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Pakistani doctor jailed for Treason - helping a foreign intelligence agency

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He committed treason - the definition of treason being " Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies."

By this definition I could not see how Dr.Afridi has committed treason.

Actually if you think about it, ISI and GoP claim that it was because of their work that US was able to catch OBL. Dr.Afridi did the same thing. So did ISI and GoP commit treason ?
As per the constitution of Pakistan which I guess you have quoted, America is not your enemy, you are mixing up the popular sentiment and constitution.. that enemy of yours, gives aid and helped you in some wars. How silly all this sounds!

I think you will find that i am NOT quoting the Pakistani constitution nor sentiment. The source is the "online dictionary". ( treason - definition of treason by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia. )
He committed an act against his nation and its people - who he did it for is irrelevant.
By giving "aid" to our corrupt leaders doesn't give them a right to hire or bribe people to commit treason. It may sound silly to you but i believe if a person deceives the nation and its people - that is in anyone's context and logical reasoning known as treason and he must suffer the consequences.
Pakistan pardoned AQ Khan who sold national secrets for money that could have and still may lead to millions of deaths and catastrophes!

The same yardstick could have been applied. Hurt ego is nothing compared to millions dead. Atleast in most of civilised world.

What you talking about A Q Khan is a hero to Pakistan.

This guy Afridi is lucky he is not getting strung up
when our govt is taking credit of searching Osama than why he is jailed? Though he should be jailed,
Did his poleo vaccination campaign interfere with real govt program..?
This news is an eye opener that whos who is a stanch supporter of terrorism.

It strictly doesnt matter who helped find the terrorists on which soil, it all comes down to nabbing the internationally wanted terrorist.

And the pakistanis who call this guy names, should realise that they are openly supporting terrorism and terrorists.

We cant blame you, since its got deep rooted into your blood and terrorism has became a state sponsored policy.

You are talking rubbish. Pakistan has done everything by the book. Any citizen who sees something untoward needs to report it to the Police or appropriate authorities not to foreign country. I hope this guy rots in jail

Even if he did the US bidding for money, he did not do anything wrong. Tracking a terrorist if is wrong morally and consitutionally then god help you all!

Do you not accept that a citizen is obliged to follow the laws of the land??
They should have invoked the world famous doctrine of necessity and pardoned the good guy who helped the entire humanity get rid of that mass murderer osama bin laden.

Treason, nothing more.

He's no hero, he tipped off a foreign intel agency, he new what the cost would be to Pakistan, all out of greed.
He knew damn well that Pakistan would be accused of harbouring terrorists, he knew that our airspace would be violated by US helicopters, he knew that foreign soldiers would conduct an operation on my beloved soil, he knew that drone strikes may be stepped up, aid may be cut etc etc.

He isn't a hero in any way shape or form.

Selling yourself and your country for a quick buck, all in the name of helping them find a washed up, irrelevant OBL.

Shame on him!
I think you will find that i am NOT quoting the Pakistani constitution nor sentiment. The source is the "online dictionary". ( treason - definition of treason by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia. )
He committed an act against his nation and its people - who he did it for is irrelevant.
By giving "aid" to our corrupt leaders doesn't give them a right to hire or bribe people to commit treason. It may sound silly to you but i believe if a person deceives the nation and its people - that is in anyone's context and logical reasoning known as treason and he must suffer the consequences.
technicality is fine, I agree but then how do we evolve if we are stuck with rules created by some people.. How do we find a balance, that guy helped kill a biug terrorist, he actually did a good thing for Pakistan atleast some would accept that there is a problem in Pakistan which has to be rooted out.. You guys are setting example in a wrong way..
He committed an act against his nation and its people -

His people ? His nation?

We are talking about OBL, not even Ilyas Kashmiri who could atleast be argued as your countryman.
This is unfortunate. Not like I had any high hopes of the Pakistani judciary; a judiciary which can hang its own PM on the directions of its Army can do anything. However, it still is sad to see such fate of a man who only helped make the world a safer place.

Oh get off your high horses. The means simply do not justify the ends.

If an Indian sees a terrorist in India would you expect him to go to Indian authorities or Chinese authorities??
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