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Pakistani Fashion

I am coming to the topic,pakistan have fashion shows and many ladies like to be model, but they fail to compete on any major international competition,why?

Almost 90% models dreams is to become Miss world title.

Miss world is not only looks beauty but skills,knowledge...over all a beauty in all sense
We come from a conservative society, the vast majority of girls do not go for acting or modeling as it does not conform to our ideals, make no mistake about it, your Ganga and Dravid nation has nothing on us in terms of looks as for those Miss World competitions I am sure their are behind the scenes decisions that impact such vain contests, no way in hell those Indian so-called beauties are anywhere near enough to be winning Miss world comps.

I'm half Indian and half Pakistani so people of both countries are beautiful to me and honestly the differences between the two nations are superficial and only played up by politicians, Mullahs and generals whos interest it is to keep us apart for their own benefit. Keep in mind our people's coexisted for centuries prior to 1947.

Also, I would agree with @Spring Onion women are beautiful from wherever they come from.
The differences are VAST, you folks are a Ganga and Dravid nation whereas we are an Indus region nation and the reason we were one was because of these folks (see below) who created an artificial entity known as British India
We come from a conservative society, the vast majority of girls do not go for acting or modeling as it does not conform to our ideals, make no mistake about it, your Ganga and Dravid nation has nothing on us in terms of looks as for those Miss World competitions I am sure their are behind the scenes decisions that impact such vain contests, no way in hell those Indian so-called beauties are anywhere near enough to be winning Miss world comps.

The differences are VAST, you folks are a Ganga and Dravid nation whereas we are an Indus region nation and the reason we were one was because of these folks (see below) who created an artificial entity known as British India

The day Pakistani women start taking part in International competition - there will be no competition.

To take part you have to wear certain attires which one may not feel comfortable with. That’s not to say some don’t wear them, but there’s a difference between public and personal space. Plus a competition doesn’t define beauty.
Not sure who you're addressing with that post but im half Pakistani and have family there as well (Awans from pindi area) and have visited the country before and plan on visiting it again. Much to the irritation of intolerant people like yourself.

As for your post attacking India and the Ganges river, I'm not sure if you intended to offend me but you have failed to do so for the following reasons: I'm not Hindu so the Ganges river is irrelevant to me as the Nile river. Holds no value to me personally.

If only you knew how common cross-border marriages are between Pakistan and India. The future is one of globalism where we will all merge into a single humanity. Racism, Nationalism, borders and religion are all petty things of the past. The sooner we overcome them the better.
So you have Awan heritage LOL, jackath why do you not converse with me in the language of Pindi ..... @friendly_troll96 lol.... Krishnan what I was stating was that India and Pakistan are not historically one nation as you were implying, now have a good day.
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Wow the amount of racism on this thread is appalling. So what if someone is Tamil, Black, White, Arab, Chinese, or whatever?? We're all human beings in the end!

I'm saddened to see our Pakistanis having such backwards and despicable views while Pakistanis in the West are themselves victims of Racism. @El Sidd @Garfield @Areesh

Exactly! Could not have said it better my friend.

These Pakistanis espousing racist views would not last a minute at an EDL rally because if their dark skin. They would get acid thrown in their faces by neo-Nazis here in the UK yet here they are being more Whiter than Whites :lol: talk about inferiority complex. Very shameful indeed.

And exactly how many Pakistanis are "gora chittah"?

Funny thing is if you were in Nazi Germany they would have turned you into fertilizer for not having blonde hair/blue eyes, let alone white skin. So I suggest you stop trying to become more gora than the goras themselves because it's just truly pathetic.
My friend no one was being racist, that gent with multi ids was trying to project that Indians (Tamil Nadu , Orissans ,Bengals etc) are historically one and the same with folks from todays Pakistan, the magnitude of his bullcrap merited a response PERIOD!
That's extremely offensive. There is nothing wrong with Black skin. I ask moderators @The Eagle @waz to keep PDF clear of this racism.

You guys need to grow up. The world is progressing fast and this mentality is going to leave you behind.

Pakistan already grants citizenship to Ugandans and this will continue to happen.

My dear chap Kala Shah Kaku is a place in Pakistan, stop implying things when you do not know what you are on about, have a good day sir.
That's extremely offensive. There is nothing wrong with Black skin. I ask moderators @The Eagle @waz to keep PDF clear of this racism.

You guys need to grow up. The world is progressing fast and this mentality is going to leave you behind.

Pakistan already grants citizenship to Ugandans and this will continue to happen.

Are you even Pakistani?

Lol Kala shah Kaku is a place... And nobody is being a racist... I mean you might be half Tamil half whatever.. Who can't point out his own mums lingo... But..... Lol
I'm probably more Pakistani than you Aryan/Nazi "gora" wannabes :lol:.

In the end all humans bleed red no matter what part if this Earth they come from.
Lol.. Did I even pass a racist comment here or anywhere on this forum ? How do you know I'm a white wannabe?

I'm know allergic to nonsense... As for you being more Pakistani.. Sure... Sure... The Indian troll said the same.. His daddy is a Tamil and mum from salt ranges... Ironically he can't even point out his mums language let alone....
Lol I clearly triggered you.

Can you talk like a man, or at least come up with a logical comeback using your own words?
All I did was ask you:
1) Why did the mention of Kala Shah Kaku trigger you?
2) If you're a Pakistani, how come you don't know it's a place in Pakistan?

And if you had brains, your reply could have been something like:
1) No, I wasn't triggered. OR. I was triggered because Kalashah Kaku is such a bad name for a place etc.
2) I didn't know it was a place, because...

To which you replied:
"Lol I clearly triggered you."

Wow, just wow! You must be bursting with pride at the level of sense oozing from your response.

Calling people "kala syah" will not make you Blonde haired and blue eyed my Aryan wannabe friend.
1) How come you concluded that I call people kala syah in hopes to become blonde haired blue eyed Aryan myself?
Is that some sort of a vedic hymn you secretly believe in?

And yeah, sure, I'll give you a "rishta" alright. :lol:.

You dared me and I said yes with a condition. Now why don't you grow a pair and accept the condition to settle it like a man?
You started this, why are you behaving like a coward gndoo now?

Deal is still on: I'll post my pic if you promise you'll give me rishta of your behna (nikki wali) if I turn out to be gora chitta!!!
I double dare you!!!!!!!

If you won't stop being a coward gandoo beating about the bush when replying to this post of mine, don't blame me for what may come next.
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Can you talk like a man, or at least come up with a logical comeback using your own words?
All I did was ask you:
1) Why the mention of Kala Shah Kaku trigger you?
2) If you're a Pakistani, how come you don't know it's a place in Pakistan?

And if you had brains, your reply could have been something like:
1) No, I wasn't triggered. OR. I was triggered because Kalashah Kaku is such a bad name for a place etc.
2) I didn't know it was a place, because...

To which you replied:

Wow, just wow! You must be bursting with pride at the level of sense oozing from your response.

1) How come you concluded that I call people kala syah in hopes to become blonde haired blue eyed Aryan myself?
Is that some sort of a vedic hymn you secretly believe in?

You dared me and I said yes with a condition. Now why don't you grow a pair and accept the condition to settle it like a man?
You started this, why are you behaving like a coward gndoo now?

Deal is still on: I'll post my pic if you promise you'll give me rishta of your behna (nikki wali) if I turn out to be gora chitta!!!
I double dare you!!!!!!!

If you won't stop being a coward gandoo beating about the bush when replying to this post of mine, don't blame me for what may come next.
Look kid, there's nothing wrong with being "kala syah". So many good people have dark skinned and I'm sure they're better human beings than you.

So get over your racism and obsession with dravidians.

Kala Shah Kaku
You never said that you bold faced liar. You clearly stated "kala syah" which is a derogatory term.


Not only are you a racist White wannabe but you're also a bold faced liar. Not surprised considering they go hand in hand.

Deal is still on: I'll post my pic
Then post it already instead of mouthing off constantly. Walk the talk and I'll give you a "rishta" you'll never forget :lol:
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