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Pakistani Japanese: The growing Pakistani population in Japan

1. We have a very favorable view of Pakistan and Pakistani people. We do know that there is some instability in the northwest area of the country, but we have strong people to people relations because there are about 11,000 Pakistanis who live in Japan, and many of them are married to Japanese spouses. There is about 20,000- 30,000 Japanese of Pakistani blood (a product of our vibrant intermarriages!).

2. Yes, English is a modicum of communication, the younger generation of Japanese (40 years and younger) are well versed in English, but the older generation is not so fluent.

3. Yes, we have several graduate level studies in English. For example we have :
a) Hiroshima University
b)International Unviersity of Japan
c) Keio University
d) Kobe University
e) Ritsumeikan University
f)Saitama University
g) Waseda University
h) Sophia University
i) Temple University of Japan

and much more!

PS. When I attended college for my bachelors, i had many friends that were Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi international students. A lot of them were in engineering programs, and some were in industrial/organizational psychology program as i. Most of them stayed in Japan to work; its easier for international students to get jobs in Japan than professionals coming into the country for jobs (due to the immigration quota).

Btw, engineering positions in japan are very well paying:

Mechanical engineer makes about ¥ 6 - ¥ 6.5 million = $60,000 - $65,000.
Civil engineer about ¥6-7 million = $ 60,000- $69,000.

@kalu_miah , @BDforever , @UKBengali

There is also a large Bangladeshi population in Japan. About 11,000. This number does not include Japanese children who have Bangladeshi blood, as they, too are automatic Japanese citizens.

This is interesting. I know in Korea there is a similar number of Pakistani and Bangladeshi guys married to Korean ladies, about 10,000 each. I think the migrant population in Japan is slightly older, as they moved there before Korea opened up for migrant labor.

One smart thing Koreans did is that they institutionalized the migrant labor selection process, people learn Korean language and take tests. When they pass they are put on an employment list with their profiles. Interested employers looks at this list and select people from many different countries. What happens is that many of these migrant workers ends up marrying local ladies. I know some Koreans don't like it, as it is mixing and diluting their blood. But then there is such a shortage of women that older guys in the country side have to find women in Vietnam, Philippines, Mongolia etc. So blood is getting mixed there anyways. I think its a global trend that no one can stop.

No, it works, I just clicked it. Well, whatever.

The link works, but the Manga was removed at the site, this is what the page says:
The series Afghanistan has been licensed, it is not available in Manga Fox.
This is interesting. I know in Korea there is a similar number of Pakistani and Bangladeshi guys married to Korean ladies, about 10,000 each. I think the migrant population in Japan is slightly older, as they moved there before Korea opened up for migrant labor.

One smart thing Koreans did is that they institutionalized the migrant labor selection process, people learn Korean language and take tests. When they pass they are put on an employment list with their profiles. Interested employers looks at this list and select people from many different countries. What happens is that many of these migrant workers ends up marrying local ladies. I know some Koreans don't like it, as it is mixing and diluting their blood. But then there is such a shortage of women that older guys in the country side have to find women in Vietnam, Philippines, Mongolia etc. So blood is getting mixed there anyways. I think its a global trend that no one can stop.

The link works, but the Manga was removed at the site, this is what the page says:
The series Afghanistan has been licensed, it is not available in Manga Fox.
Weird, maybe it's not available in your country, because it works fine here. Odd.
.... What happens is that many of these migrant workers ends up marrying local ladies. I know some Koreans don't like it, as it is mixing and diluting their blood.

We live in a globalized world, and it is only natural that when we move to new areas, meet new people, we fall in love, get married, procreate. I personally am against the old backward thinking of 'purity' of a nation. There is no such thing as a 'pure' blood, since all humans are a result of human migration patterns. In addition, as per the 2003 Human Genome Project, all humans , irrespective of their race or ethnicity, share 99.99999999% of the same genetic codons. With variance in phenotype due to environmental factors.

We also know, through population genetics, a concept called 'Genetic Isolationism'. The more a society only marries with itself, and is not exposed to new genetic sources, there begins to manifest transcriptiona breakage in DNA replication. Theres a host of genetic diseases as a result of genetic isolation , which results in consanguinity (marrying relatives). For example: Gaucher's Disease, Tay Sach's Disease, etc. We see a lot of this in Ashkenazi jewish populations (which are known for their consanguinity).

In other words, bringing in immigrants to a society is healthy for the society.
We live in a globalized world, and it is only natural that when we move to new areas, meet new people, we fall in love, get married, procreate. I personally am against the old backward thinking of 'purity' of a nation. There is no such thing as a 'pure' blood, since all humans are a result of human migration patterns. In addition, as per the 2003 Human Genome Project, all humans , irrespective of their race or ethnicity, share 99.99999999% of the same genetic codons. With variance in phenotype due to environmental factors.

We also know, through population genetics, a concept called 'Genetic Isolationism'. The more a society only marries with itself, and is not exposed to new genetic sources, there begins to manifest transcriptiona breakage in DNA replication. Theres a host of genetic diseases as a result of genetic isolation , which results in consanguinity (marrying relatives). For example: Gaucher's Disease, Tay Sach's Disease, etc. We see a lot of this in Ashkenazi jewish populations (which are known for their consanguinity).

In other words, bringing in immigrants to a society is healthy for the society.

Speaking of migration, you should look at this thread:
Rise of Islam in Bengal, role of migration

I agree that mixed race is usually better, as long as both sides are relatively problem free in terms of their own genetic history: Most of humanity is already mixed anyways, from mixing of out of Africa migrants with previous Homo Erectus type humanoids. And finally because of large scale mixing after the dawn of civilizations and empires around 10,000 years back with advent agriculture and pastoral nomad-ism.
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Pakistan and Japan need to increase their cooperation in many fields, particularly relating to technology since Pakistan can learn a lot from Japanese expertise in producing quality products.
That girl in the first page is beautiful.:smitten:

This is also her:


She's in the center :smitten:
Did I ever tell you that I find Japanese women extremely beautiful ? :ashamed:

Thats it I'm going to Japan ! :smokin:

@Nihonjin1051 : Brother, a few questions if you may answer :

(i) How are Pakistan & Pakistanis perceived in Japan ?

(ii) Is English well-understood in Japan ?

(iii) Do Japanese universities offer graduate level studies in the English language ?

You gotta hit that, Oriental woman, love you long time :)

i) Better than expected.

ii) Younger people tend to understand.

iii) Some of the best uni's in the world, so I would presume, yes.
We live in a globalized world, and it is only natural that when we move to new areas, meet new people, we fall in love, get married, procreate. I personally am against the old backward thinking of 'purity' of a nation. There is no such thing as a 'pure' blood, since all humans are a result of human migration patterns. In addition, as per the 2003 Human Genome Project, all humans , irrespective of their race or ethnicity, share 99.99999999% of the same genetic codons. With variance in phenotype due to environmental factors.

We also know, through population genetics, a concept called 'Genetic Isolationism'. The more a society only marries with itself, and is not exposed to new genetic sources, there begins to manifest transcriptiona breakage in DNA replication. Theres a host of genetic diseases as a result of genetic isolation , which results in consanguinity (marrying relatives). For example: Gaucher's Disease, Tay Sach's Disease, etc. We see a lot of this in Ashkenazi jewish populations (which are known for their consanguinity).

In other words, bringing in immigrants to a society is healthy for the society.

I think that Japan should carefully study the examples of allowing random immigration in from third world country that is causing problems in some Western countries.

By allowing in the correct mix of people from poorer parts of the world and then giving them all the tools to succeed in Japan, Japan can only end up with fresh patriotic citizens that will keep Japan healthy and strong.

Hope more Japanese think like you as this is the only way for Japan to stay a rich and vibrant country.
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