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Pakistani doctor jailed for Treason - helping a foreign intelligence agency

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Good step, hopes he keeps rotting in the prision.

A god message for any other traitor / traitors.

And i also hope there is no bargaining done in future for him, which i am sure there won't be any.

And as for Indians and Americans who are siding with the guy, i wonder how they will feel when someone among them, betrays for money and transfers vital secrets to some opposition spy agency.

Its not about OBL, its about principal, he acted for money and worked for a foreign country, thus he deserves death.

Simple as that.
Here we have a difference between Western and what boils down to Islamic legal theory: the Western relationship of the individual to the law is direct, whereas the Islamic has an intermediary.
If A person kills B person.

Can a totally unrelated person, person C, kill person A, assuming if it were up to the law, it would kill person A as well?

This is international norm nothing to do with Islamic or western. Otherwise why is Oracle suing Google for Android? Why shouldn't Oracle mount a team to steal Google's money, then later on leave it to the Courts to validate its previous action of taking Google's money.

First western law would punish Oracle for stealing money, then western law would say okay let's listen to this business of suing for patent infringement.

Reasonable doubt isn't enough of a standard?

It will fall flat since he never approached a competent Pakistani authority to interpret doubt.

The UNSC has classified reports of Pakistani noncompliance for the past six years. They could choose to release that at any time - would that make you happy?
I would like to read them and take them on merit. However noncompliance in what? HN issue and OBL issue are two different things. We openly reject US demands on HN.

Also note we have caught not one, but 5-6 high level AQ leaders and literally over 500 other AQ members. If this matter of noncompliance was judged by a competent authority your argument would fall flat. UNSC works on votes, not on reasoning and arguments. They can vote against you for not liking your face. What can you do about it?

I think we can agree that the allegation that the vaccinations were fake should never have occurred.
Meanwhile the facts, verified by NGOs (third parties) prove that people are paranoid and making life hell for vaccine drives. We don't know about fake vaccines, I believe it was Leon Panetta who argued that Saline solution was injected, which means what? Fake. But thats more to do with what third parties said. Allegations are allegations, people can allege anything, he has not received his sentencing based upon that, but on charges of treason. Further proving that the sentencing is on merit.

I do wonder how these tribal courts work. Obviously closed sessions. Which is odd because, presumably, the only secrets that could have been exposed were American ones, right? Unless, of course, Afridi's defense arguments were substantial and implicated Pakistanis as willing partners with international terrorists.
That is somewhere I think they dropped the ball. Basically the word tribal is being overplayed and is an outdated term, the official name is sessions court. But the sentencing remains extremely challengeable since all you need to do is appeal and it is automatically granted. This is something where you would appear for a traffic violation and face off with something equivalent to judge Judy. It's mostly one on one with the Judge. However I may be wrong on the finer points of this.

This case mandates Peshawar High Court time, which it would undoubtedly go to.

As VCheng argued before, it may be some gamesmanship from the state, which I think should not be done and he should be simply pursued for his crime. However I think now that they have put the thing in court, any appeal will also go through a higher court and the higher courts will not be open to the gamesmanship of the state and will again rule on merit.
I see a lot of support for the doctor, however, what's worth noting is that this man had concrete evidence on the whereabouts of the world's most wanted man and chose to keep it away from Pakistani Authorities. He divulged the information not to end World Terror but to get the bounty on OBL's head. He got the bounty, objective achieved.
There is no such thing as as a tribal court in Pakistan.

Supreme Court of Pakistan (Apex court)
Federal Shariat Court of Pakistan
High Courts of Pakistan (one in each province and also in federal capital)
District Courts of Pakistan (one in each district)
Judicial Magistrate Courts (with power of Section 30 of Cr.PC only in criminal trials)[1]
Judicial Magistrate Courts (in every town and city)
Executive Magistrate Courts (Summary trial court)
Courts of Civil Judge (judges with power of 1st class and 2nd class cases)
Good step, hopes he keeps rotting in the prision.

A god message for any other traitor / traitors.
How sad, when someone wants to do good for money or otherwise is seen as a traitor

And i also hope there is no bargaining done in future for him, which i am sure there won't be any.
In your jingoistic populace, I agree.

And as for Indians and Americans who are siding with the guy, i wonder how they will feel when someone among them, betrays for money and transfers vital secrets to some opposition spy agency.
Giving information is not called passing of secrets, you are in agreement with keeping terrorists in your country secret. How sick!

Its not about OBL, its about principal, he acted for money and worked for a foreign country, thus he deserves death.

Simple as that.
Why was A.Q Khan pardoned?
good step indeed now others will think 100s times before work for CIA RAW . i was waiting for death plenty but they give him 33 years . its seems to em something is better then nothing .
This is unfortunate. Not like I had any high hopes of the Pakistani judciary; a judiciary which can hang its own PM on the directions of its Army can do anything. However, it still is sad to see such fate of a man who only helped make the world a safer place.

What would have Indians done if some person did the exact same thing in your country ? :azn:

As per the Penal Code of Pakistan , he was awarded the sentence , regardless of the outcome he committed treason ...

Hoping to get **** loads of cash and a green card ... Now he will get lonely nights in prison

Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to temptation

For all he knew, telling Pakistani officials might have gotten him a bullet in his head. Better a bounty than a bullet, must have been his thinking. The rest of your post about motive is not something anyone can disagree with.

Really ? How do you know that for certain ? :azn:

Possibly , the Pakistanis would have rewarded him much better just like all those who have been previously for helping in catching terrorist ... Try to read the " Line of Fire "
technicality is fine, I agree but then how do we evolve if we are stuck with rules created by some people.. How do we find a balance, that guy helped kill a biug terrorist, he actually did a good thing for Pakistan atleast some would accept that there is a problem in Pakistan which has to be rooted out.. You guys are setting example in a wrong way..

You guys are amazing me. You accept he committed treason yet you want our judiciary to deal with him "gently" or make him an exception. Once again i will for the avoidance of doubt say that he is guilty of a grave crime - treason against his nation and deserves the highest of punishments.
Judging by the responses if someone committed treason in India - you would treat him differently - we dont. The guy has betrayed the nation he aspires to belong to and did something IN our land - simply TREASON. When carrying out his fake polio immunization program for a few dollars (and dont think he did it for the goodness of his heart) he knew the consequences of his actions - now suffer them.
Betrayal of the nation - highest form of crime deserves the highest form of punishent
Yeah right like this hasn't happened before. AQ khan "sold" pakistan for some bucks too, breached trust of people, but he was pardoned.

he was disgraced and had to apologize to the Nation on National television.

keeping in mind though that as a metallurgist he helped Pakistan acquire components needed to enrich weapons grade uranium and given his contribution towards Pakistan's quest for nuclearization (which we achieved thankfully) it would have created too much controversy to jail him...even today he's regarded as a national hero by the common people, his face is engraved on the back of trucks rickshaws and coasters. Legally (sentiment aside) he committed a huge wrong-doing and he did pay for it. Just not as stiffly as Mr. Afraidy here (i'd hate to be in his position now)

Since the dotties keep insisting on bringing up AQ Khan - they would be best served by having a longer memory; Khan was under virtual house arrest and wasn't allowed to leave his home or talk to media

Anyway, my post was about ISI who claimed it provided the info that made OBL raid possible. Doesn't that conflict with Dr Afridi's story?

the CIA obviously used multiple sources and didn't put their eggs in one basket.....obviously it's a no-brainer. Any half-competent spy agency would do the same thing.

the underlying issue here is the clandestine and sneaky nature in which Afridi operated; and it takes only an idiot to not realize that....but then again, this forum seems to invite a lot of idiots time to time - especially those hailing from the neighbour country who can hardly even articulate a logical sentence or argument
For all he knew, telling Pakistani officials might have gotten him a bullet in his head. Better a bounty than a bullet, must have been his thinking. The rest of your post about motive is not something anyone can disagree with.

Bang Galore - Come come lets not speculate of what may or may not be his motive and his mindset. He had knowledge and information that was sensitive to the security of his nation and he decided not to go to his first port of call. He as any citizen OF any nation should have respected his nations hierarchy.
Have a think if someone from India behaved against his nations interests and perhaps interjected with a third party - would your sympathy be of the same nature?
You must understand the eventual outcome of his actions is a seperate matter and one cant argue with the outcome - he failed his duty as a Pakistani national hence must face the result of the Pakistani judiciary system.
When in the past the same has happened by American citizens where acts of treason have been committed life sentances have been administered. Why do you wish their to be a different ruling for this chap?
I see a lot of support for the doctor, however, what's worth noting is that this man had concrete evidence on the whereabouts of the world's most wanted man and chose to keep it away from Pakistani Authorities. He divulged the information not to end World Terror but to get the bounty on OBL's head. He got the bounty, objective achieved.

I think the bounty was 25 million. Even 1/5th of that [5 million] would have made any Pakistani do the same.

And I think the same for anyone in South Asia.
The UNSC has classified reports of Pakistani noncompliance for the past six years. They could choose to release that at any time - would that make you happy?

You see how ridiculous it becomes , does the UNSC now fear Pakistan that they aren't releasing the reports ? :P How do you know of the existence of such reports ? :undecided:

Hiding terrorists is law of land ?
Prove it or accept you are talking from behind ! :azn:

Which book are you referring to? made by some crazy people?

Whom are you referring to " crazy people " ? Learn to debate with civility or get out of here ...

In Pakistan, it's more like tradition. Dawood Ibrahim, Hafiz Saeed, Haqqani network and now Osama.

The hilarious thing about your argument that neither of them have ever been proved :lol:

Osama Bin Laden is found chilling in your equivalent of Sandhurst and West Point. Guy was enjoying with his entire entourage in your military town for years.

...and all you end up being ashamed about is a Doctor who brought the news to the Americans.

I mean, wow man, you guys truly have a screwed up sense of nationalism.

Whatever Osama Bin Laden was doing there is irrelevant , if he knew about his presence , he should have informed the army , not some foreign agency ... Yes , we are ashamed of traitors and now it appears that you have a screwed up sense of nationalism ...

Why was he convicted in a tribal court rather than a State or military one?

Now what is a tribal court ? :rofl: Making things now ? :azn:
By this definition I could not see how Dr.Afridi has committed treason.

Actually if you think about it, ISI and GoP claim that it was because of their work that US was able to catch OBL. Dr.Afridi did the same thing. So did ISI and GoP commit treason ?


You aren't doing yourself any favor by being intellectually dishonest.
this guy did a favour catching a person who was responsible for the death of thousands of Pakistanis as well, world is a better place without OBL .... he or family will get the money he will buy his way out a matter of time nothing else .. few months he will be forgotten thats when he can use a small percentage of prize money and buy his way out
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