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Pakistani Hindus | All Discussions

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the reason is a statistical aberration.
all the well educated and rich mslim of india left for pakistan in 47 leaving behind the poor and uneducated. the dalits were also in the same shape back then. now the dalits have done much better than mslims because they worked and mslims need to learn to do that.

Now all kind of lame excuses started to pour in :woot:... we can say the same thing about Pakistani Hindus too... majority of rich Pakistani Hindus left for India during partition, what is left mostly is low caste Hindus from interior Sindh.
you search for reasons of samjotha express i'll search reasons for 26/11..if you gonna go down that route then sure most welcome.
reason for samjhota was that these guys were sick of ilm terror from pak and wanted to show that indians can also retaliate, misuided but thats fact. if you guys did not interfere in india with trror samjota would never have happened.
now give me reason for 26/11
yes, but this is the first time I am seeing an Indian Hindu defending his own Indian Muslim fellowmen... which is an anomaly. Either u r that rare unheard breed of Indian Hindus who sympathisizes with Indian Muslims or u r Indian Muslim urself.. which one is it?
Its not rare Indian Hindus defending muslims. Indian Hindus were far more good, Honest, down to earth people. But now things are getting changed. Mostly people in Internet are communalized more than one who dont access to internet.
Reason for this is. There are organisations who work pro-actively. They keep on posting in facebook and other internet media. Common people fall in this trap.
aunty ji u don't want i start post picture from world media where muslim population is growing and daily attack and bomb blast in churches and i know that will also happened in india in future when their population will reach 20%
Now all kind of lame excuses started to pour in :woot:... we can say the same thing about Pakistani Hindus too... majority of rich Pakistani Hindus left for India during partition, what is left mostly is low caste Hindus from interior Sindh.
true.. maybe so. but they arenot complaining about poverty. they are running out because of institutionalised victimzation and targetting their very existance.
this is not an excuse. its a fact. you guys are experts at ethnic cleansing
That is true for most Pakistani converts as well.

Including some "girl" here. ;)

Our ancestors were never low caste Hindus... if they were Hindus, they were at least Brahamins, nothing less than that :D
Why Nehru confused policy?
You analyze nehru's years as PM from 1947 to 1963 and check out all the blunders he committed from kashmir to Pakistan to china to IWT.He was total failure as PM.
Its not rare Indian Hindus defending muslims. Indian Hindus were far more good, Honest, down to earth people. But now things are getting changed. Mostly people in Internet are communalized more than one who dont access to internet.
Reason for this is. There are organisations who work pro-actively. They keep on posting in facebook and other internet media. Common people fall in this trap.
bro u 1st talk about growing fanatic muslim population in india .(isi sleeper cell
yes, but this is the first time I am seeing an Indian Hindu defending his own Indian Muslim fellowmen... which is an anomaly. Either u r that rare unheard breed of Indian Hindus who sympathisizes with Indian Muslims or u r Indian Muslim urself.. which one is it?
in the cyberworld anyone canbe tomcruise
aunty ji u don't want i start post picture from world media where muslim population is growing and daily attack and bomb blast in churches and i know that will also happened in india in future when their population will reach 20%
you thow stones i'll throw rocks.Btw its you who started this not me......
the reason is a statistical aberration.
all the well educated and rich mslim of india left for pakistan in 47 leaving behind the poor and uneducated. the dalits were also in the same shape back then. now the dalits have done much better than mslims because they worked and mslims need to learn to do that.

Both could be correct.
1. Most indian muslims were converts from dalits and other backward casts.
2. Many educated muslims migrated (Dont know if its really correct.)

Addition to this:
Now muslims are slowly making progress in education.
Our ancestors were never low caste Hindus... if they were Hindus, they were at least Brahamins, nothing less than that :D
nope most hindus who cnverted to islm were lower caste hindus. there were some kshatriyas who got converted to hold onto their land but thats about it.
There is reason for all those.when country lack the national vision it goes down and lets down its citezen be it letting down of pundits in kashmir or letting down of muslims in gujarat or letting down of tribal in maoist hit areas or even letting down of bodos in assam.
There was never a national vision for india or if one ever was drafted ever.Indians just try to shout nehru vision etc but i must say nehru was most confused and indecisive leader world would have ever seen.
Loksabha polls should be fought on national issues not on the local level issues.let state assembly deal with local issues.

I agree with you especially the bolded portion. Nehru and Gandhi had a vision but on paper. They wanted secularism for India but ended up practicing pseudosecularism. That has only strengthened the conservatives among the religions over a period of time (read it is as both hindus and muslims).
Is it. Who blasted samajotha train, mecca masjid, melengov?
Truth is they also have access to bombs. They carried out these actions and blamed muslims and spoiled muslims name itself. Hight of cowardness. First of all doing this and naming others.

One small group in a country with 80% Hindus was involved in it and that is behind the bars.. Not a sign to show the mentality of 99.99% and now compare these with the acts of Muslim terrorists who do these acts on a daily basis at one place or other.. Doesn't matter they are 1% or 20%.. look at their numbers in America and what they did here.. So nobody is spoiling their name they themselves are responsible for their good reputation..
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