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Pakistani laws prohibiting underage marriage un-Islamic: CII

Backed by whose guarantee , this thing is ? :D
I give you guarantee on stamp paper :D

let be honest here we all have natural sexual desires after we reach the age of puberty and i dont want to discuss in detail but western dont even need marriage because they allow even young teens to have fun with each others with mutual consent..look at britian youngest dad or mother..

how a Muslim guy/girl is going to satisfy his/her sexual desires if he/she marry say at age of 30 and pre-martial sex haram ? :P
I have seen many grown up educated pashtusn guys with very young teens wives although this practice is not common in Punjab where age gap is not that much..

To Marry at early age surely stop pre-martial sex affairs and involving in this present concept of gf/bfs
yaar pathano ko chor do unko to army kuch nai kah sakty hum kya kah sakty hain. Only education and awareness can help them on that. But the way im looking at it it will help give teens sense of responsibility.
Your logic is quite similar to the one I heard yesterday @RAMPAGE asked me if I think he will marry her girl with an old men and I replied " then you do not care if alcohol is permissible or prohibited in the country since you obviously ai'nt going to consume it " . Hardly the point , the rich " people " and specially the Mullahs have engaged in purchasing " young girls " from villages because of the inability of their parents to give them a good life due to poverty since a long time and we are one step closer to legalizing that ! Whats the obsession with " immature " boys and girls getting married , pray tell me so I can take this debate a little forward rather than answering the same questions again and again . If they want to go astray , they will , even if you marry them . A sorry excuse for a justification first of all . Marriage comes with responsibilities , which I do not personally think that any 9/12/14 year boy and girl is going to fulfill or survive the hardship of labor - one of the leading cause of pregnancy related deaths in Pakistan today . There's a cost coming with it obviously which none of you want to discuss . Just how early , if I may know ? They are asking to allow people to marry as soon they reach puberty - as if reaching puberty is a sign of maturity - , I say why not marry them as soon as they born ?
well i ll not link it with those lusty rich or bearded baboons. The way i see it it will help our youth to gain sense of responsibility and will stop them from that uncuth behavior.

I hope it is as naive as you want it to be and wont be taken advantage of by mad horny creatures!
i guess too. Lets see what happens.
The only thing goat ate up was Mullahs` brain :lol:

These mullahs can go to any extreme to prove themselves right even if they have to declare God's promise false, and that's exactly the case here - God promised to protect this book till the day of judgement and they are saying that even goat was more mighty to prove this promise false.

Here is another example of these hypocrites, to keep their Hadith theory relevant, the verse 17:46 is always mistranslated as

"and We put covers on their hearts barring them from understanding it, and (We put) deafness in their ears; and when you refer to your Lord alone in the Qur‘an, they turn their backs in aversion."

But if you look at the verse, you will see word "Wahidah/alone" is with Quran not Rabbaka/God

وَّ جَعَلۡنَا عَلٰی قُلُوۡبِہِمۡ اَکِنَّۃً اَنۡ یَّفۡقَہُوۡہُ وَ فِیۡۤ اٰذَانِہِمۡ وَقۡرًا ؕ وَ اِذَا ذَکَرۡتَ رَبَّکَ فِی الۡقُرۡاٰنِ وَحۡدَہٗ وَلَّوۡا عَلٰۤی اَدۡبَارِہِمۡ نُفُوۡرًا

so, if you translate actually what it is than it will be like this.

"and We put covers on their hearts barring them from understanding it, and (We put) deafness in their ears; and when you refer to your Lord in the Qur‘an alone, they turn their backs in aversion."

@Talon Do you see the difference?
Well look its good if u live here.............But the fact of the matter still remains that this law is no alien or is first of its kind. We as Muslims have successfully implemented this law for 1000 years during our good times and it has given its fruits.

Regarding rest of yr post well im not a big fan of Mullas not im really a practicing Muslim either, im someone who spends his almost all the day with these hi fi models and directors as i own a reputation production house here in Islamabad, even my Girl Friend is a Model. Still above all of this im a Pakistani first then anything else and then a Muslim and im not gonna accept anything to give up this. My personal opinion is same as yrs also,but atleast for the sake of my people and the majority im ready to compromise for them. But now the question is r u also ready?

Because frankly this law after u study does say u can marry early. Its an option not endorsement. By this atleast those who wish to marry early will be able to and those who dont will be left with no harm. Its just an option nothing that serious.

BTW do u know the marriage laws of Texas?

Alabama is worse!

I can understand majority want it, the problem is these mullas to them are unquestionable. Whatever they say is right rest of us are secular traitors. BC ko secular ka matlab nahin pata ajeeb topian pahnate hain. The thing is if the majority is jumping off a cliff ( which it actually is ) it is my duty to spread a little awareness however i can to show them their ills.

Think of it, we still see people arguing terrorists arent Muslims. **** you, they damn right are Muslims. Only a Muslim will say Allahu Akbar before he blows himself up in a crowd/restaurant/Mosque/Churches/Mazaars. We can try to clean the slate of Islam when majority supports AQ and Bin Laden. What have they achieved? Was resulting in millions upon millions of Muslims being killed maimed. This is Jihad, shit if it were upto me I'd skin their families infront of them and then chop their limbs off. So they could live a life useless as they are to religion, world and humanity. The fact is, MOSSAD CIA JEW NATO ke rattays wont change a thing. Muslims have killed each other since the time of Caliphs, Mulsims will kill each other till the end. The Muslim world is a problem in today's world. The sooner we get our shit together the better we will be.

Our masses are so easy to manipulate it's ridiculous. My parents however enlightened and moderate still believe our all ills come from India/JEW alliance. Bless them God, but man this thinking is still rampant in Pakistan. Point being all Islamic laws are misused in Pakistan. Blasphemy law has gotten many killed but not a single ONE was on just grounds. I say this with authority after researching the convictions. We have people believe Malala is a CIA agent. Shit man what more can I say. She was actually shot in the head and a close member of dad's circle was the one who treated her at Peshawar and Pindi. She went to UK and settled there because we have people who think a 15 year old deserves to be killed. I am talking pardhay likhay log, ap phir jahilon ko to rhne hi dein.

Off topic a bit, we were better than India in economy 2 decades ago. Now look where we are? Almost failing state nuclear state which had to BEG for a loan of $6+ Billion to stay afloat? Batain ummah ki, aukat takay ki. This is Pakistan, our land of the impure.

BTW do you hate amreeka? Cz American MRAPs are seriously good machinery.
Cheetay gf tu rakhee yay te masla nikkay kakkayan de nal hai? 2 numbree :D
My personal view is different but here we are talking about Islam not our personal like or dislike. Since its not compulsory to marry at young age so i will not go for it for different reasons but i will not go against those who marry after reaching the age of puberty because its not Haram for Muslims no matter you call it under age or child age
No problem if they are mature and able to give consent , make a choice with their free will . The problem thus arises that maturity comes with age , no arguing against the sun . Mate , she's in her twenties at least , able to make choices freely , the same will not be true for young adolescents .
yaar i remember the first day i went to work was the most nervous and confused day of my life(lot of ifs and buts were going in my mind). But my father said if u will not go then how will u find out. Same advice i give u on this let the law implement then we will be in a better position to judge.
My personal view is different but here we are talking about Islam not our personal like or dislike. Since its not compulsory to marry at young age so i will not go for it for different reasons but i will not go against those who marry after reaching the age of puberty because its not Haram for Muslims no matter you call it under age or child age

Should i show you how many times in Quran God has asked to use wisdom?
Its not about what you or me think but what Islam say when a girl or boy can marry? Islam don't tell any age and leave it for individuals or parent to decide but Islam say that anyone can marry after reaching the age of puberty and girls often need consent of their parent if they are young . Islam forbid pre-martial affairs thats why it give permission of marriage after you become baligh..Marrige before age of puberty would be illegal according to Islam

and i am not discussing what is underage according to western modern standard because its irrelevant
If we read surah 65 about talaq it tells about waiting for iddah and also about her menstruation....meaning a woman cant be divorced if she is not married and if she is having periods meaning she has to at least have reached puberty...another place it can literally be translated as her womb is ready for child bearing which happens at puberty but safer a little after that....lke 18-25 (fertile age even Western scholars will tell you the same)
yaar i remember the first day i went to work was the most nervous and confused day of my life(lot of ifs and buts were going in my mind). But my father said if u will not go then how will u find out. Same advice i give u on this let the law implement then we will be in a better position to judge.

Blasphemy law is impossible to change, it's a pandoras box man. I saw rallies against it when people didnt know what the law states. Adding that the accuser if found guilty of accusing on false premises will be liable with death has been rejected by mullas. Even the governor of Lahore was gunned down. Lawyers celebrated his death, jahalat. Minority minister gunned down. Is it wrong to amend a law that has been ONLY misused. This is Pakistan man, anything Islam is untouchable. The sane minded are blackmailed, threatened or gunned down.

If i have a distaste for religion and politics its not because of Islam, its because of "Thekedars" of Islam.
Alabama is worse!

I can understand majority want it, the problem is these mullas to them are unquestionable. Whatever they say is right rest of us are secular traitors. BC ko secular ka matlab nahin pata ajeeb topian pahnate hain. The thing is if the majority is jumping off a cliff ( which it actually is ) it is my duty to spread a little awareness however i can to show them their ills.

Think of it, we still see people arguing terrorists arent Muslims. **** you, they damn right are Muslims. Only a Muslim will say Allahu Akbar before he blows himself up in a crowd/restaurant/Mosque/Churches/Mazaars. We can try to clean the slate of Islam when majority supports AQ and Bin Laden. What have they achieved? Was resulting in millions upon millions of Muslims being killed maimed. This is Jihad, shit if it were upto me I'd skin their families infront of them and then chop their limbs off. So they could live a life useless as they are to religion, world and humanity. The fact is, MOSSAD CIA JEW NATO ke rattays wont change a thing. Muslims have killed each other since the time of Caliphs, Mulsims will kill each other till the end. The Muslim world is a problem in today's world. The sooner we get our shit together the better we will be.

Our masses are so easy to manipulate it's ridiculous. My parents however enlightened and moderate still believe our all ills come from India/JEW alliance. Bless them God, but man this thinking is still rampant in Pakistan. Point being all Islamic laws are misused in Pakistan. Blasphemy law has gotten many killed but not a single ONE was on just grounds. I say this with authority after researching the convictions. We have people believe Malala is a CIA agent. Shit man what more can I say. She was actually shot in the head and a close member of dad's circle was the one who treated her at Peshawar and Pindi. She went to UK and settled there because we have people who think a 15 year old deserves to be killed. I am talking pardhay likhay log, ap phir jahilon ko to rhne hi dein.

Off topic a bit, we were better than India in economy 2 decades ago. Now look where we are? Almost failing state nuclear state which had to BEG for a loan of $6+ Billion to stay afloat? Batain ummah ki, aukat takay ki. This is Pakistan, our land of the impure.

BTW do you hate amreeka? Cz American MRAPs are seriously good machinery.
Cheetay gf tu rakhee yay te masla nikkay kakkayan de nal hai? 2 numbree :D
well ill refuse to go towards the conspiracy theories nor will accept this argument with topic in hand. By discussing this we will derail the thread. BTW Nor r those secular any cute little angels. Im just a Pakistani and Muslim, i dont accept anything else either radical or secular. Im just a Pakistani

The final word is let the individuals decide. Its upto them and their family values. If they r happy with it then we have no right to judge even if they marry their little ones to a 50 years old man or woman.

Blasphemy law is impossible to change, it's a pandoras box man. I saw rallies against it when people didnt know what the law states. Adding that the accuser if found guilty of accusing on false premises will be liable with death has been rejected by mullas. Even the governor of Lahore was gunned down. Lawyers celebrated his death, jahalat. Minority minister gunned down. Is it wrong to amend a law that has been ONLY misused. This is Pakistan man, anything Islam is untouchable. The sane minded are blackmailed, threatened or gunned down.

If i have a distaste for religion and politics its not because of Islam, its because of "Thekedars" of Islam.
Yaar i dont want to go there in a Marriage Law thread.
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well ill refuse to go towards the conspiracy theories nor will accept this argument with topic in hand. By discussing this we will derail the thread. Nor r those secular any cute little angels. Im just a Pakistani and Muslim, i dont accept anything else either radical or secular.

The final word is let the individuals decide. Its upto them and their family values. If they r happy with it then we have no right to judge even if they marry their little ones to a 50 years old man or woman.

This law is gonna be misused same as other religious laws i guarantee you. Khair religion and politics should never mix, Muslim world is a beautiful example of what is wrong in this world.

This law is gonna be misused same as other religious laws i guarantee you. Khair religion and politics should never mix, Muslim world is a beautiful example of what is wrong in this world.

yr nothing is perfect nor i believe in idealism. By this no country is 100%.

So give Pakistan some space.

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