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Pakistani Military's Conventional Deterrence Against India's Cold Start Doctrine

She receives special favors from the top order for serving an agenda aimed directly at Pakistan and the muslim world. Her views and tactis were criticized by none other than JSOC, which oversees the drone program itself. She supports violence, instigate war, is biased, and criticized by many in the west. Fair merely a puupet, when she can't back her arguments, personal attacks from her side starts. Overall, she has no credibility, she serves a certain narrative based on her opinon, her debates are weak, with no evidence to back her arguments.

JSOC criticizes her? She is a civilian, they don't comment on her. JSCO does not oversee the drone program. The Joint Special Operations Command is charged to study Special Operations requirements and techniques, ensure interoperability and equipment standardization, plan and conduct Special Operations exercises and training, and develop joint Special Operations tactics.

JSOC may have a view which could be different than her views. was it not a US drone that killed 20 TTP recently?

JSOC criticizes her? She is a civilian, they don't comment on her. JSCO does not oversee the drone program. The Joint Special Operations Command is charged to study Special Operations requirements and techniques, ensure interoperability and equipment standardization, plan and conduct Special Operations exercises and training, and develop joint Special Operations tactics.

JSOC may have a view which could be different than her views. was it not a US drone that killed 20 TTP recently?

Dude... what you just describe is basically overseeing in short term. Joint Special Operation Command (JSOC) is an active military unit. JSOC criticized her views for civilian causlties on the ground creating more militants on AF/PK border regions. She's no authority, just a lost cause.
Those 20 TTP terrorits recently killed were probably intelligence provided by ISI where militants were probably gathered. Perfect timing to smoke em out with no civilian casualities. We all know USA has no interest taking out TTP as they thrived in Afghnistan border where heavy USA military was present during obama term. So most likely a deal was made between USA and Pak. Indeed, a sorry deal for Indians. USA only look after its own interest, but Indians wont learn.

On a seperate note, I really dont like to get personal but you need to stop twisting words to prove your point. This is the 2nd time I caught you twisting words, you just contridicting yourself. I can even point it out if you want.
Again, please provide links to independent, irrefutable, reliable and honest evidence to support ALL your claims above otherwise they come across as strawman arguments.

So bbc & nytimes are India puppets?
So bbc & nytimes are India puppets?

Post them here again. Not your indian doctored wikipedia nonsense.

PS New york times has been suspect since 2003 when they claimed that Iraq has WMD that can destroy Europe in 30 mins........:rofl:
Dude... what you just describe is basically overseeing in short term. Joint Special Operation Command (JSOC) is an active military unit. JSOC criticized her views for civilian causlties on the ground creating more militants on AF/PK border regions. She's no authority, just a lost cause.
Those 20 TTP terrorits recently killed were probably intelligence provided by ISI where militants were probably gathered. Perfect timing to smoke em out with no civilian casualities. We all know USA has no interest taking out TTP as they thrived in Afghnistan border where heavy USA military was present during obama term. So most likely a deal was made between USA and Pak. Indeed, a sorry deal for Indians. USA only look after its own interest, but Indians wont learn.

On a seperate note, I really dont like to get personal but you need to stop twisting words to prove your point. This is the 2nd time I caught you twisting words, you just contridicting yourself. I can even point it out if you want.

WOW - you are trying to reinvent JSOC mission. Please stop!

They never said a word to her directly because they don't report to her or have to answer to her in any form, she is a civilian. Military says that stuff all the time like ' there is no military solution' and just having that as the only option won't work or only using drones create more issues. And then you have new military chiefs come in and say opposite.( in terms of drones) You are hanging your hat on mundane stuff like that. You are going off al Jazeera session where one participant said JSOC refutes Fair's way of thinking on drones.

I've ignored 99% of what you've posted because it is rife with assumptions and just stuff having to do with your personal views and dislike of her. I feel sorry for you to have to pay your taxes to a country who you state as one that cares more about TTP staying alive because we leverage them.these are the same guys who massacred over 100 children and you say "We all know USA has no interest taking out TTP as they thrived in Afghanistan border where heavy USA military was present during obama term" . Golly- If you feel that way- How did you give up on any self-respect and move to our lands?
Post them here again. Not your indian doctored wikipedia nonsense.

PS New york times has been suspect since 2003 when they claimed that Iraq has WMD that can destroy Europe in 30 mins........:rofl:
Go read post #52
Indian troops reached Pakistan's capital
When did that happen you brain Fart @patman o_O instead we reaching almost reaching Delhi
Not to mention
  • Nag
  • Trishula
  • Akash
  • Astra
  • Parahar
  • K15
  • Barak


SPADA 2000


and not to mention
HH-16 on up coming type-54A for PN

and tirshul is canceled project, whereas K-4 and K-15 is in the development Phases and mainly indented for China
Pakistan doesn't have any answer for most of Indian variants ,Brahmos is the fastest cruse msl in the world
And how about this how can you stop it its a terminal hyper-sonic missile

You invaded princely state of Kashmir not India , we kicked Pakistan out & conquered 70% of Kashmir
Because their non Muslim maharajah signing their land to India so that's why peoples of Azad Kashmir called Pakistan to help we don't had no intention to invade the whole Kashmir at that time, (AZAD) KASHMIRS called for help and we respond it, you have you own version 1948 war @patman :enjoy:
  • 94 aircrafts blown up
  • Karachi port ws destroyed
  • Pakistani airfield crippled
  • 9000 killed
  • 97,368 captured
  • 2 Destroyers
  • 1 Minesweeper
  • 1 Submarine
  • 3 Patrol vessels
  • 7 Gunboats destroyed
  • Made pak sign simla agreement making Kashmir dispute free from u.n involvement
we destroyed more that
Karachi port was not destroyed but few oil tanks were destroyed and in that war Navy losses half of their ship in 71 war
47 invaded kashmir ,while denying it to Kashmir king
Because their non Muslim maharajah signing their land to India so that's why peoples of Azad Kashmir called Pakistan to help we don't had no intention to invade the whole Kashmir at that time, (AZAD) KASHMIRS called for help and we respond it, you have you own version 1948 war @patman
65 surprise attacked a war wounded India
yes we admitted that we started a war in IOK but what happens in your invasion of pakistanyou didn't capture Lahore, you were humiliated at cawinda (Indian 500 tank, Pakistan just 13 tank and few guns) you failed miserably @patman :enjoy:
71 surprise attacked indian airbase
When that happen?o_O show me Pakistan started 71 war from the independent/neutral source @patman read the history of indo/Pak wars from neutral source then come here to B@rk @patman :blah::blah:
  1. 99 surprise attacked j&k while denying involvement to the u.n
Not on IOK but in lOC (TIGER HILLS) you retard head @patman :blah::blah:
Failed invasion is a failure
what invasiono_O but trying to capture Indian post on LOC (TIGERS HILLS) READ THE HISTORY YOU BRAIN FART @patman :hitwall::crazy:
The BBC link is not working. No direct connection. The other link is by an indian author therefore it is invalid and fake. Need REAL evidence not fake indianisms.

Other 3 are Russian, Pakistani, and us media. I specifically refused to use indian sources

Here is the bbc link , I've shortened it with Google

WOW - you are trying to reinvent JSOC mission. Please stop!

They never said a word to her directly because they don't report to her or have to answer to her in any form, she is a civilian. Military says that stuff all the time like ' there is no military solution' and just having that as the only option won't work or only using drones create more issues. And then you have new military chiefs come in and say opposite.( in terms of drones) You are hanging your hat on mundane stuff like that. You are going off al Jazeera session where one participant said JSOC refutes Fair's way of thinking on drones.

I've ignored 99% of what you've posted because it is rife with assumptions and just stuff having to do with your personal views and dislike of her. I feel sorry for you to have to pay your taxes to a country who you state as one that cares more about TTP staying alive because we leverage them.these are the same guys who massacred over 100 children and you say "We all know USA has no interest taking out TTP as they thrived in Afghanistan border where heavy USA military was present during obama term" . Golly- If you feel that way- How did you give up on any self-respect and move to our lands?[/QU

Do me a favor and point out where did I say JSOC reports to her? All I said is JSOC criticize her views which presuded pentagon to go ahead with CIA drone program in Afghnistan even despite high civilian casulties. Secondly, other than special operations, JSOC have its own highly secretive drone program running in Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan apart from CIA drone program. Even though they colaborate sometimes. Guess you learned something new today.
What I say about her is based on what she put forward. No credibilty at all!

Again with the persnoal attacks with your weak argument. What I do or where I live is none of your bussiness. Im speaking facts weather you like it or dont.
Other 3 are Russian, Pakistani, and us media. I specifically refused to use indian sources

Here is the bbc link , I've shortened it with Google


The article does not confirm an indian victory but rather questions the indian narrative. It also states the "tally GIVEN by india". This indiactes the figures and stats provided are from indian sources and not verified, honest & irrefutable evidence. So the article does not back your claims but rather forwards counter arguments to your claims and narrative.
The article does not confirm an indian victory but rather questions the indian narrative. It also states the "tally GIVEN by india". This indiactes the figures and stats provided are from indian sources and not verified, honest & irrefutable evidence. So the article does not back your claims but rather forwards counter arguments to your claims and narrative.
All the experts bbc contacted told them India were in the superior position , Pakistan were loosing.

Literally from the article :
At least three independent authors believed India had an upper hand in the war

:blah::blah::blah: I gave you 4 neural sources saying India won , deal with it.
All the experts bbc contacted told them India were in the superior position , Pakistan were loosing.

Literally from the article :
At least three independent authors believed India had an upper hand in the war

:blah::blah::blah: I gave you 4 neural sources saying India won , deal with it.

They were all indian which means it was disinformation and fake news as is most things indian. Where is the evidence they were superior apart from your claims? Pleae provide irrefutable and reliable links to the "3 independent sources". It was not there on the bbc link you provided.
They were all indian which means it was disinformation and fake news as is most things indian. Where is the evidence they were superior apart from your claims? Pleae provide irrefutable and reliable links to the "3 independent sources". It was not there on the bbc link you provided.

  • Right obviously super power India went back in time to 66 & told newYorktime to print that
  • obviously indian sleeper cells in Pakistan made dawn to print that
  • Obviously raw made a deal with queen Elizabeth & made bbc to print that
  • Obviously India used its Soviet connection to make Russia type that
  • Obviously bbc neutral contacts were plotting against Pakistan

Hell , obviously the entire universe neigh the multiverse is plotting against innocent Pakistan
  • Right obviously super power India went back in time to 66 & told newYorktime to print that
  • obviously indian sleeper cells in Pakistan made dawn to print that
  • Obviously raw made a deal with queen Elizabeth & made bbc to print that
  • Obviously India used its Soviet connection to make Russia type that
  • Obviously bbc neutral contacts were plotting against Pakistan
Hell , obviously the entire universe neigh the multiverse is plotting against innocent Pakistan

Not interested in your conjecture just irrefutable, reliable, honest and concrete evidence that support or confirm your claims. If not then everything you say is false.
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