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Pakistani laws prohibiting underage marriage un-Islamic: CII

Don`t you know that those verses were eaten up by a goat and were there in the"original" Quran ??? :angry:

Narrated 'Aisha "The verse of the stoning and of suckling an adult ten times were revealed, and they were (written) on a paper and kept under my bed. When the messenger of Allah expired and we were preoccupied with his death, a goat entered and ate away the paper."

Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal. vol. 6. p. 269; Sunan Ibn Majah, p. 626; Ibn Qutbah, Tawil Mukhtalafi 'l-Hadith (Cairo: Maktaba al-Kulliyat al-Azhariyya. 1966) p. 310; As-Suyuti, ad-Durru 'l-Manthur, vol. 2. p. 13

LOL!!! So, there is question mark on Quran as well? maybe goat ate up some other verses as well?
yaar common get real how many people u know who r grown men have married a woman in her teen?
Even i dont know none. Its very rare even in rural areas its decreasing. This law i guess will support those youth who wish to marry early both boys and girls.

Your logic is quite similar to the one I heard yesterday @RAMPAGE asked me if I think he will marry her girl with an old men and I replied " then you do not care if alcohol is permissible or prohibited in the country since you obviously ai'nt going to consume it " . Hardly the point , the rich " people " and specially the Mullahs have engaged in purchasing " young girls " from villages because of the inability of their parents to give them a good life due to poverty since a long time and we are one step closer to legalizing that ! Whats the obsession with " immature " boys and girls getting married , pray tell me so I can take this debate a little forward rather than answering the same questions again and again . If they want to go astray , they will , even if you marry them . A sorry excuse for a justification first of all . Marriage comes with responsibilities , which I do not personally think that any 9/12/14 year boy and girl is going to fulfill or survive the hardship of labor - one of the leading cause of pregnancy related deaths in Pakistan today . There's a cost coming with it obviously which none of you want to discuss . Just how early , if I may know ? They are asking to allow people to marry as soon they reach puberty - as if reaching puberty is a sign of maturity - , I say why not marry them as soon as they born ?
What is underage? 4 year old or 6? lol Can you be underage after reaching the age of puberty which is the age of sexual maturity ? People can marry at age of 18 but seriously how many of us go for it at this age..
I am not talking about the common man but of the horny disgusting thing that exists in our society and wants to be called man!

That law was to prevent them from such crimes....and btw, what is underaged in Pakistan? Why would 15 yr olds want to get married and then regret for the rest of their lives? its their age to witness the world not hack up responsibilities!
I live in Pakistan, "I" am taking the trouble of living here. I have cars people dream of back in dxb, I have a house on the same lane as Bhuttos in dxb. I live on a meager salary much to the amusement of my whole family. I can also make quite a fair bit of assumption just as you can. Matters what is the circle of people you are in.

Dont talk about the majority, if they had their wishes they would lynch up most of the non Muslims from a tree. Make life a living hell, uneducated people have lower IQ's generally. Their cognitive, critical thinking lies way below an educated person. More like 75 vs 115+. This matters when you can or cannot look past short term gains. Majority wished for singling out Ahmadis, the driving force along with Quaid for Pakistan. Majority keeping mum when minorities are targeted. Majority looting/burningdown shops under the guise of "Tauheen-e-Risalat". Which frankly is odd since our beloved Prophet wouldnt do anything to people who would mock him and even downright attack him.

This majority is an idiot, easy to led on and one of the reasons this country being a hell hole even after the sameleaders **** them over. This majority is hopeless. And im not being pessimistic. Realist infact.
Well look its good if u live here.............But the fact of the matter still remains that this law is no alien or is first of its kind. We as Muslims have successfully implemented this law for 1000 years during our good times and it has given its fruits.

Regarding rest of yr post well im not a big fan of Mullas not im really a practicing Muslim either, im someone who spends his almost all the day with these hi fi models and directors as i own a reputation production house here in Islamabad, even my Girl Friend is a Model. Still above all of this im a Pakistani first then anything else and then a Muslim and im not gonna accept anything to give up this. My personal opinion is same as yrs also,but atleast for the sake of my people and the majority im ready to compromise for them. But now the question is r u also ready?

Because frankly this law after u study does say u can marry early. Its an option not endorsement. By this atleast those who wish to marry early will be able to and those who dont will be left with no harm. Its just an option nothing that serious.

BTW do u know the marriage laws of Texas?
yaar common get real how many people u know who r grown men have married a woman in her teen?
Even i dont know none. Its very rare even in rural areas its decreasing. This law i guess will support those youth who wish to marry early both boys and girls.

I have seen many grown up educated pashtusn guys with very young teens wives although this practice is not common in Punjab where age gap is not that much..

To Marry at early age surely stop pre-martial sex affairs and involving in this present concept of gf/bfs
Don`t you know that those verses were eaten up by a goat and were there in the"original" Quran ??? :angry: Mullahs don`t care what Quran says , they believe in conjecture aka Hadith more

Narrated 'Aisha "The verse of the stoning and of suckling an adult ten times were revealed, and they were (written) on a paper and kept under my bed. When the messenger of Allah expired and we were preoccupied with his death, a goat entered and ate away the paper."

Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal. vol. 6. p. 269; Sunan Ibn Majah, p. 626; Ibn Qutbah, Tawil Mukhtalafi 'l-Hadith (Cairo: Maktaba al-Kulliyat al-Azhariyya. 1966) p. 310; As-Suyuti, ad-Durru 'l-Manthur, vol. 2. p. 13
Ok thats enough....keep your mullah with yourself I dont want to hear any crap from him! thank you!
Do you know the even today present wide scale exploitation of young girls in rural areas who are married to old men for money or wed to boys 5-6 years older than them ? A case was registered recently against it for marrying a 7 year old girl with 12 year old boy . Do you think that their parents asked for their permission or the kids were left with any choice but to accept ? . Convenient , I would say to disregard everything else and focus on them getting astray .
Oh lally whats the problem if somebody marries with a person who is just 5 or 6 years younger or elder then them. My Girl Friend is even 5 years younger then me. She is in her twenties and im in my 30s.

Even i know a 32 years old man personally who has married a widow in her early 40s even with 3 kids the eldest one is 13 years old! and that was a love marriage too.

The point is if the individuals agree with it then any third party has no right to judge.
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Because frankly this law after u study does say u can marry early. Its an option not endorsement. By this atleast those who wish to marry early will be able to and those who dont will be left with no harm. Its just an option nothing that serious.

The option leaves a big closed door wide open for exploitation and legalized sale/purchase of young girls/boys . You people need to understand the reality on ground which isn't looking good by any chance . Laws are made and enforced keeping the requirements of the society and time . Merely insisting that its Islamic and turning a blind eye afterwards isn't going to explain anything . @Talon is right about people not wanting to marry in 15-16 years of age if given a free choice , when it is their time to see and explore the world , gain education and serve the society , not get big responsibilities on their shoulder and breed to ad infinitum . You do not live in medieval times , no longer , the time has changed and so have the requirements .
I am not talking about the common man but of the horny disgusting thing that exists in our society and wants to be called man!

That law was to prevent them from such crimes....and btw, what is underaged in Pakistan? Why would 15 yr olds want to get married and then regret for the rest of their lives? its their age to witness the world not hack up responsibilities!

Its not about what you or me think but what Islam say when a girl or boy can marry? Islam don't tell any age and leave it for individuals or parent to decide but Islam say that anyone can marry after reaching the age of puberty and girls often need consent of their parent if they are young . Islam forbid pre-martial affairs thats why it give permission of marriage after you become baligh..Marrige before age of puberty would be illegal according to Islam

and i am not discussing what is underage according to western modern standard because its irrelevant
I know but why even say underaged can be married? Seriously it just makes horny people form their bhikari lines and ask to be married
thats pakistan media for u who is being funded by America since Carry Lugar Bill passed in 2008. It is trying to generate a conspiracy out of nothing.

Irrelevant . Answer the post .
it is relevant if u answer it i will let u know why i asked.
Oh lally whats the problem if somebody marries with a person who is just 5 or 6 years younger or elder then them. My Girl Friend is even 5 years younger then me. She is in her twenties and im in my 30s.

No problem if they are mature and able to give consent , make a choice with their free will . The problem thus arises that maturity comes with age , no arguing against the sun . Mate , she's in her twenties at least , able to make choices freely , the same will not be true for young adolescents .

and i am not discussing what is underage according to western modern standard because its irrelevant

Puberty is sign of maturity , mate ?
The option leaves a big closed door wide open for exploitation and legalized sale/purchase of young girls/boys . You people need to understand the reality on ground which isn't looking good by any chance . Laws are made and enforced keeping the requirements of the society and time . Merely insisting that its Islamic and turning a blind eye afterwards isn't going to explain anything . @Talon is right about people not wanting to marry in 15-16 years of age if given a free choice , when it is their time to see and explore the world , gain education and serve the society , not get big responsibilities on their shoulder and breed to ad infinitum . You do not live in medieval times , no longer , the time has changed and so have the requirements .
Oh yaar kya tum baat ka bhatangarh bana rahy ho. Tumse koi kah raha ha k tum aysa karo?
Its in the end of the day upto individuals to decide. If they wish to marry with a 10 years old or 20 years old who r u and me to question?

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