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Pakistani doctor jailed for Treason - helping a foreign intelligence agency

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This news is an eye opener that whos who is a stanch supporter of terrorism.

It strictly doesnt matter who helped find the terrorists on which soil, it all comes down to nabbing the internationally wanted terrorist.

And the pakistanis who call this guy names, should realise that they are openly supporting terrorism and terrorists.

We cant blame you, since its got deep rooted into your blood and terrorism has became a state sponsored policy.


Its not sad for me that the consitution found him guilty, I find that he actually did a service to your country but is not recognised.. true that!

the court felt otherwise, so what outsiders think is irrelevant

Well, in a corner of my heart, I'm happy for the doctor.

Had he brought the issue to the notice of Pakistani agencies, the same agencies who have a reputation for abducting people and killling them in custody and then dumping them from journalists to activists, I'm pretty sure he too would have ended up being a corpse somehwere on a road in Karachi or Sindh.

Now tt least he will live for the foreseeable future.

dead slow - captain....when it comes to state sponsored intimidation and torture of activists, your country wins the prize
dead slow - captain....when it comes to state sponsored intimidation and torture of activists, your country wins the prize

Not by a long shot, honey.

Sometimes I feel if I were an Indian General, I would build a temple in the honour of your Army.

I mean truly, man. The finesse with which your Army and its agencies operate inside your country deserves a salute. Hats off to you guys, man. Honestly.

In fact 'operate; would be the wrong word. It's not the Army that operates inside Pakistan, it's Pakistan that operates around the Army.

Pakistan is the epitome of how an Army should wrest a country. It deserves a research by the discovery channel. It's a paragon for all the Armies and Generals in the world.

Our Generals can only watch in awe as our GoI decides their age. :laugh:
the court felt otherwise, so what outsiders think is irrelevant
Courts follow the law, in your case army too, and not the feelings of people and if your telling me your justice system is good, then we have nothing more to dicuss..

However, i was not talking about the courts, I was talking about the sentiments of people, they feel that guy is a traitor when he has done a good thing.. for money or otherwise..
Ḥashshāshīn;2961867 said:
Let's also hang Kayani, Zardari and Gilani. Why not the whole government for committing treason. Not stopping the drones which kill innocent people. :disagree:

The best way to dilute the attention and the let culprit escape is to include partly relevant people and demand punishment for half responsible people first as well as fully responsible ones. If you really want to punish the culprits, let them be punished first and then you can always come to half responsible ones.
Pakistan has the binding obligation under international law to root out terrorists. The doctor complied while the State did not

Pakistan is abiding by international law and has done more than its fair share to root out terrorists. Abiding by international law does not mean breaking other laws and holding other national/jurisdictional laws in utter contempt.

he worked and took orders from a foreign intel org. without informing the home government and he did so in exchange for a promise/reward.....in no country would that be allowed

Comrade Xeric had a classification for people such as Steven Cohen's intern/coffee-maker over here....

i believe we call them the ''enthusiastics''
Pakistan has made it clear that nobody can circumvent the local authorities and work (without informing the aforementioned) for a foreign intelligence organization...
This conviction did that, certainly. However, Pakistan is wrong as far as law goes. A defense lawyer can argue that Pakistan's gov't demonstrably lacked the credibility to root out OBL and because of that under international law Pakistani sovereignty was nulled so Pakistani courts lack jurisdiction to pursue a treason trial against the doctor for approaching a foreign organization with the purpose and effect of furthering Pakistani compliance with international law.

Afridi and his handlers did a huge dis-service to Pakistan, compromised the country's security and also gave a bad name to ''doctors'' in general who swore a duty to promote health and good medical practices (not running fake polio vaccines and betraying people's trust)
He did nothing to compromise Pakistani security - just the security of people's jobs in the Pakistani establishment. Was there ever any proof that the vaccines he administered were fake? No? Then the damage to "people's trust" can be traced back to the entities originating and propagating the rumor, not the doctor, yes?

as polls show, majority of the nation wanted Afridi to be sanctioned for his wrong-doing
Since when is conviction by majority of public opinion justice?
Courts follow the law, in your case army too, and not the feelings of people and if your telling me your justice system is good, then we have nothing more to dicuss..

However, i was not talking about the courts, I was talking about the sentiments of people, they feel that guy is a traitor when he has done a good thing.. for money or otherwise..

they feel that way, so let them feel that way...the judgement was based on laws and it appears to have been quite fair. If Afridi is eligible to file an appeal in the court that tried him, he may do so.
No it didn't. Under UNSCR 1373 Pakistan has the binding sovereign obligation to root out terrorists, terror leaders, terror havens, etc. That stuff is supposed to become part of your domestic laws. Interposing the State as an obstructive intermediary - which is what you are acceding to - is a violation of that.

The doctor, then, should never have been prosecuted. I look forward to the appeal - if he can get a good lawyer, that is.

Talking of lawyers in Pakitsan, experience tells us that if somebody were to shoot the doctor in trasit to/from the counrtroom tomorrow, Pakistani lawyers would shower rose petals on him.

Had I wanted to beocme a hero in pakistan, shotting this doctor would be all I'd have to do.
Pakistan is abiding by international law and has done more than its fair share to root out terrorists.
No one disputes that Pakistan has an "unfair" share of terrorists to root out. All the more work for Pakistan to do.

Abiding by international law does not mean breaking other laws and holding other national/jurisdictional laws in utter contempt.
Sure it does.

he worked and took orders from a foreign intel org. without informing the home government and he did so in exchange for a promise/reward.....in no country would that be allowed
Really? Tell that to the Lebanese! Besides, that's pretty much what Zia did when he warred against the Palestinians on behalf of Jordan during "Black September".
This conviction did that, certainly. However, Pakistan is wrong as far as law goes. A defense lawyer can argue that Pakistan's gov't demonstrably lacked the credibility to root out OBL and because of that under international law Pakistani sovereignty was nulled so Pakistani courts lack jurisdiction to pursue a treason trial against the doctor for approaching a foreign organization with the purpose and effect of furthering Pakistani compliance with international law.

He did nothing to compromise Pakistani security - just the security of people's jobs in the Pakistani establishment. Was there ever any proof that the vaccines he administered were fake? No? Then the damage to "people's trust" can be traced back to the entities originating and propagating the rumor, not the doctor, yes?

Since when is conviction by majority of public opinion justice?

I have a LLB degree from a UK uni and you are simply wrong. I suggest go do a law degree 3 years and then the vocational courses after that and then tell us about what a lawyer should and can do.

All you are showing is your ignorance duplicity and hatred for my country of origin.

I gave you an example of that American Jew spying for Israel a very close ally of America sitting in American jails. The analogy fits perfectly. When America lets him go let me know. Or in the alternate you could go use your arguments to the Supreme court in America and see if they let him out. OK

Jonathan Jay Pollard (born August 7, 1954, Galveston, Texas) worked as an American civilian intelligence analyst before being convicted of spying for Israel. He received a life sentence in 1987.

Israel granted Pollard citizenship in 1995, but denied until 1998 that they had bought classified information from him.[1] Israeli activist groups, as well as high-profile Israeli politicians, have lobbied for his release.[2] Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has voiced particularly strong support for Pollard, visiting the convicted spy in prison in 2002.[3][4] His case was later linked to that of Ben-ami Kadish, another U.S. national who pleaded guilty to charges of passing classified information to Israel in the same period.[5][6] He renounced his United States citizenship and is now solely an Israeli citizen. He would be deported to Israel if he were released from prison.

. Jonathan Pollard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

either you're really dumb, or you just like to argue for the sake of arguing (your indian-ness may have something to do with it)

if an indian embassy official in Islamabad is sleeping around and providing privileged information to Pakistan - the ''standard indian'' would be crying foul and calling for her to be hanged/shot/etc.

in this case, not only did defendant circumvent the local authorities and work for a foreign spy agency (without informing local govt.) but he also breached the trust of the people by being in total dereliction of duty. Doctor's job is to help people (and i guess by extension, help the country)....not to give fake vaccines and give doctors and NGOs a bad name.

ive seen these bharti twits yap and rave when American Christian missionary groups operate in Orissa and other parts of N.E. india -- claiming they are enemies of hindus, spies, informants etc. And those are just missionaries. In this case, Afridi was a doctor. He should have used his profession and skills (assuming he had them) to help people.

and the Americans should not have breached Pakistan's trust by trying to be sneaky.....this isn't what you do in other countries, and if it has to be Pakistan to make that 'point' known, so be it.

Afridi is a traitor, and a HUGE disgrace to the great Afridi clan which is known usually with pride in Pakistan as producing some of the most honest, patriotic, humble, brave and honourable men and women......he doesn't even deserve the name Afridi and certainly he can't be called a Pakistani or a Pashtun.
In Pakistan,
helping to catch/kill the terrorists
gets you in jail,
What the hell.
Not by a long shot, honey.


Sometimes I feel if I were an Indian General, I would build a temple in the honour of your Army.

I mean truly, man. The finesse with which your Army and its agencies operate inside your country deserves a salute. Hats off to you guys, man. Honestly.


I'm glad you have one more god to worship. You must have good memory.

In fact 'operate; would be the wrong word. It's not the Army that operates inside Pakistan, it's Pakistan that operates around the Army.

come up with a new line kid...that's an old rhetorical (and over-used) one.

Our Generals can only watch in awe as our GoI decides their age. :laugh:

i hope your generals at least know who are their mothers
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