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Pakistani Japanese: The growing Pakistani population in Japan

lol, who's the younger sister? Bangladesh?
Pakistan is never taken in the feminine sense .. Also bangladesh is as close to us as is Bhutan :


The only thing we share with bangladesh is religion and I've 2 million illegal bangladeshis.
Great thread dude.. Interesting.

Was just curious what's the scene of Indians in Japan? Any will known Indian Japanese personality?
By da way great to see subcontinent people doing great and earned respect in your parent country.
Great thread dude.. Interesting.

Was just curious what's the scene of Indians in Japan? Any will known Indian Japanese personality?
By da way great to see subcontinent people doing great and earned respect in your parent country.

Ya, of course we have a growing Indian Community in Japan, too. :)


Narendra Modi is also very fond of Japan, you know he has visited Japan plenty of times when he was Chief Minister of Gujarat, as well as recently as PM of India.


Great thread dude.. Interesting.

Was just curious what's the scene of Indians in Japan? Any will known Indian Japanese personality?
By da way great to see subcontinent people doing great and earned respect in your parent country.

And yes, we have also Japanese-Indian Mixtures. As many of the Indian men who come to Japan do end up marrying Japanese women, and produce very handsome, powerful mixtures ! :)


1/2 Japanese , 1/2 Indian



1/2 Indian , 1/2 Japanese. I think his father is Punjabi?
Ya, of course we have a growing Indian Community in Japan, too. :)


Narendra Modi is also very fond of Japan, you know he has visited Japan plenty of times when he was Chief Minister of Gujarat, as well as recently as PM of India.


And yes, we have also Japanese-Indian Mixtures. As many of the Indian men who come to Japan do end up marrying Japanese women, and produce very handsome, powerful mixtures ! :)


1/2 Japanese , 1/2 Indian



1/2 Indian , 1/2 Japanese. I think his father is Punjabi?
Thanks dude. That was impressive and interesting too. Will put Japan tour in my places to go list. :). But again dont make me wiki. I am now interested in figures and demographics. And sorry for my laziness. :partay:
Thanks dude. That was impressive and interesting too. Will put Japan tour in my places to go list. :). But again dont make me wiki. I am now interested in figures and demographics. And sorry for my laziness. :partay:

You know that Japanese-Indians as well as Japanese-Pakistanis are very active in the military, yes? Many of them are active in the Army and Special Forces Group. :)

They are so adamant to prove their Japanese loyalty. :)
You know that Japanese-Indians as well as Japanese-Pakistanis are very active in the military, yes? Many of them are active in the Army and Special Forces Group. :)

They are so adamant to prove their Japanese loyalty. :)
I totaly agree. Its in Indian ethos and our vedas which says 'Vasudev Kutumbukam' which means World is a global village n we r family. It means ethnicity,religion, etc doesnt matter. It all matters is ur home in the global village, ie. ur own country.

Indians no matter where they are always manage to essimilate into the local culture. U will never find Indians being a menace for any other society. This attribute comes from the above mentioned philosophy.

So I aint surprised at all if Indo-Japanese are highly patriotic.

Indians in Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thanks for discussing about Pakistani Japanese half people in Japan.In coming future,you will see lot of these Pakistani half kids going on the top in Japan,cos they work really hard in Japanese society.Please pray and support Ryo Nadeem Arizumi,who is working as a professional model in Japan.Please keep on supporting him.He is graduate of Hosei University Law Department and presently working as model in Japan,Philippines and Hong Kong.

New Face to watch Pride for Pakistanis
Male Fashion Model in Japan Hong Kong Philippines

@sato fernando ,

Some more pictures of 有澄遼 --- have to admit, he's a handsome model. You can see that he has Pakistani beauty, too. But it is seamless with his Japanese beauty. :)





@Nihonjin1051 has any of these actors/models ever visited pakistan? or r completely cut off from their background?

Many of the Japanese with Pakistani ancestry are very assimilated to Japanese society, their mannerism , their voice, accent is the same as any other ordinary Japanese. Some also speak Urdu especially if the father wishes it , usually if the case is if its a Pakistani father and Japanese mother, then most likely the child will grow up with strong Japanese identity. Since the mother is Japanese. But if it is a Pakistani mother and Japanese father, then the child usually has a stronger Pakistani identity, and is more fluent in Urdu, as well as Japanese.

Some of them if you see them, you'd think they are 100% Pakistani, but actually have Japanese blood in their veins. Like this one Japanese with Pakistani ancestry. You'd think he would speak Urdu , but if you hear him talk, lol, he'd sound like me. hahaha.


1/2 Japanese, 1/2 Pakistani
@sato fernando ,

Some more pictures of 有澄遼 --- have to admit, he's a handsome model. You can see that he has Pakistani beauty, too. But it is seamless with his Japanese beauty. :)





Many of the Japanese with Pakistani ancestry are very assimilated to Japanese society, their mannerism , their voice, accent is the same as any other ordinary Japanese. Some also speak Urdu especially if the father wishes it , usually if the case is if its a Pakistani father and Japanese mother, then most likely the child will grow up with strong Japanese identity. Since the mother is Japanese. But if it is a Pakistani mother and Japanese father, then the child usually has a stronger Pakistani identity, and is more fluent in Urdu, as well as Japanese.

Some of them if you see them, you'd think they are 100% Pakistani, but actually have Japanese blood in their veins. Like this one Japanese with Pakistani ancestry. You'd think he would speak Urdu , but if you hear him talk, lol, he'd sound like me. hahaha.


1/2 Japanese, 1/2 Pakistani
Well thats strange to see them not visiting their ancestral place atleast once in their lifetime. For a person to be successful and thrive in their carriers and personal lives they must be connected to their roots. Im not necessary saying that speaking in Urdu or having Pakistani mother can be more connecting but visiting the place really helps in yr soul searching and plays important part in finding a direction to one's life.
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目的绝对不单纯,有可能是政府探子。the last thing I wanna do is to to shoot a Japanese Pakistanis soldier fighting for Japanese nazi army when we have war with Japan. My suggestion to those 680000 Chinese living in Japan: better save your *** on your own when you have trouble. Abe Shinzo is huge threat to all mankind.

The hatre of Chinese people to Japanese Nazi can't even described by words, we never forgive Japanese nazi 's criminal in World War Two.

Whoever getting closer with Japan to contain China will be automatically deemed as our enemy. India comes first.

Well thats strange to see them not visiting their ancestral place atleast once in their lifetime. For a person to be successful and thrive in their carriers and personal lives they must be connected to their roots. Im not necessary saying that speaking in Urdu or having Pakistani mother can be more connecting but visiting the place really helps in yr sole searching and plays important part in finding a direction to one's life.
They already forget where they came from, just like those Chinese living in Japan. I can't live on a country which killed hundreds of millions of innocent Chinese mena nd wemen without any serious apology from the existing government, not even a minute.
目的绝对不单纯,有可能是政府探子。the last thing I wanna do is to to shoot a Japanese Pakistanis soldier fighting for Japanese nazi army when we have war with Japan. My suggestion to those 680000 Chinese living in Japan: better save your *** on your own when you have trouble. Abe Shinzo is huge threat to all mankind.

The hatre of Chinese people to Japanese Nazi can't even described by words, we never forgive Japanese nazi 's criminal in World War Two.

Whoever getting closer with Japan to contain China will be automatically deemed as our enemy. India comes first.

You make it seem as if Chinese in Japan are persecuted even deemed second class citizens, when that isn't the case at all. The close to 1 million Chinese in Japan (this number should include those who already are naturalized as Japanese) find so much liberty , opportunity and freedom in the country. The Chinese of Japan are so fairly represent that there is even a famous Japanese politician who is of Han background, her name is Hsieh Lien-fang (謝蓮舫). Her Japanese name is 村田 蓮舫 or Renho Murata , and she serves in the Japanese a House of Councilors , which is the Upper House of the Japanese National Parliament (DIET).

You will see that Chinese in Japan are so well integrated to the very fabric of Japanese society , and are respected, adored by the majority of Japanese people.

Your poor attempt to paint Chinese Japanese people as persecuted folks is both laughable and undignified.

Councilor Murata, a Japanese of Chinese (Han) ancestry, speaks before the Imperial Diet.



Well thats strange to see them not visiting their ancestral place atleast once in their lifetime. For a person to be successful and thrive in their carriers and personal lives they must be connected to their roots. Im not necessary saying that speaking in Urdu or having Pakistani mother can be more connecting but visiting the place really helps in yr sole searching and plays important part in finding a direction to one's life.

Sure, we even have over 30,000 Persian expats who came to Japan in the late 1970s, many of whom married Japanese. So while our registries note that there are over 30,000 Persians in Japan, this number , of course, does not include children who are half Japanese and Persian because under Japanese Law citizenship is through Jus Sanguinis, if the child has a drop of Japanese blood then he or she is automatically a Japanese. And citizenship is granted. Many of Japanese who are of persian or Pakistan ancestry are just so heavily assimilated. Some do go back to visit to either Pakistan, Iran, India etc, but I beleive their heart is in Japan.

I do agree with you that it is important to know one's roots!

I guess it would be similar to some Pakistani Americans who tho may look Pakistani, their manner of speech, actions and even thought is no different than the average Joe, Sue or Billy.

I totaly agree. Its in Indian ethos and our vedas which says 'Vasudev Kutumbukam' which means World is a global village n we r family. It means ethnicity,religion, etc doesnt matter. It all matters is ur home in the global village, ie. ur own country.

Indians no matter where they are always manage to essimilate into the local culture. U will never find Indians being a menace for any other society. This attribute comes from the above mentioned philosophy.

So I aint surprised at all if Indo-Japanese are highly patriotic.

Indians in Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the ship I served in, the JS Chokai, our commander at the time was actually Japanese of Indian ancestry. His father was an Indian soldier who fought for the Imperial Army in WW2, after the war, he went back to Japan and settled there, even took Japanese name and married Japanese woman. He was from present day Bangalore , and knew Subhas Chandra Bose, actually.

Our commander was fluent in both Japanese and Hindi. A very stoic man, and greatly respected by those who served under him.
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