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Pakistani Fashion

Actually i learned all that from some Afghan forum... (Some Afghan guy having a crush on her and wanted to marry her :lol::lol:)Here is the pic of her... (I don't know which one of them is her Afghan husband, but the 3 guyz on the right look Afghans):D:D... She also adopted a child from 2006 Earthquake.


if she married that Daarhi wala baba (man having beard) she should commit suicide :angry:
not this again man, its so embarrassing what has happened to the country??? really depressing

if this thing continues, i will surely welcome martial law or nawaz govt to take over this zardari govt

never saw these stuff in mushy's era even though for his "enlightened modernism", is zerdari continuing his policies or these are the result of his own policies?

Go live in Saudi Arabia then. You don't even live in Pakistan, you probably stare at British chicks on the street, you hypocrite.
And why the hell would a paksitani let their daughter marry an afghan? that's pretty much asking for domestic abuse.
Yes you do! Don't lie! Especially Afghan Pashtuns. They hate Iranians too! Every second post is on Punjabis... Afghans are obsessed with Punjabis

NO we dont, but if you insist then you are free to think so. Please dont mix up politcs and what governments do with the people and people relations. We dont hate iranians as well, we have got everything common with the iranians, be it culture, lanugage or religion, border etc, Iran is heavily investing in Afghansitan and we are benefiting alot from it(i am sure they do benefit as well). same thing with paksitan. yes, there are some morons who hate pakistan because of their enthno nationalism agenda, but generally we people have got no issue with pakistani people and respect them. the gov policies? that is entirely different scenario.
NO we dont, but you insist then you are free. Please dont mix up politcs and what governments do with the people and people dealing. We dont hate iranians as well, we have got everything common with the iranians, be it culture, lanugage or religion. same thing with paksitan. yes, there are some morons who hate pakistani because of their enthno nationalism agenda, but generally we people have got no issue with pakistani people and respect them. the gov policies? that is entirely different scenario.

Afghan Tajiks LOVE Iranians but not the Afghan Pashtuns... I have seen them fighting all the time... :D:D
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