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Pakistani doctor jailed for Treason - helping a foreign intelligence agency

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Pakistan really needs to act a lot mature than this.

Pakistan's big ego was hurt when US Navy Seals came into Pakistan and killed Bin Laden. Pakistanis believed that their military was totally supreme but they have finally realized how woefully inadequate it truly is. It needs to be heavily modernized as most of its weapon platforms are from the late 1970's and early 1980's.

So the Navy Seal raid came as a shock to the Pakistani populace and greatly damaged the stranglehold of the Military on Pakistani society.

Pakistan should have acted the way Argentina acted when Israel send its agents and kidnapped Eichmann in 1959. Disapproving of the methods but applauding the fact that a heinous monster has been dealt with.
You are talking rubbish. Pakistan has done everything by the book.
No it didn't. Under UNSCR 1373 Pakistan has the binding sovereign obligation to root out terrorists, terror leaders, terror havens, etc. That stuff is supposed to become part of your domestic laws. Interposing the State as an obstructive intermediary - which is what you are acceding to - is a violation of that.

The doctor, then, should never have been prosecuted. I look forward to the appeal - if he can get a good lawyer, that is.
If it was a US doctor giving information about a drug cartel leader to mexican authorities the US government would arrest him for treason as well its not what the doctor did that got him this sentence but HOW he did it if he had brought this information to the GOP and they acted on it he would be hailed as both a national and international hero (assuming they would even act on his info lol)
You are talking rubbish. Pakistan has done everything by the book. Any citizen who sees something untoward needs to report it to the Police or appropriate authorities not to foreign country. I hope this guy rots in jail
Which book are you referring to? made by some crazy people?

Do you not accept that a citizen is obliged to follow the laws of the land??
Technically he found out a terrorist and passed on the information to interested party.. yes maybe he went against the law but the whole circumstance was not to wage war on Pakistan but to get him killed(a terrorist killed).. the dudes sitting in power make laws, not the gods or the common people...

Oh get off your high horses. The means simply do not justify the ends.

If an Indian sees a terrorist in India would you expect him to go to Indian authorities or Chinese authorities??
whoever kills him first.. but if he was paid by Chinesse let them have the fun, anyways our govt is too slow to dole judgements.. read Kasab..
Why would the US entertain any such requests?

Heck, they so own Pakistan that if they really wanted, I mean REALLY wanted, they would have taken him anyways.

If that was the case how come the routes that Nato wants are still closed?? In fact if anyone is a proxy it is India. They put a bounty on that Saeed guy didn't manage to pick him up though did they?

Anyway you go sort your own problems. Each sentence you write reeks of anti Pakistani thoughts and treating the Americans as God
Treason, nothing more.

He's no hero, he tipped off a foreign intel agency, he new what the cost would be to Pakistan, all out of greed.
He knew damn well that Pakistan would be accused of harbouring terrorists, he knew that our airspace would be violated by US helicopters, he knew that foreign soldiers would conduct an operation on my beloved soil, he knew that drone strikes may be stepped up, aid may be cut etc etc.

He isn't a hero in any way shape or form.

Selling yourself and your country for a quick buck, all in the name of helping them find a washed up, irrelevant OBL.

Shame on him!

A Q Khan helped foreign rogue governments by selling national secrets, he knew pakistan will be isolated, he knew pakistan will be considered unsafe for nuclear cooperation, he knew pakistan will be denied technology, he knew pakistan will be considered a failed country, he knew pakistan will be accused of running a nuke wamart, yet he sold himself and his country for a quick buck.

He was pardoned (because of some other ''good deeds''), similarly getting rid of Osama was a good deed.. no?

Oh get off your high horses. The means simply do not justify the ends.

If an Indian sees a terrorist in India would you expect him to go to Indian authorities or Chinese authorities??

You mean if he's found living in a military town... not the military for sure... and if military is everywhere... then its a soup eh?
As per the constitution of Pakistan which I guess you have quoted, America is not your enemy, you are mixing up the popular sentiment and constitution.. that enemy of yours, gives aid and helped you in some wars. How silly all this sounds!

Israel is the closest ally that America has. Yet when Americans caught an American national spying for Israel they jailed him. Why do you Indians buy into this double standards
Well, in a corner of my heart, I'm happy for the doctor.

Had he brought the issue to the notice of Pakistani agencies, the same agencies who have a reputation for abducting people and killling them in custody and then dumping them from journalists to activists, I'm pretty sure he too would have ended up being a corpse somehwere on a road in Karachi or Sindh.

Now tt least he will live for the foreseeable future.
Suppose a Pakistani discovered OBL was in a large comfortable home in a military town, would he have believed that the authorities were not sheltering him? Didn't Pakistan declare OBL "dead" and cease looking for him years before?

What should any citizen of Pakistan have done under such circumstances? Under international law Pakistan has the obligation to root out such terrorists, but demonstrably refused to do so. Where would there have been to turn other than the Americans?

You go and work for the release of:

Jonathan Jay Pollard (born August 7, 1954, Galveston, Texas) worked as an American civilian intelligence analyst before being convicted of spying for Israel. He received a life sentence in 1987.

Israel granted Pollard citizenship in 1995, but denied until 1998 that they had bought classified information from him.[1] Israeli activist groups, as well as high-profile Israeli politicians, have lobbied for his release.[2] Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has voiced particularly strong support for Pollard, visiting the convicted spy in prison in 2002.[3][4] His case was later linked to that of Ben-ami Kadish, another U.S. national who pleaded guilty to charges of passing classified information to Israel in the same period.[5][6] He renounced his United States citizenship and is now solely an Israeli citizen. He would be deported to Israel if he were released from prison.[7]

Ok now get off Pakistans case Zionist
Israel is the closest ally that America has. Yet when Americans caught an American national spying for Israel they jailed him. Why do you Indians buy into this double standards
Who said I bought it.. that was spying not killing terrorist...

Also we are talking about the common sentiment, people feel that he is a traitor not what the consitution said.. again do not mix up the law and sentiment.. I am more interested when you guys call him a traitor when he actually helped a terrorist getting killed..
Oh get off your high horses. The means simply do not justify the ends.

If an Indian sees a terrorist in India would you expect him to go to Indian authorities or Chinese authorities??

There's a sea of a difference between Indian authorities and Pakistani authorities.

It's not without any reason that they say "All other countries have an Army, Pakistani Army has a country."

There's no comparison.
Who said I bought it.. that was spying not killing terrorist...

Also we are talking about the common sentiment, people feel that he is a traitor not what the consitution said.. again do not mix up the law and sentiment.. I am more interested when you guys call him a traitor when he actually helped a terrorist getting killed..

Both are criminals and the penal code applies to them.

Some of you lot have insufficient education and intellect to have meaningful discussions so I am off to have a coffee and cigar and wait until I have someone reasonable to hold discussion and or debate with.

There's a sea of a difference between Indian authorities and Pakistani authorities.

It's not without any reason that they say "All other countries have an Army, Pakistani Army has a country."

There's no comparison.

Stop making sweeping simple statements which in any event are untrue
in light of the preponderance of evidence, including the defendant's own admissions (some of which have been used against him in the Court) - the judgement is sound

Pakistan has made it clear that nobody can circumvent the local authorities and work (without informing the aforementioned) for a foreign intelligence organization...Afridi and his handlers did a huge dis-service to Pakistan, compromised the country's security and also gave a bad name to ''doctors'' in general who swore a duty to promote health and good medical practices (not running fake polio vaccines and betraying people's trust)

as polls show, majority of the nation wanted Afridi to be sanctioned for his wrong-doing

I don't think a green card and a free ticket to USA would be of much value when you are sentenced to 33 years in prison. Sucks to be him, i guess.

One more thing Pakistan should make clear:

any other country would have done the same....has nothing to do with ''complicity'' or ''sheltering most wanted dead or alive man''
I think he should be hanged for putting the polio drive at risk. Because of him people will seriously doubt the intentions of those who want to give polio drops to children and will think its US attempt to make Muslims infertile.

He also deserves heavy punishment for dishonouring Pakistan and not warning Pakistan so our military could take action. Instead he dishonored the country and put its name in muck.
in light of the preponderance of evidence, including the defendant's own admissions (some of which have been used against him in the Court) - the judgement is sound

Pakistan has made it clear that nobody can circumvent the local authorities and work (without informing the aforementioned) for a foreign intelligence organization...Afridi and his handlers did a huge dis-service to Pakistan, compromised the country's security and also gave a bad name to ''doctors'' in general who swore a duty to promote health and good medical practices (not running fake polio vaccines and betraying people's trust)

as polls show, majority of the nation wanted Afridi to be sanctioned for his wrong-doing

I don't think a green card and a free ticket to USA would be of much value when you are sentenced to 33 years in prison. Sucks to be him, i guess.

One more thing Pakistan should make clear:

any other country would have done the same....has nothing to do with ''complicity'' or ''sheltering most wanted dead or alive man''
Its not sad for me that the consitution found him guilty, I find that he actually did a service to your country but is not recognised.. true that!
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