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Pakistani laws prohibiting underage marriage un-Islamic: CII

I am sure there was a purpose when these laws where decided during that period...... The question is, is it relevant now? And who will amend these laws???

As long as these laws are not amended these mullas will use it for their own purposes...... This was exactly happened in my state few months back..... Since it is to do with religious sensitivity people/agencies are not comfortable in handling this issue.
When it hits home, it hurts more.

Rumi said that 'Sheikhs and Mullahs carrying lantrens roam the dark streets, not finding what they seek'

I am afraid I don't share your optimism.

Strange as it may seem to us, there are people out there who are total animals -- they kill their own daughters, either in infancy or for "bringing dishonor". These people would see nothing wrong with marrying off (getting rid of) their own daughter as soon as possible.

The tragedy is that these idiots are given positions of influence in Pakistan.
I am sure there was a purpose when these laws where decided during that period......

I suspect it was to "save" girls who became orphaned by wars or other reasons. Instead of them wandering the streets and becoming exploited as prostitutes, this was supposed to give them a home.

Maybe the concept of legal adoption didn't exist in those days? I don't know.

But now we have legal adoption, child welfare services and other means to take care of abandoned children, so these laws make no sense.
They are an advisory committee. Nothing but opinions which go in the gutter the instant they come, thankfully.
No, you are underestimating the power and authority of this Council Of Islamic Ideology (CII). It is a constitutional body, which gives opinion(s), and recommendation(s) on the Islamic legality of laws being formulated and passed by the NA and later the senate. It can also make recommendations to bring current laws into conformity with Islamic injunctions (such as in the case of 2nd marriage and consent from the first wife).
I suspect it was to "save" girls who became orphaned by wars or other reasons. Instead of them wandering the streets and becoming exploited as prostitutes, this was supposed to give them a home.

Maybe the concept of legal adoption didn't exist in those days? I don't know.

But now we have legal adoption, child welfare services and other means to take care of abandoned children, so these laws make no sense.

That was for the clause for 4 wives.... (after lot of men were died during war and women were orphaned) but marriage of under aged girl? ( i am sure there would be some reason which i am not aware)
This is just going to be advise like other countless advises given by this group. Pakistan, I believe, isnt that backward to take forward their idiotic ideas and make them as laws.
Moreover girls minimum marriagable age should be 18 or more.
No, you are underestimating the power and authority of this Council Of Islamic Ideology (CII). It is a constitutional body, which gives opinion(s), and recommendation(s) on the Islamic legality of laws being formulated and passed by the NA and later the senate. It can also make recommendations to bring current laws into conformity with Islamic injunctions (such as in the case of 2nd marriage and consent from the first wife).

It's actually surprising that such topics are being discussed in today's Pakistan - (reminds me of the pics of Afghanistan in the 60's and the Afghanistan under talibs).

Where are the women lib groups? the women's rights groups? surprising why there isn't an uproar against such mullahs.
I suspect it was to "save" girls who became orphaned by wars or other reasons. Instead of them wandering the streets and becoming exploited as prostitutes, this was supposed to give them a home.

Maybe the concept of legal adoption didn't exist in those days? I don't know.

But now we have legal adoption, child welfare services and other means to take care of abandoned children, so these laws make no sense.
Correct. Moreover, the social norms were very different in those days. There were no regular schools, and educating girls was never an option for the Bedouins anyway. Whereas boys were considered able hands, girls were redundant and considered a liability.

To the best of my knowledge, this was a cultural practice and in Quran or Hadith, there are no guidelines whatsoever on this particular issue. Hence it has nothing to do with any Islamic (shariah) law, and it is beyond the jurisdiction of CII. I wish somebody challenges it in the SC.
But are they wrong strictly in the religious context?
Why punish the daughter for her father's idiocy?

Are you impying that getting married to aeronaut is a punishment? :lol:

Jokes apart, very sad to see this proclamation. I was hoping that the minimum age would be increased from 18 to 21 in India, so that girls can have more of a say and choice in choosing somebody whom they have to live with for the rest of their lives. At a time when Pakistan should be doing everything to prevent underaged marriages (a social evil still prevalent in Pakistan and large parts of India), these idiots are condemning more girls to a sad life. Many parents often marry off their 13 year old daughters to 50 or 60 year old perverts for money. Now it is being given social and religious sanction.

On another note, this is the reason why people should stop looking at everything from the POV of whether it is islamic or unislamic, and instead ask the question of whether it is moral or immoral. It is easy to make the case that there is nothing unislamic about little girls being married off. But rationally, especially in today's society, a girl (or boy) has to be a certain age to be able to make life changing decisions and know what is good for them. That is why reason and logic should be the basis of laws, not whether something is islamic or unislamic.

That goes for other issues as well - it is sad to see Pakistanis trying to make the case of whether terrorism is islamic or unislamic. Instead worry about whether it is moral or immoral. That is why some of you have been doing an exercise in futility, when trying to convince TTP sympathizers that what they do is unislamic. It shouldn't matter, and those arguments lead nowhere. Instead make the case that it is immoral, which is pretty easy. Same for any other issue.

Sure, there may be nothing unislamic about marrying a girl off as soon as she gets her periods. Probably nothing anti-hindu or anti-christian in it either. But should that be allowed? A big NO, and there is plenty of reason for that.
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