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try searching top websites visited by Pakistanis...


check out no. 32, 44, 45, 52...as of 12th Nov 2009.

so much for Islamic morality...

I read a lot of comments about morality from Pakistani males in this thread, can someone please explain to me, why these immoral websites are in top 100 Pakistani websites.

or maybe it is OK because the girls in these websites are mostly non-muslim?
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try it one more way -

a) go to trends.google.com

b) type the words you would like to see the trend data on separated by commas e.g. islam,s.x

c) hit search trends

You will be surprised to see the results.

Its funny Peshawar leads the pack and Karachi is at the bottom.
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try it one more way -

a) go to trends.google.com

b) type the words you would like to see the trend data on separated by commas e.g. islam,s.x

c) hit search trends

You will be surprised to see the results.

Its funny Peshawar leads the pack and Karachi is at the bottom.

This reminds me of the fact that **** in the US is more watched by the conservative South :rofl:

You see people don't understand that sex is a need. It is part of being human. Repressing our desires has consequences. It is no wonder that men in the subcontinent are despos. That is why women in western countries can walk out late at night, but we can't say the same about eastern countries.
That is why women in western countries can walk out late at night, but we can't say the same about eastern countries.

Somewhere in America, a woman is raped every 2 minutes, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

you are right, we can't say that same about eastern countries.
Somewhere in America, a woman is raped every 2 minutes, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

you are right, we can't say that same about eastern countries.

You are way off the mark my friend with your lily white attitude.

Only 1 in 100 rape cases in the sub-continent come to light because of the social taboo attached.

And a significant number of these rapes are perpetrated by relatives, and among those, a large number being first degree relatives.

Its all in the family you see, so why get the police involved.

I would say look around you before you post, but you are living in Canada, commenting on the sub-continent and its safety for women (or is it the other way around?).

Also, I hope you relise that while the act is sexual, rape is and has always been more about power ..... most often by those that are powerless and losers in real life.

Cheers, Doc




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