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There is reason for all those.when country lack the national vision it goes down and lets down its citezen be it letting down of pundits in kashmir or letting down of muslims in gujarat or letting down of tribal in maoist hit areas or even letting down of bodos in assam.
There was never a national vision for india or if one ever was drafted ever.Indians just try to shout nehru vision etc but i must say nehru was most confused and indecisive leader world would have ever seen.
Loksabha polls should be fought on national issues not on the local level issues.let state assembly deal with local issues.

Why Nehru confused policy?
the question to ask is.. why did samjhauta and mecca happen.
Only to ow that the other side acan also retaliate. so thats aweak argument. you have created 100s of attacks and can only keep pointing to 2 or 3 retaliatory ones. too bad . doesnt fly.
hindus are too few and too poor and too dispersed. they dont have resources
you search for reasons of samjotha express i'll search reasons for 26/11..if you gonna go down that route then sure most welcome.
Gujarat riots did not happen for no reason.. Muslims started it and had to bear the consequence.. Now they are peacefully living and progressing in Gujarat.. i

Oh my God! Oh my God!! Indians Muslims are progressing? says who? India? Not neutral credible sources like Times Magazine...

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what's the process for this? Do we have to send this Pak-hindus list (who's willing to migrate to India) and get "NO Objection" from PAK? Or we just gave them citizenship on the fly... :blink:

Nowhere in the world does a country whose citizenship an individual wishes to renounce give or is expected to give a "No Objection"
About Kashmir pandits: Are these are the only people killed by Anti-India militants? Much more proportionate muslims got killed there by militants (un-fortunatly they were many times being targeted by army also). But why muslims in Kashmir are still living there? Why only pandits left? They should have lived there.
Fact is pandits did not want these "mess" and left kashmir for some of the benefits provided by governments relocate.
Even if you make kashmir safe to them they will not return. Few might just show off protesting here and there.
Now situation is kashmir improved a lot. still why pandits not returning?

right said dude.
Just come to Karnataka (or Assam) and see how these people vandalize churches. Earlier they used to say only muslims are problem. Now they are targeting christians also.
this is the most BS argument. the pandits would have been exterminated if they lived there.
dont you see the fate of hindu pakistanis. the mslims are just absolutely ruthless when it comes to ethnic cleansing.
While I feel a little sorry for the plight of these people, I'm not too thrilled to have these people coming in to India. We already have more than our share of stupid people, don't see any reason to add more. These people are the fools who decided to stay back in the Islamic republic of Pakistan, what on earth did they think would be their fate? These people are those who marked themselves out for extinction on the evolutionary scale by either their laziness or stupidity. Sympathy from far is what can be offered, no tearing necessity to do more.
oh really thats y 40% criminal in the jail are muslim and they are only 14% in india .because they are peaceful people .

'Sacked prof's a victim of Talibanisation' - India News - IBNLive


Isnt Indian enough??

yes, but this is the first time I am seeing an Indian Hindu defending his own Indian Muslim fellowmen... which is an anomaly. Either u r that rare unheard breed of Indian Hindus who sympathisizes with Indian Muslims or u r Indian Muslim urself.. which one is it?
Oh my God! Oh my God!! Indians Muslims are progressing? says who? India? Not neutral credible sources like Times Magazine...

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That kaffir source tells only part of the story.

They are doing better than Pakistani Muslims.

Far better, on every socio economic measure.
About Kashmir pandits: Are these are the only people killed by Anti-India militants? Much more proportionate muslims got killed there by militants (un-fortunatly they were many times being targeted by army also). But why muslims in Kashmir are still living there? Why only pandits left? They should have lived there.
Fact is pandits did not want these "mess" and left kashmir for some of the benefits provided by governments relocate.
Even if you make kashmir safe to them they will not return. Few might just show off protesting here and there.
Now situation is kashmir improved a lot. still why pandits not returning?

Here is general background. The militants were armed to the teeth and were ready to fight India when the ethnic cleansing of Pandits call started in Kashmir. Pandits who had no issues with India did not take up arms. See the difference if the Pandits have stayed?

Let me understand how many Kashmiri Pandits have you come across and heard their stories. Here is one personal story for you I have come across from many such ones. One of my friends' father was a professor in Kashmir. One fine evening, a young boy(a muslim well wisher) who was working in his household came running and asked them to vacate as he heard that they will be targetted that night. He could not even withdraw money from the bank and have to take the bus that same evening. Do you expect him(the professor) to stay back and fight against well armed militants? Remember the professor had 2 sisters beside my friend who was young as well.
Oh my God! Oh my God!! Indians Muslims are progressing? says who? India? Not neutral credible sources like Times Magazine...

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the reason is a statistical aberration.
all the well educated and rich mslim of india left for pakistan in 47 leaving behind the poor and uneducated. the dalits were also in the same shape back then. now the dalits have done much better than mslims because they worked and mslims need to learn to do that.
Yes it wasnt exist, thats why India was great and will be. Thats why we do have respect all over the world. I can proudly tell every where i am Indian and i do get respect every where.

But many people like you started changing. They post thread here for blasphemy laws and making India hindu country keeping muslims christian out of India. This will get the same fate as others getting now

Stop talking non-sense, I was trying to show the differences not desiring to enact such laws and throwing anyone out of the country.. But I certainly believe the traitors of the land should be dealt with tight fist because nobody else can be as disgusting as a person who live on the land and work against it.. I despise them and wish the worst for them..
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