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Pakistani Japanese: The growing Pakistani population in Japan

Pakistan has a flourishing non resident population outside and they must be good source of crucial remittance in $ back home
Are japanese marriages with bangladeshis common.Do you have pictures of their mixed kids.

Are any of these mixed japanese-pakistanis into religion at all.Do they pray or fast.

1. Yes there are about 15,000 Bangladeshis living in Japan, a product of the Bangladeshi Diaspora. Are there Japanese-Bangladeshi mixed marriages? Yes, of course there are. It is quite common for Bangladeshi women to marry Japanese men, and its interesting to see that muslim women marrying non-muslim Japanese men and yet the marriage works. The children are technically Muslim because the mother is, however, society in Japan is very agnostic and culturally Shinto so the children of said marriages usually are culturally open. As for the number of Japanese-Bangladeshi mixed kids, they are not considered Bangladeshi, they are considered Japanese and by basis of Jus Sanguinis Law of Japan are automatically Japanese Citizens.

2. I would say it really varies on the individual based on their religiosity. If they are religious , as any Japanese, they would make sure to keep religion in their household , and respect others' views despite differing faiths. For example I am a Christian yet my identity first is Japanese. The same goes for Japanese who practice Islam; first they identity with their Japanese roots , secondary is religion or what have you. It is also not unheard of for Christians and Muslims in Japan to participate in Shinto rituals for cultural reasons. Christians and muslims in Japan also adhere to ancestral filial piety rituals.

3. Some pictures of Japanese-Bangladeshis:


Japanese-Bangladeshi guy


Japanese-Bangladeshi celebrities


Japanese-Bangladeshi lady

Pakistan has a flourishing non resident population outside and they must be good source of crucial remittance in $ back home

Pakistanis who live in Japan differ from those who live / work in Middle East. The Pakistanis in Japan eventually gain Japanese permanent residency , and eventually Japanese citizenship afterwards. They either bring their families to the country or build the family through marriage by either marrying Japanese men or women.
The Lives of Pakistanis in Japan through Pictures


Family time at the beach? Yes !


Prayer time after picnic? yes ! Pakistanis practice their faith anytime in Japan and there is no discrimination


Outside picnic? Yes! :)



Pakistanis love to picnic ! :)


I question what the heck is a Persian Pakistani?- almost all are fathered by persian Pakistanis- whats that?-
More !


Pakistani Culture Fairs and events are popular and common !


The immersion of cultures brings beauty !






I question what the heck is a Persian Pakistani?- almost all are fathered by persian Pakistanis- whats that?-

I think Farsis who lived in Pakistan.
I question what the heck is a Persian Pakistani?- almost all are fathered by persian Pakistanis- whats that?-

There is a very popular Japanese baseball player named Yu Darvish, his father is a Persian Pakistani and his mother is Japanese. Yu is a starting pitcher for the Texas Rangers, and is a giant. He is 6'5 (1.96 m) !

I'm guessing he gets his height from the Persian side? LOL!




There is a very popular Japanese baseball player named Yu Darvish, his father is a Persian Pakistani and his mother is Japanese. Yu is a starting pitcher for the Texas Rangers, and is a giant. He is 6'5 (1.96 m) !

I'm guessing he gets his height from the Persian side? LOL!





His Father is an Iranian according to wiki :P
In some nations we have heard about sham marriages where migrants marry native girls for the sole purpose of gaining citizenship and once they get it they leave the girl.Does this happen in japan.
In some nations we have heard about sham marriages where migrants marry native girls for the sole purpose of gaining citizenship and once they get it they leave the girl.Does this happen in japan.

To be honest, I don't know the answer to that question.
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