK in the ocean with Milden not even China.. Invincibility

no, there was interest in MilDen, aside from that, nothing has been signed or confirmed. The Turks like to run their mouth so if something was done we would know.
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