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Pakistani Japanese: The growing Pakistani population in Japan

But I thought India Japan was bhai bhai.

Japan has close relationship with both India and Pakistan. Our relationship transcends political issues. On topic tho; the fusion of South Asian and Japanese produce handsome, beautiful babies. Japanese and Pakistani / Indian produce a wonderful mixture. The men look handsome, and the women --- definitely head turners. :)
We have @Aegis DDG , @tokyoboy, myself and now @sato fernando . We're slowly growing here...lol.
Aegis is Half Japanese half Eritrean as far as i remember (strange combination btw :)) i didnt know about Tokyo Boy, quite a little number for a 130 million Nation dont you think?
What do you think what the reason is, are Japanese too pacifistic for PDF?
Aegis is Half Japanese half Eritrean as far as i remember (strange combination btw :)) i didnt know about Tokyo Boy, quite a little number for a 130 million Nation dont you think?
What do you think what the reason is, are Japanese too pacifistic for PDF?

Are you saying that a Nation that gave the world the Samurai, the Ninja, a couple of martial arts, helluva tough time during WW2 and above all Pikachu is a Nation of 'Pacifists' ? :o:

@Nihonjin1051 is as much of a pacifist as mother tiger protecting her cubs is ! :agree:

Just don't bother him otherwise he'd give you 'the Look' ! :fie:

Are you saying that a Nation that gave the world the Samurai, the Ninja, a couple of martial arts, helluva tough time during WW2 and above all Pikachu is a Nation of 'Pacifists' ? :o:

@Nihonjin1051 is as much of a pacifist as mother tiger protecting her cubs is ! :agree:

Just don't bother him otherwise he'd give you 'the Look' ! :fie:

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Jokes aside, i read somewhere that even thought the Japanese have a long history of military tradition (just like Turks btw ;)) that the Japanese today have generally a quite negative image of military, espacially afte WWII which is understandable.
But i would like to hear it at first hand from a Japanese.
Japan has close relationship with both India and Pakistan. Our relationship transcends political issues. On topic tho; the fusion of South Asian and Japanese produce handsome, beautiful babies. Japanese and Pakistani / Indian produce a wonderful mixture. The men look handsome, and the women --- definitely head turners. :)
These kids don't need subtitles to watch Japanese anime and films...:tup:

In all honesty, Japan is awesome. It is very unique amongst all countries of the world; I really would love visit the place one day.

Too bad it has a declining population..
Jokes aside, i read somewhere that even thought the Japanese have a long history of military tradition (just like Turks btw ;)) that the Japanese today have generally a quite negative image of military, espacially afte WWII which is understandable.
But i would like to hear it at first hand from a Japanese.

The Turks would've had their butts handed to them had they met an Army full of Pakistanis commanded by me, in Battle ! :smokin:

The Japanese did have their butts handed to them ! :azn:

In field hockey of course when my Pakistanis defeated @Nihonjin1051 's Japanese by 7 goals to nil the last time we met in 2013 Men's Hockey Asia Cup ! :tongue:

Who said I was talking about battle...'battle' ? :whistle:
The Turks would've had their butts handed to them had they met an Army full of Pakistanis commanded by me, in Battle ! :smokin:

The Japanese did have their butts handed to them ! :azn:

In field hockey of course when my Pakistanis defeated @Nihonjin1051 's Japanese by 7 goals to nil the last time we met in 2013 Men's Hockey Asia Cup ! :tongue:

Who said I was talking about battle...'battle' ? :whistle:
Lets meet in the Football field...... oh wait Turkey sucks at the moment in Football..... ok then lets meet in.... i dont know Basketball maybe?
We was second place in 2010.... wacha gonnaa dooo.... huh?

Japan has close relationship with both India and Pakistan. Our relationship transcends political issues. On topic tho; the fusion of South Asian and Japanese produce handsome, beautiful babies. Japanese and Pakistani / Indian produce a wonderful mixture. The men look handsome, and the women --- definitely head turners. :)

Yeah it's kind of like that for us too. The average Pakistani is less bothered about the politics when looking East (past India I mean, of course). Both Chinese and Japanese people (which have tensed relations with each other, and are understandably different people) command a degree of respect from the average Pakistani, that generally the likes of Europeans don't get.
Aegis is Half Japanese half Eritrean as far as i remember (strange combination btw :)) i didnt know about Tokyo Boy, quite a little number for a 130 million Nation dont you think?
What do you think what the reason is, are Japanese too pacifistic for PDF?

Before i officially registered for this forum, i was a lurker who used to just read updates in the east asian section, and of course do some readings in the china defense section. One of the major barriers at first , for me that is, was the level of toxic anti-japanese comments made by some chinese members. I admired the very select few of contributory posters here, but back in 2013, there was a lot of troll posts that i thought was too toxic. Thank goodness that has changed with moderation here in PDF. (great job @WebMaster @Horus !)

As for why so few japanese members sign up here ? its the level of toxic anti-japanese rhetoric , probably, that and there is not enough exposure of PDF to japanese media forum, i believe that it is slowly changing. If you may notice, we don't usually start flame posts or try to conflagrate with incisive posts. And if it comes to personal attacks, we tend to shy away from that.

We just read. No doubt there are japanese lurkers about. Look at the japan self defense thread --- its just been less than 1 year since it was created, and there's already 60,000 views. :)
MoC to engage Pak Diaspora to enhance exports to Japan

Reported by: `M Arshad April 10, 2015

ISLAMABAD: With an objective to enhance exports to Japan, the Ministry of Commerce (MoC) has planned to engage Pakistani Diaspora on Japan.

“With this objective, in the first step, the MoC’s special representatives will undertake series of visits to Japan to mobilize Pakistani community based in different Japanese cities to highlight Pakistani products in Japanese markets” a well placed source at MoC told this scribe here on Wednesday.

Pakistanis in Japan form the country’s third-largest community of immigrants from a Muslim -majority country, trailing only the Indonesian and Bangladeshi community. As of 2011, official statistics showed 10,849 registered foreigners of Pakistani origin living in the country, up from 7,498 in 2000.

According to a recent survey Japanese government figures, 19.9% of registered Pakistanis lived in Saitama, 17.8% in Tokyo, 12.3% in Kanagawa, 10.4% in Aichi, 8.98% in Chiba, 7.59% in Gunma, 6.02% in Ibaraki, 4.44% in Tochigi, 4.21% in Toyama, 3.27% in Shizuoka, and the remaining 4.98% in other prefectures of Japan

In this regard, all available diplomatic channels and resources will be used to gather Pakistanis spreading over Japan. Seminars, conference and symposiums will be organized to impart Pakistanis to play their due to role in marketing Pakistani products.

Moreover, Pakistanis will also be motivated to start their own business with small amount specially import of Pakistani goods to Japan via small entrepreneurs.

Currently, Pakistani automobile sector is already dominated by Japanese companies, therefore, it is need of the hour to increase Pakistani exports to Japan to balance the bilateral trade volume because trade balance in favour of Japan.

Secondly, MoC is very much alive about huge potential of consumption of Pakistani products in Japanese market specially, Pakistani agricultural products and fruits get special attraction from Japanese customers.

Presently, lingual barriers are considered to be main hurdle in business to business interactions, therefore to overcome this hurdle, MoC will propose Japanese leading universities and colleges to start Japanese language courses at major Pakistani institutions as well as at gross root level for little know how of illiterate labourers intending to go to Japan.

In this regard, MoC is compiling a package of proposals and recommendations for both the Pakistani and Japanese concerned departments. Minister Economic Dr. Talat Imtiaz based in Tokyo is also active in this regard and holding a series of meetings with Japanese authorities.

To explore new horizons of cooperation on training of Pakistani unskilled labour, he has held number of meetings with Japan International Training Cooperation Organization (JITCO. JITCO is now the public interest incorporated foundation, authorized by Japanese Cabinet office.

It is pertinent to note here that Pakistanis in Japan run used cars export businesses. This trend was believed to have begun in the late 1970s, when one Pakistani working in Japan sent a car back to his homeland. The potential for doing business in used cars also attracted more Pakistanis to come to Japan in the 1990s.

MoC to engage Pak Diaspora to enhance exports to Japan | Customs Today Newspaper


This thread will be dedicated to the Pakistani Japanese. The life of Zainichi Pakisutanjin [Pakistani-Japanese] will be discussed here.


Pakistanis in Japan (在日パキスタン人 Zainichi Pakisutanjin) form the country's third-largest community of immigrants from a Muslim -majority country, trailing only the Indonesian and Bangladeshi community. As of 2011, official statistics showed 10,849 registered foreigners of Pakistani origin living in the country, up from 7,498 in 2000.

According to 2008 Japanese government figures, 19.9% of registered Pakistanis lived in Saitama, 17.8% in Tokyo, 12.3% in Kanagawa, 10.4% in Aichi, 8.98% in Chiba, 7.59% in Gunma, 6.02% in Ibaraki, 4.44% in Tochigi, 4.21% in Toyama, 3.27% in Shizuoka, and the remaining 4.98% in other prefectures of Japan.

@Basel , @That Guy ,

Yes, i don't think a lot of people in the west know this, but we do have a growing and flowering Pakistani-Japanese population. And i think its really needed. Right now there's around 10,000 people of Pakistani origin, this does not include the children of Pakistani - Japanese marriages, because the children who have Japanese blood are extended Japanese citizenship. So, we estimate that around 25,000 - 30,000 Japanese of Pakistani origin. This number should grow!

One thing that i like is that Pakistani-Japanese unions have a lot of children, and we definitely need this to increase our population. So, the more, the merrier.


Bazar ,Opening Ceremony Pakistan Japan Friendship Bazar 2013 Tokyo - YouTube

I always had a view that Japanese society is very stringent and does not have a favourable view of outsiders, more along the lines of nationalistic view mixed with some purity of race thing. So People who look different are accepted that easily or is this something that is only to be true for certain races?
I am actually surprised that Abe is actually considering to open immigration to over come the population crisis being currently faced by Japan, I am not sure how this will set with deeply ingrained Japanese sentiment of purity.

We live in a globalized world, and it is only natural that when we move to new areas, meet new people, we fall in love, get married, procreate. I personally am against the old backward thinking of 'purity' of a nation. There is no such thing as a 'pure' blood, since all humans are a result of human migration patterns. In addition, as per the 2003 Human Genome Project, all humans , irrespective of their race or ethnicity, share 99.99999999% of the same genetic codons. With variance in phenotype due to environmental factors.

We also know, through population genetics, a concept called 'Genetic Isolationism'. The more a society only marries with itself, and is not exposed to new genetic sources, there begins to manifest transcriptiona breakage in DNA replication. Theres a host of genetic diseases as a result of genetic isolation , which results in consanguinity (marrying relatives). For example: Gaucher's Disease, Tay Sach's Disease, etc. We see a lot of this in Ashkenazi jewish populations (which are known for their consanguinity).

In other words, bringing in immigrants to a society is healthy for the society.

The whole concept of racial purity is stupid to begin with, Eugenics and other sciences of racism will only be used to create more hatred. Mixed race or not that does not define what a human being is all about, all are equal.

lol there are also many Brazilians in Japan afaik

I have seen a lot of Japanese in Brazil, since I have a thing for orientals, those girls speaking Portuguese just made them even more sexy, LOL.

Its funny how so many Chinese posters here in PDF like to bash Japan and say Japan is a 'racist' country, 'closed minded' country. Yet , not take into consideration that the Chinese are the largest minorities in Japan. And the illegal migration amongst Chinese to Japan via their freight boats.

If Japan was so bad, why do they come to the country to settle and work in it? Doesn't make sense eh? lol. :hitwall:

And when illegal chinese immigrants are ordered / deported back to China (PRC, not Taiwan), they usually beg for clemency or refugee status. And we , through compassion, grant it....

So, who is bad now?

Being married to a lady of Chinese descent, I can tell you that Chinese are not any less racist compared to Japanese, Koreans or any other orientals for that matter. Every race and society has its down sides, but it would be wrong to make a blanket statement about Chinese, that they are racists.
For a non oriental, it's very difficult to tell if one is Japanese or Chinese or at times Korean, since if one is more fairer and specific shape of eyes and nose, people assume that they are Japanese, my wife being one. Although I know a lot of Japanese who are not that fair.

But I thought India Japan was bhai bhai.

HAHAHA, you crack me up dude.:rofl::rofl:
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