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Pakistani laws prohibiting underage marriage un-Islamic: CII

what, let me explain is easier terms
1)Marry of sister first (no matter younger or older) even if you yorself grow 60 year old
2)If you dont, and get married yourself first, you will eventually kick your un married sister out of your house on the command of your wife
3)to avoid step 2, you must do step 1
plzz dude, it is not an excuse, there are also Hadith is Sahih Bukhari which are zaeef.

LOL!!! If the so called most authentic book also have doubtful stories than why it's called collection of "Sahih Hadiths".

Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī (Arabic: صحيح البخاري‎), is one of the Kutub al-Sittah (six major hadith collections) of Sunni Islam. These prophetic traditions, or hadith, were collected by the Persian Muslim scholar Muhammad al-Bukhari, after being transmitted orally for generations. Sunni Muslims view this as one of the three most trusted collections of hadith along with Sahih Muslim and Muwatta Imam Malik. In some circles, it is considered the most authentic book after the Quran. The Arabic word sahih translates as authentic or correct.
LOL!!! If the so called most authentic book also have doubtful stories than why it's called collection of "Sahih Hadiths".

Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī (Arabic: صحيح البخاري‎), is one of the Kutub al-Sittah (six major hadith collections) of Sunni Islam. These prophetic traditions, or hadith, were collected by the Persian Muslim scholar Muhammad al-Bukhari, after being transmitted orally for generations. Sunni Muslims view this as one of the three most trusted collections of hadith along with Sahih Muslim and Muwatta Imam Malik. In some circles, it is considered the most authentic book after the Quran. The Arabic word sahih translates as authentic or correct.
aside from the Quran one cannot be sure of anything
what, let me explain is easier terms
1)Marry of sister first (no matter younger or older) even if you yorself grow 60 year old
2)If you dont, and get married yourself first, you will eventually kick your un married sister out of your house on the command of your wife
3)to avoid step 2, you must do step 1
i got your post :D
it was just awkward that you said i will throw my siblings once i am married

btw.....i am the younger one................probably my brother will throw me once he is married :lol:
i got your post :D
it was just awkward that you said i will throw my siblings once i am married

btw.....i am the younger one................probably my brother will throw me once he is married :lol:
here is the bottom line, he will not throw you out,Most probably you can live on your own, and being a male you can sleep on the street even, same cannot be said about sisters
As for "Islamic" laws, I don't even want to get into that, regardless of what fatwa anyone issues. Islam also tolerated (but discouraged) slavery, because it was integral to the society's economic fabric in those days. It doesn't mean that we have to legalize slavery today.

Mate , once upon a time , even the loud speakers and the western education were prohibited for Muslims , all being contrary to the teachings of Islam and thus anti-Islamic , so lets not worry about that . Its about time , people start to think freely and critically instead of outsourcing it all to the Mullahs . I will not get into the details how the religion has been manipulated/exploited to suit the agendas of a few and to safeguard their interests throughout the history .

Deen-e-Mullah , Fasad Fi Sabil-illah .

This in response to correct demand of the Islamic Council???

So basically , trying to amend a law which prohibits the marriage of underage girls and hence controls to some extent , the exploitation of the opposite gender mostly in the name of the religion and culture , disregarding the issues of maturity and the literacy and health consequences of young age pregnancy and both physiological effects on such girls is a correct demand of the otherwise silent on FAR FAR more important matters CII ? Are you sure about that ? Where's the historical and societal contextualization here ?

But dishonour is a word usually associated with illicit relations for which the punishment in Islam is clear. Only a person outside Islam would dispute those punishments and they are identical for both genders.....when divine law does not differentiate b/w the sexes on many things, why should we???

But this " dis honor " is a wonderful versatile word used across this great country to kill/torture/persecute girls and women under the pretext that have somehow brought shame on the family . If we really need to tell you , how many girls and women have been declared " kari " or to be killed , those who have been tortured to hell , those who have married to the Holy Book , those who have thrown acid on their face , those who have been forcibly married to someone by the Jirga/Panchayat e.t.c. using the same logic you are stating here , then we are having a futile discussion . Were those girls and women tried under any law , even the religious one ? Or were they punished on a mere " accusation " by their family/tribe ? Under what law of the land were they punished ? Only a person who's not in his right mind will believe or want others to believe that in an overwhelmingly astronomical number of cases , it was always girls and women's fault and mistake which led to their death mostly , resulted in their injury/trauma or made their life hell . Obviously , you have gone far overboard in rationalizing the reality by religious interpretations . Somehow , even your mind signed off when you saw the word " Islam " .

And then, why not leave the age at the discretion of the parents? And shouldn't the girl herself have a say in her marriage? Islam allows both man and woman to marry according to their will.

The question arises then , why not marry the girls as soon they are born ? Why even wait for puberty as per these Mullahs ? While you are at it , answer me , what 9/12/14 year old immature boy/girl is going to refuse his/her parents choice ? What choice does he/she have ? What is his/her opinion worth even in that little age ? Obviously , he/she would have no say in already done deal . We have previously seen the results of that in Pakistan , a 7 year old girl being wed to a 12 year boy recently and rich people purchasing " poor " girls from village , whom their parents sell because they aren't able to feed them or give them education or . I am starting to think that the sole purpose of coming in this world is to marry and breed children like rabbits . Educations , health and everything else can take a hike ! After all , there's a reason why there is a legal age for marrying , which whilst not necessarily being accurate , provides a certain safeguard by not allowing parents/guardians/society to easily exploit the daughters of Eve .

So you want to amend Islamic laws to suit your needs? Or because certain elements of the society misuse those rules? Why weren't the same rules being violated under the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) or the Calips (RA)??? Would anyone dare violate any rule under a true Islamic system (Shariat)???

What Islamic law first of all ? Did the religion specify a certain age for marriage ? Did it ask you to not educate or wait for the girl to mature , but just marry her and be free from all cares ? Are you too stuck in your utopia - the ideal world ? Maybe , you will make better arguments when you speak whilst having the ground realities in mind . Laws are made and enforced keeping the requirements of the era and society and specially the ground realities in mind , the religion says the same , otherwise why not allow slavery today too , after all the Prophet tolerated it for quite sometime ? .
And why 18? Why not 21? I mean if the same woman is not considered old enough to be allowed to vote then how can she be considered old enough to be married? Would you marry off your 18 year old daughter??
Yeah my point is 16 years is just too less.
And then, why not leave the age at the discretion of the parents? And shouldn't the girl herself have a say in her marriage? Islam allows both man and woman to marry according to their will.
We all know how things will work,Someone from rich family will convinvce someone from a poor family to marry off his 12 year old daughter for money and the girls life will be devastated.
like i said, it might be Zaeef
Not really...it was just badly translated!

Dude, don't look for excuses, Sahih Bukhari is considered one of most authentic book
Uncle ki ho giyae hai? There are also Dhaeef hadith in it...And the man who collected them clearly stated if anything contradicts the Quran or a more authentic hadith than that provided in this book throw the one in the book out and follow the more authentic source!

You got to be kidding me....
Read it carefully what the prophet said came under he said ....then there is

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "A virgin should not be married till she is asked for her consent; and the matron should not be married till she is asked whether she agrees to marry or not." It was asked, "O Allah's Apostle! How will she(the virgin) express her consent?" He said, "By keeping silent." Some people said, "If a virgin is not asked for her consent and she is not married, and then a man, by playing a trick presents two false witnesses that he has married her with her consent and the judge confirms his marriage as a true one, and the husband knows that the witnesses were false ones, then there is no harm for him to consummate his marriage with her and the marriage is regarded as valid."
Reference: Sahih al-Bukhari 6968
In-book reference: Book 90, Hadith 15

Some people is not part of the Prophet's saying stupid translator made it sound crappy! Even I got annoyed with what crap that was!
Uncle ki ho giyae hai? There are also Dhaeef hadith in it...And the man who collected them clearly stated if anything contradicts the Quran or a more authentic hadith than that provided in this book throw the one in the book out and follow the more authentic source!

Imam Bukhari is praised for his work of traveling all over the region in order to verify Hadiths - Out of 300,000 Hadith's collection which he had he supposedly wrote only 4,000 (non-repetitive) Hadiths in his books. If after all this effort he have written Dhaeef/unsure Hadiths than what's the credibility of remaining?

Not really...it was just badly translated!

How it was badly translated? Translation is 100% right
there are also Hadith is Sahih Bukhari which are zaeef.
There are also Dhaeef hadith in it.

There is no Dhaeef Hadith in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim and there is a consensus among Ahlussunnah scholars on this issue .Dara Qutni and few others raised such questions , But Ibn e Hajar Asqalani in his Sharh of Bukhari and Imam Nawawi in his Sharah of Sahih Muslim refuted all such claims . Nasir ud din Albani is the only notable scholar of our times who dared to say that there are weak narrations in Bukhari and Muslim (a very few) . Albani himself was a Albanian Salafi who was thrown out of KSA for his unorthodox beliefs .
There is no Dhaeef Hadith in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim and there is a consensus among Ahlussunnah scholars on this issue .Dara Qutni and few others raised such questions , But Ibn e Hajar Asqalani in his Sharh of Bukhari and Imam Nawawi in his Sharah of Sahih Muslim refuted all such claims . Nasir ud din Albani is the only notable scholar of our times who dared to say that there are weak narrations in Bukhari and Muslim (a very few) . Albani himself was a Albanian Salafi who was thrown out of KSA for his unorthodox beliefs .
Well the hadith books I read all had this written at the end:

"If you find any hadith in this book which is contradicting the Quran or any hadith which can be proven more authentic then throw the one in this book out and follow the authentic source!"

Imam Bukhari is praised for his work of traveling all over the region in order to verify Hadiths - Out of 300,000 Hadith's collection which he had he supposedly wrote only 4,000 (non-repetitive) Hadiths in his books. If after all this effort he have written Dhaeef/unsure Hadiths than what's the credibility of remaining?
He only collected...that was his job to collect and put them in 1 book...I am not sure how much work he did authenticating them while busy travelling and tracing people down...

How it was badly translated? Translation is 100% right
the some people is joined in with what the Prophet said...
"If you find any hadith in this book which is contradicting the Quran or any hadith which can be proven more authentic then throw the one in this book out and follow the authentic source!"

Yes that is a rule that any Hadith contradicting Quran should be rejected (at least they say so). But the Scholars believe that "There is no Hadith in Sahih Bukhari & Muslim which contradicts Quran , they are the most authentic sources and there is no Dhaeef Hadith in these books " !! That is the "consensus" !!
Congratulations to all who are in favor of this law. :enjoy:
Anyways people its a good decision. And has a majority support in Pakistan a few PDF individuals dont matter.


Begum Saheba kya haal ha?
Yes that is a rule that any Hadith contradicting Quran should be rejected (at least they say so). But the Scholars believe that "There is no Hadith in Sahih Bukhari & Muslim which contradicts Quran , they are the most authentic sources and there is no Dhaeef Hadith in these books " !! That is the "consensus" !!
Which pathetic scholars do you people listen to? :unsure: I told you what the back of the sahih bukhari I read had said...

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