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Pakistani Emperor’s Grave In Myanmar

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Asians have this thing of wanting to ' belong' to someplace and are never content or confident with who we are or what we have.

This desire manifests in a number of ways, one of them is this hilarious post at No 1 ,its title is the funniest I have read in a while.
oh yeah son , mughals are pakistanis the sooner you yindoos get into your head the better


WTF was this blogger smoking when he wrote this piece of crap?

And friend Qamar, you're so brainwashed it's not even funny! Wake up and see the reality. Stop living in a cocoon that your historians and Mullahs have woven around sheeple like you!

Understanding this history is key to understanding modern Pakistan.
Really? Understanding this history is the key to be called dumb! Because The Land of The Pure (Pakistan), came into existence only in 1947. It was India before that!

Just to put you wise, Choudhry Rahmat Ali was one of the earliest proponents of the creation of the state of Pakistan. He is credited with creating the name "Pakistan" for a separate Muslim homeland in South Asia and is generally known as the founder of the movement for its creation. In a subsequent book, Ali discussed the etymology in further detail.

'Pakistan' is both a Persian and an Urdu word. It is composed of letters taken from the names of all our South Asia homelands; that is, Punjab, Afghania, Kashmir, Sindh and Balochistan. It means the land of the Paks – the spiritually pure and clean'.

According to Ali's biographer, K.K.Aziz, Rahmat Ali alone drafted this declaration in which the word Pakistan was used for the first time.

In other words, there was NO Pakistan before this!! Period!

Deny ignorance!!!!!
I have met few Pakistanis (Usually Punjabi)who claim Mughal descent which seems a legitimate claim judging by their appearance, but saying the Mughals were Pakistani is erm...lol.

Unless you have a time machine how can you tell what the Mughals looked like !
Unless you have a time machine how can you tell what the Mughals looked like !

I'm assuming the Mughals looked Central Asian? Don't count on me I couldn't really give a damn about the Mughal Empire.
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