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You seem to believe that sex is something that can be controlled by the brain.

I disagree.

It is a primal instinct. It is hardwired into our DNA. To ensure the continuity of the human race.

You have to have it. And unless you are over-hardwired, once you do, relatively regularly, you will not go out of your way to get more.

Its not something you can control by going to the gym or starting a stamp collection.

Sure there may be periods of celibacy as experiments of self-enforcement, recharging the batteries, detox, whatever other word you want to give it ...... but its not natural.

The fire burns within, and it needs fuel in regular instalments.

Water will only put it off here, while it restarts with increased vigour somewhere/sometime else.

Hows that for hidden words and forest fire analogies?!!!! LOL :)

Cheers, Doc
I don't know what you are nor do i want to know
Well how can u compare this Stuff with leaves :rofl:
man they are just showing their designs & promoting them, whats wrong with it, let the people decide what they want to wear

So now hunger came in eh???

He has left this world God Bless 'em....

something backfired, i am really sorry for ur father, before writing the last sentence this is wht crossed my mind wht if ..... any way my apologies.

no hunger it was an example, may be one day either i will understand wht u r saying or u will realise whats right n wrong. i guess living through a teen life this is how u behave.

let them wear wht people want but it will have repurcussions i think.
@ emo_girl : Are you being judgmental and homophobic about the sexual preference of some people of both genders, in the same society where you are professing a liberal and refreshingly open-minded attitude elsewhere?

Cheers, Doc
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something backfired, i am really sorry for ur father, before writing the last sentence this is wht crossed my mind wht if ..... any way my apologies.

You are going to Explain this to me in 'Clean & Clear' words

Be quick...
Here again I disagree with you buddy.

What is wrong with pornography? It services a need and is an industry like any other. With professionals like anywhere else. Women doing it by choice, and getting paid for it. Not getting raped ..... more often by those who they trust than by strangers.

Would you rather have men whacking off on smut CDs and magazines in the privacy of their rooms, or would you have sex starved nuts cruise our streets looking to satisfy their basic urges?

I vote for legalisation of Pornography and Prostitution ..... like many European countries.

You'll still get the nuts here and there ..... but they would be the beyong redemption ones who simply need to be put away forever. The rest/borderline ones would have professionals take care of them and keep them satisfied ..... and off the streets, and public transport, and pubs, and mall parking lots, and parks, and schools, and bedrooms, and playgrounds, and orphanages .....

Cheers, Doc

bravo bravo!...:toast_sign:
you really do hit the spot...
just out of curiosity...you into some marketing $hit?
bravo bravo!...:toast_sign:
you really do hit the spot...
just out of curiosity...you into some marketing $hit?

Nothing so exciting or colorful bhai ..... buddha doctor with a way with words, and a lil teeny weenie poison pen. :)

Cheers, Doc
This Clearly shows you are into this Lesbo pornography Stuff & here you are acting like a innocent Kid & objecting Dresses :disagree:
Homo sexuality is a dark side which exists in every society, its just that some societies just Close their eyes, Remember two ladies in love in Lahore

& plzzz, Lets stop it, Let them decide what they want to wear...

"by the information u have looks like u r also into lesbo stuff" i can say that too but i rather abstain from it coz i dont link knowledge with assumptions, how n why i know abt it becz homo sexuality is legal in UK n i have always been against it, n i like to interact on numerous topics with people around me and this is one of them.

i am nobody to stop any body to wear whatever they want to, all i wanted to say is what kind of world we want to live in is in our own hands.
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Every one here knows that Homo attitude & homo people exist in Pak, its just that people are too afraid to accept it

They exist everywhere ..... and have for millenia (Alexander the Great was one incidentally) ..... but that's not my point.

What is your personal stand/view on it?

I got the impression that you were being a tad judgmental and homophobic by the statement you made in your earlier post.

I also know its illegal in your country and is against the tenets of your religion.

Hence my question.

Cheers, Doc
You seem to believe that sex is something that can be controlled by the brain.

I disagree.

It is a primal instinct. It is hardwired into our DNA. To ensure the continuity of the human race.

You have to have it. And unless you are over-hardwired, once you do, relatively regularly, you will not go out of your way to get more.

Its not something you can control by going to the gym or starting a stamp collection.

Sure there may be periods of celibacy as experiments of self-enforcement, recharging the batteries, detox, whatever other word you want to give it ...... but its not natural.

The fire burns within, and it needs fuel in regular instalments.

Water will only put it off here, while it restarts with increased vigour somewhere/sometime else.

Hows that for hidden words and forest fire analogies?!!!! LOL :)

Cheers, Doc

i rather enjoying these analogies its look like u really has been a doctor an ever green one who put alot of advice to unhappy pairs ;).

as u r a doc i can not argue but this is wht i read n believe that human body is controlled by brain, wht goes beyond it lets not go into that.

but wht abt thoes people who r virgin, let alone asian socities there r quite a few in westen socities. religon n belives play a vital part how do u fit all these into ur theory of increased vigour over the time?
Being a virgin .... male or female .... is simply medically defined as one who has not had coital intercourse.

And this definition loosely delivers itself sociologically the world over to straight sex.

As opposed to that there are definitely moral, psychological, social, and religious issues attached ..... where it differs from person to person and there is no single rule of thumb.

1) I am begining to sound like Bhagwan Rajneesh/Baba Ramdev giving gyaan.

2) I do not know if I am trying the patience of the Mods and the bounds of propriety here with ladies present.

3) I just got a call from the Mrs. asking what i was still doing at work :)

So later ....

Cheers, Doc
^Women's abuse is much higher in muslim country. Only it gets hushed up and no woman dares to report her husband or other male member of society.

oh la la look who is talking about women abuse.

Hmmm but i think India is not a Muslim country right?

You want me to start posting and then comparing where women abuse is at higher place
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