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Pakistani laws prohibiting underage marriage un-Islamic: CII

In most states of the US, it is 18 years, and 16 with parental consent. In three or four states, like New Hampshire, younger ones can be married with parental and judicial consent under ''special circumstances'' - meaning if the boy already got the girl pregnant. Needless to say, that's irrelevant to the issue of child marriage in Pakistan.

Yes I know that a 12 year old cannot give consent, which is why puberty should not be the criterion. Apart from consent, there is also the issue of good sense. Can a 15 year old really be expected to make a wise, thoughtful decision on whom she should spend the rest of her life with? Do 15 year olds have the wisdom and maturity? No.

It depends for a 15 year old girl in Pakistan marriage unfortunately would be the first thing on their minds especially if they are from poor families.
Easy in Islamic society? Divorce is worst among those things which are permissible (halal) in Islam. Did the Prophet (PBUH) divorce any one of his wife? or the Khulafa Rashideen?
Yes but if a women wants she can get it almost immediately Sir
In which islamic society are women free to divorce their husband easily before consummating the marriage? Saudi Arabia? Yemen? Please tell us which is that islamic society where evil hinduism doesn't prevent women from easily leaving their husbands.

In Yemen a ten year old sued for divorce and won the case, it was all over the news at the time and was the first of its kind. @Zarvan is trying to act like it is easy but the stigma it carries and especially at such a young age anyone who ever lived in an Eastern society knows.
@Zarvan , don't you think the people who framed the Pakistani Constitution would have thought about all this? I will not get into who wrote the holy books or who interpreted them, but, isn't the Constitution holy to you?
In which islamic society are women free to divorce their husband easily before consummating the marriage? Saudi Arabia? Yemen? Please tell us which is that islamic society where evil hinduism doesn't prevent women from easily leaving their husbands.
Sir yes in islam orders are clear if a women asks for divorce may be some elders talk to her or husband but if she still wants she need to contact Qazi and Qazi will order husband to give her divorce and she doesn't have to give any reason or can come up with most stupid reason
@janon yeah I agree with you about court and parental consent in states that have younger laws but these mullahs are essentially asking for the same thing except they themselves will be the judges who give consent to these marriages.
@Zarvan , don't you think the people who framed the Pakistani Constitution would have thought about all this? I will not get into who wrote the holy books or who interpreted them, but, isn't the Constitution holy to you?
Ayub Khan was the biggest fraud many laws in Pakistan are not according to Quran and Sunnah and this one thing which promotes Talibanisation
In Yemen a ten year old sued for divorce and won the case, it was all over the news at the time and was the first of its kind. @Zarvan is trying to act like it is easy but the stigma it carries and especially at such a young age anyone who ever lived in an Eastern society knows.
Obviously it's very difficult. The reason it was all over the news was that it happened only once, and is not an easy thing to do. Heck, even in religiously moderate families of India, many women face enormous social pressures in staying together with their husbands, even if it is an abusive relationship. It is a plain lie, to suggest that it's very easy and its all rosy.
Exactly divorce is seen as a stigma for women in many Eastern cultures that crosses all religious lines so @Zarvan is just a fucking liar when he says they can just get a divorce.
In Yemen a ten year old sued for divorce and won the case, it was all over the news at the time and was the first of its kind. @Zarvan is trying to act like it is easy but the stigma it carries and especially at such a young age anyone who ever lived in an Eastern society knows.
Than change minds Islam is clear women had married in Islam after getting divorces once a women came to PROPHET SAW and said my father married me to a man which I didn't liked and I was too young so HOLY PROPHET SAW said okay I am ending that marriage the women said no I just wanted to check what rights I have I want continue and now I love my husband
@janon yeah I agree with you about court and parental consent in states that have younger laws but these mullahs are essentially asking for the same thing except they themselves will be the judges who give consent to these marriages.
As I said, the courts in US states only permit a marriage in the event of an unplanned pregnancy. What these mullahs are asking for is that any parent shoud be able to marry their daughter off at any age. So what will happen is many impoverished parents marrying off their daughters to rich 50 year old creeps for financial benefits. Another life destroyed, the girl losing all her individuality and right to lead her own life and make her own choices.
Ayub Khan was the biggest fraud many laws in Pakistan are not according to Quran and Sunnah and this one thing which promotes Talibanisation

Are you stupid boy? The current constitution was framed after Ayub. Do not speak if you do not know of what you speak.
Ayub Khan was the biggest fraud many laws in Pakistan are not according to Quran and Sunnah and this one thing which promotes Talibanisation

I am not an expert on the Quran or Sunnah, so I cannot comment on either. But, there is the rule of the law, which was created for all Pakistanis. Don't you think, this is one of the things which binds Pakistanis? You can disagree with parts of it, but, if every person starts a war for his/her version or interpretation where will you go finally?

If common sense demands that children and I emphasize on the term 'children' be allowed to reach a certain age before they can take life decisions, is that not the right thing to adopt?
Are you stupid boy? The current constitution was framed after Ayub. Do not speak if you do not know of what you speak.
This law was brought by him sir yes 1973 but many laws were continued which were in Ayub time

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